giving out scientific "facts" aren't evidence to me.
only because you are not willing to think about the evidence given to you.
this is not our problem. it is your problem your that close minded.
and i hope for you that one day you are becoming willing to read and think about it. and not just discard it befor you have even taken a little peak in it.
and build up at least a basic understanding of what science is.
I can't prove God,
you can't prove god. then why do you want us to believe in it?
i can't prove the ninja turtles. but since they have been on tv. they must exist...... why dont you buy my story of ninja turtles existing? because i have no proof for it.
the same go's whit god. for us he is nothing more then a man made character to explain things people had no understanding of. (god did it.) but we do know the answers to most of those questions these days. and they dont point at magic from the sky.
I was born with faith, so I don't have to see.
dont you think the world will be a more beautiful place when you can see it whit your eye's open? do you really want to be blind?
If you don't have that faith, then you would only believe by being shown a miracle of some sort, am I right?
miracles dont happen so, no. when i c a "miracle" i know it's some trickery.
only when someone can prove it is really a miracle (shouldn't be that hard to prove for a omnipotent god) and no trickery. i start believing in some sort of higher power.
you can make me believe in anything. as long you come up whit proper evidence. (dont believe on 1st sight, use logic, check out sources, etc.)
I was born with faith, so I don't have to see.
We, as humans, need to see to believe.
so your not human? or something above human? you feel that way?
and yes, we need to see to believe. why dont you need to see?
the faith? is that what makes you possible to walk life blindly? is so, then thats all fine by me. but plz. know that you will be wrong very often.
you dont see after all. you walk blind on faith.