ForumsForum GamesBronze Labrynth [RPG]

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536 posts

First and foremost, No swearing or anything inappropriate, Really, its not much to ask.

Bronze Labyrinth

Your are a robot, epicene (genderless) in most cases, vaguely humanoid, large dextrous hands and feet with rubber grip, smooth bronze skin with small gaps at joints revealing a black clockwork like interior, riddled with wires. You have blue lights representing eyes, your actual vision comes from a small black camera on your forehead. You have a small slit for a mouth which can speak in a basic CPU Language.
You are not water-proof, you must sleep an hour every once in a while for self repair on small things inside your body such as artificial metal muscles and internal leaks of Pnuema (your life-blood)

You are a puzzle bot, designed following regulations to enter the competition.
'Bronze Labyrinth' the first robot to reach the end of the trapped maze wins its owner millions of dollars and fame as a technician. But all you are aware of is that you must finish the labyrinth. Your life will be complete if you do. Friendships, Alliances may be made, but when you and they stands at the exit gate, it is free-for-all.

Name : (E.G. Cognizant1, Primus, Septimus, Torren)
Styling : Do you have fake hair? A different eye color? Perhaps you are embellished with a strange alphabet you cannot read (English, Japanese, Etc), painted, Are your proportionally different? (Appearing more male of female)
Ability1 : Faster repair (30 minute sleep), Water Proof, Hand Contact-Tazer (effects traps and other competitors), Extra pair of arms, Enhanced Speed (Jumping, dodging, etc)
Ability2 : Key-Type-1, Key-Type-2, Water-Proof, Trap-Awareness (it only makes sense when it happens), Metal-Metabolism (Eat broken trap fragments and metal units to heal.)
HP ; 100/100
Inflictions : Recently-Rebooted (Wares off eventually, disables some powers)

  • 368 Replies
536 posts

Name : 6lad B0y
Styling : New and shiny. You could say I'm a bit of a youngster robot.
Ability1 :Extra pair of arms,
Ability2 : Metal-Metabolism
HP ; 50/100
Inflictions : Temporarily enhanced healing
Metal bits : 6
Invent : Type-1 Key, Type-2 Key, Third end key, 1 Dead L0-mundr, Neo-Trident, L0-Mundr bane, Left Serpent-Fangsaw (chainsaw) (bit totaling...)

"I suppose I could water-proof three or four bots with this, 90 metal bits each though." The robot said as if reading your AI.

Name : Eazilrym
Styling : Kinda dented in places, also rusty.
Ability1 : Hand Contact-Tazer
Ability2 : Metal-Metabolism
HP ; 82/100
Inflictions : +5/10 Insta-Repair
Invent : 11 darts, bronze dart shuttler

There is a whimpering, and the beast shudders of you convulsing on the ground beside you, but already recoverying. You are among the first robots to feel the thrill of battle.

536 posts

(Your next Gladboy/Zelda, If your battle with Trax had been a while later you would already be consider among that number, plus, I think, the puzzle-bots learning AI gains emotions far faster in the presence of actual living lifeforms, That said, I just decided something interesting.And am considering another, this concept I will propose since It will shape the maze somewhat, I ask Eazilrym also, if the puzzle-bots are becoming sentient, should the maze's automation itself become sentient? and, Malevolent, being programmed to destroy anyone trying to finish the maze, thought, at the moment, following rules, such as not releasing every 'monster'-bot in that in that arena, and not giving the L0-mundr swarms access to the mazes Puzzle-Bot tracking system. I'd say its a vote for all the current participants. That is just two... )

Name : 6lad B0y
Styling : New and shiny. You could say I'm a bit of a youngster robot.
Ability1 :Extra pair of arms,
Ability2 : Metal-Metabolism
HP ; 50/100
Inflictions : Temporarily enhanced healing
Metal bits : 27
Invent : Type-1 Key, Type-2 Key, Third end key, 1 Dead L0-mundr, Neo-Trident, L0-Mundr bane, Left Serpent-Fangsaw (chainsaw) (bit totaling...)

"Draw!?" The shop keeper says, voice briefly...human. "How do you?" The shop keeper paused, then, went and fetched a note pad and black tipped piece of mostly red painted wood. "Be careful." The shop keeper said in wonderment.

536 posts

(Okay, Ill go try get a cropped copy of my map, It's not quite to scale. Will have to edit.

Must say I'm surprised by your offer to get other players, must Say I'm tempted to take you up on that offer, Though I'm wondering If I could handle an RPG with more players.)

1,146 posts

Name : Eazilrym
Styling : Kinda dented in places, also rusty.
Ability1 : Hand Contact-Tazer
Ability2 : Metal-Metabolism
HP ; 82/100
Inflictions : +5/10 Insta-Repair
Invent : 11 darts, bronze dart shuttler

I'd consider shooting the beast again but I have doubts
on the effectiveness of these darts.
How large are they, could I use one as a small knife?

536 posts


536 posts



960 posts

Name: JE-42
Styling: Imagine R2-D2 but the white parts are green.
Ability 1: Water Proof
Ability 2: Key-Type-1
HP; 100/100
Inflictions : Recently-Rebooted

536 posts

Name : Eazilrym
Styling : Kinda dented in places, also rusty.
Ability1 : Hand Contact-Tazer
Ability2 : Metal-Metabolism
HP ; 82/100
Inflictions : +5/10 Insta-Repair
Invent : 11 darts, bronze dart shuttler

The bolts are about the size of needles, thought thicker and made from acutus alloy, Fletch with 2 small plastic fins. The tip is sightly rifled. Could small-gun-calibre damage if forced in with every so slightly inhuman strength.

