Many parents argue about schools teaching evolution. Creationalists do not support or believe in the theory of evolution. It goes against their beliefs. They do not believe it should be taught because it apposes many peoples' beliefs. Do you think that it should be taught?
Notes: Lets try not point out certain religions. I am saying creationalists for a reason.
My teachers all said evolution is bad, because i go to a private catholic schools. Therefore, I cannot relate to you commoners. I'm done with this topic.
And that is the problem. You go to a private school, where anyone can be teacher and say whatever they want. I have more than enough scientific formation to be a biology teacher. Take it from me, evolution is at least as real as anything else you learn in science school. If you don't believe in it, you have no reason to believe in physics or chemistry as well.
When it comes to how we were created, then evolution is not even a question for me.
Evolution has nothing to do with the start of life. Only the development of it. Though I'm sensing here you mean humans *poof* onto earth 6000 years ago.
If you accept evolution but are a creationist, that means you subscribe to the deceptive God argument? He made everything to trick us into not believing in him? All the evidence we have points to 13.77 billion year old universe, 4.5 billion year old earth, and hundreds of millions year old fossils.
No, I mean God made them. Evolution says 'oof' the earth came, perfectly formed globe, from an explosion. Catholicism says 'oof' a supreme being created it in perfect form.
Evolution says 'oof' the earth came, perfectly formed globe, from an explosion.
Start of the universe: explained by the big bang theory.
Formation of planets: astrophysics in relation to the big bang.
How did life start: explained by the theory of abiogenesis.
How does life behave/evolve: explained by the theory of evolution.
The theory of evolution takes the existence of life as granted. The theory of evolution is only about how life behaves once it exists. It has nothing to do with its origins.
The theory of abiogenesis tries to explain how organic life started from anorganic molecules. This is another matter altogether.
Agree now that, if not abiogenesis, at least evolution should be taught?
I mean where in your sentence did you mean science? With your statement makes absolutely no sense..lest you are saying that you either meant to place it somewhere in a sentence or a sentence should have science instead of another word.
I know what you mean, although that is not really an answer to any previous post. So here we are again with the deceitful god argument. Science is describing the world, based on observed facts; the theory of evolution is only so called because it is a theory trying to explain the evolution we do observe. The theory of gravity is only so called because it tries to explain the gravity we do observe. Medicaments can only be found thanks to chemistry, biology, and usually also processes involving evolution (bacterial resistances etc..).
So basically, everything just looks like what science describes. So god is actually a really mean trickster and a decceiver. Wait, don't you people normally say that Satan put fossils there to deceive us? Now it turns out it was god. A Hurra for consistency!