(I have to note Chess, that the Puzzle-Bot characters you can play as are all humanoids, perhaps you Je-42 could have something different from the usual blue eyes, the head resembling R2, but otherwise, I could not accept this bio without greatly changing the RP. In short, all played puzzle-bots have to be human.)

Name : 6lad B0y
Styling : New and shiny. You could say I'm a bit of a youngster robot.
Ability1 :Extra pair of arms,
Ability2 : Metal-Metabolism
HP ; 50/100
Inflictions : Temporarily enhanced healing
Metal bits : 27
Invent : Type-1 Key, Type-2 Key, Third end key, 1 Dead L0-mundr, Neo-Trident, L0-Mundr bane, Left Serpent-Fangsaw (chainsaw) (bit totaling...)

(Some code, not entirely sure actually hehe.)

The shop keeper nods its head, then realizing you aren't likely programmed to understand says 'yes' quietly. Iris gives the shop keeper a strange look, then catching your attention she/he/it does some minute hand gesture which somehow comes across as meaning 'weirdo' referring to the shop keeper. He (the shopkeeper) opened a cupboard and absentmindedly began polishing the wall beside a inactive puzzle-bot hanging there. His eyes straying from you. You hear a crashing sound from inside the tank and hear muttering of 'coffee' and a few profanities.

960 posts

Name: JE-42
Styling: A human shaped robot that looks more male like. However its metal is blue with green circuit lines running over it. His eyes are also blue.
Ability 1: Water Proof
Ability 2: Key-Type-1
HP; 100/100
Inflections : Recently-Rebooted

I understand is this new description better?

536 posts

Name : 6lad B0y
Styling : New and shiny. You could say I'm a bit of a youngster robot.
Ability1 :Extra pair of arms,
Ability2 : Metal-Metabolism
HP ; 50/100
Inflictions : Temporarily enhanced healing
Metal bits : 27
Invent : Type-1 Key, Type-2 Key, Third end key, 1 Dead L0-mundr, Neo-Trident, L0-Mundr bane, Left Serpent-Fangsaw (chainsaw) (bit totaling...)

(no comment...)

"If your calling a truce, what kind? I don't intend to be stuck with another Trax." Iris replied.

Name: JE-42
Styling: A human shaped robot that looks more male like. However its metal is blue with green circuit lines running over it. His eyes are also blue.
Ability 1: Water Proof
Ability 2: Key-Type-1
HP; 100/100
Inflections : Recently-Rebooted

Your vision, black begins to fill with green wires, a shining light green sphere forms in the center of your vision block, words shift in from the corner and orbit the sphere. your brand name is simply COG. The sphere explodes in yellow green fire and lightning, Inside is a green Pnuema-Diagnostics telling you that you are at 100% capacity, but that you have recently rebooted.

536 posts

You find yourself in a mostly empty room, an open cupboard is before you, to the right of it a locked shut door, the left a door closed, with a small puddle of water near it, and, behind you to the right a door blocked open by the crumpled body of a robot that flickers in and out of visibility, as it inconstantly airs an invisibility virus. (basically its invisibility it flickering.)

536 posts

(supposedly, it would be interesting for a robot forming persona to want to change themselves (even discard old appearance, scouring of paint if desperate), it doesn't ahve to be coincidence, but, only you and Eazilrym can do it atm, being the only people who have been on very long.)

536 posts

Name : 6lad B0y
Styling : New and shiny. You could say I'm a bit of a youngster robot.
Ability1 :Extra pair of arms,
Ability2 : Metal-Metabolism
HP ; 50/100
Inflictions : Temporarily enhanced healing
Metal bits : 27
Invent : Type-1 Key, Type-2 Key, Third end key, 1 Dead L0-mundr, Neo-Trident, L0-Mundr bane, Left Serpent-Fangsaw (chainsaw) (bit totaling...)

"Wait, sleeping without an ally?" Iris said, then, taking the concern out of its voice, it continued. "I, haven't been there yet anyway..." Iris stands in the hall undecided on following you or not.
You pass by the body of 3V1l in the hall, a dozen bullet holes in his body.
Had you just started the maze you would have stepped on and over it, or even eaten it without a second thought. In this instance though you concerned, the first robot to realise indirectly a corpse means danger without having been programmed such a thing.
You feel your AI lagging briefly as you are piqued by an unfamiliar sense.
Loss, of a possible ally, or...something more, with an edge of revulsion at the sight of...destruction. You briefly consider as if you have yourself been destroyed.
Then there is another sensation. You feel as if someone has crushed your coding so tightly together into a small dot representing everything previously scripted, but with an uncanny amount of potention.

536 posts

(posted in bracket before that above bit ^)

1,146 posts

Name : Eazilrym
Styling : Kinda dented in places, also rusty.
Ability1 : Hand Contact-Tazer
Ability2 : Metal-Metabolism
HP ; 82/100
Inflictions : +5/10 Insta-Repair
Invent : 11 darts, bronze dart shuttler

If it the creature is still alive I start trying to club it with the stock of my dart-shuttler.

Showing 151-165 of 368