ForumsForum GamesBronze Labrynth [RPG]

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536 posts

First and foremost, No swearing or anything inappropriate, Really, its not much to ask.

Bronze Labyrinth

Your are a robot, epicene (genderless) in most cases, vaguely humanoid, large dextrous hands and feet with rubber grip, smooth bronze skin with small gaps at joints revealing a black clockwork like interior, riddled with wires. You have blue lights representing eyes, your actual vision comes from a small black camera on your forehead. You have a small slit for a mouth which can speak in a basic CPU Language.
You are not water-proof, you must sleep an hour every once in a while for self repair on small things inside your body such as artificial metal muscles and internal leaks of Pnuema (your life-blood)

You are a puzzle bot, designed following regulations to enter the competition.
'Bronze Labyrinth' the first robot to reach the end of the trapped maze wins its owner millions of dollars and fame as a technician. But all you are aware of is that you must finish the labyrinth. Your life will be complete if you do. Friendships, Alliances may be made, but when you and they stands at the exit gate, it is free-for-all.

Name : (E.G. Cognizant1, Primus, Septimus, Torren)
Styling : Do you have fake hair? A different eye color? Perhaps you are embellished with a strange alphabet you cannot read (English, Japanese, Etc), painted, Are your proportionally different? (Appearing more male of female)
Ability1 : Faster repair (30 minute sleep), Water Proof, Hand Contact-Tazer (effects traps and other competitors), Extra pair of arms, Enhanced Speed (Jumping, dodging, etc)
Ability2 : Key-Type-1, Key-Type-2, Water-Proof, Trap-Awareness (it only makes sense when it happens), Metal-Metabolism (Eat broken trap fragments and metal units to heal.)
HP ; 100/100
Inflictions : Recently-Rebooted (Wares off eventually, disables some powers)

  • 368 Replies
536 posts

Name : 6lad B0y
Styling : A shiny robot with four arms and a wound on the right side of his torso.
Ability1 :Extra pair of arms,
Ability2 : Metal-Metabolism
HP ; 72/100
Inflictions : one left Broken hand
Metal bits : 27
Invent : Type-1 Key, Type-2 Key, Third end key, 1 Dead L0-mundr, Neo-Trident, L0-Mundr bane, Left Serpent-Fangsaw (chainsaw)

(I think robots with sufficient autonomy would be better at co-operation than humans, Puzzle-bots I gain such comradeship they might consider an entire team of other robots as extensions of there own designed. Although Iris just thinks your a formidable ally...)

"I suppose I should send this thing back into the maze elsewhere, I'm not allowed to interfere...much." Said max, mostly to himself, as he, quickly returned to the silver tank/bot/suit, and pressing a button opened several shafts that seemed to lead into short-cuts in the maze. Although your programming seemed to defeat any intentions, it, being part of your program before you gain sentience, far harder to ignore, it being as sentient as the rest of you.
Iris follows you without saying anything, slightly shaken. You stop in the path, then, suddenly, with several clanging sounds from your inside, spit out the third end key, it now devoid of paint, appears to be made from a strange silvery substance that seems somehow, just slightly, not in-incapacitatingly, mesmerizing.

Name : Eazilrym
Styling : Kinda dented in places, also rusty.
Ability1 : Hand Contact-Tazer
Ability2 : Metal-Metabolism
HP ; 51/100
Inflictions :
Invent : 5 darts, bronze dart shutter

I can't move you to any location you havn't been with the command for 'safe', since there are places far safer than any you have been in, But, in the door , in the doorway between the molten metal place and the hall. You eat one dart, then another experimentally, each seems to increase your capacity percent by about 5. The robot that ignored you suddenly appears again from behind you, several scratches on its body, Its holding a mall baton which seems to be spraying a clear pheromone, plant kill, you determine with your 'sense of smell'.

1,146 posts

Name : Eazilrym
Styling : Kinda dented in places, also rusty.
Ability1 : Hand Contact-Tazer
Ability2 : Metal-Metabolism
HP ; 51/100
Inflictions :
Invent : 5 darts, bronze dart shutter

After giving my customary greeting of "Good mourning,"
I'll move back from the other robot eying it skeptically.

536 posts

Name : 6lad B0y
Styling : A shiny robot with four arms, a wound on the right side of his torso and a broken hand.
Ability1 :Extra pair of arms,
Ability2 : Metal-Metabolism
HP ; 72/100
Inflictions : one left 'sprained' wrist (has healed abit)
Metal bits : 27
Invent : Type-1 Key, Type-2 Key, Third end key, 1 Dead L0-mundr, Neo-Trident, L0-Mundr bane, Left Serpent-Fangsaw (chainsaw),Notepad

Iris nods uneasily, checks its own arm-storage. She/He brought out what looked like some kind of Motion Sensor, you examined its script easily (previously impossible, you can even activate the Tridents acid-burst from distance.)

536 posts

Name : 6lad B0y
Styling : A shiny robot with four arms, a wound on the right side of his torso and a sprained hand.
Ability1 :Extra pair of arms,
Ability2 : Metal-Metabolism
HP ; 72/100
Inflictions : one left 'sprained' wrist (has healed abit)
Metal bits : 27
Invent : Type-1 Key, Type-2 Key, Third end key, 1 Dead L0-mundr, Neo-Trident, L0-Mundr bane, Left Serpent-Fangsaw (chainsaw),Notepad

(Sorry about that, I'd intended to write much more... time -.-)

You enter the room with the portcullis (pressing the red button to open it.)
The room seems mostly unchanged, although...the ground is covered in scratched and small hoof like dents. "This can automatically awake us from sleep if danger approaches." Iris says.

536 posts

Name : 6lad B0y
Styling : A shiny robot with four arms, a wound on the right side of his torso and a sprained hand.
Ability1 :Extra pair of arms,
Ability2 : Metal-Metabolism
HP ; 75/100
Inflictions : one left 'sprained' wrist
Metal bits : 27
Invent : Type-1 Key, Type-2 Key, Third end key, 1 Dead L0-mundr, Neo-Trident, L0-Mundr bane, Left Serpent-Fangsaw (chainsaw),Notepad

Your vision block darkens, you feel a faint apprehensions, some...primal fear as if you shied from the darkness. But your programming trumps and you fall into recovering stillness.

I suppose I can heal you back up to 100% next I post, unless perhaps, you want to be the first Puzzle-Bot to, by some unknown way, dream. Perhaps, you could have your consciousness browse the humans 'Internet', also, you may expect a world different from ours. If you do want to dream you may act as if your consciousness is on the search page of a search engine called 'Shiruba Jun' With the symbol of some grey, pointed eared creature, the image name of seems to be Gerai68734.Png, some sort of mythological creature.

Name : Eazilrym
Styling : Kinda dented in places, also rusty.
Ability1 : Hand Contact-Tazer
Ability2 : Metal-Metabolism
HP ; 51/100
Inflictions :
Invent : 5 darts, bronze dart shutter

The other robot stares at you wondering if you are glitched. With its sentience is actually quickly makes a connection between the two similar sounding words, rather than just , after a while trying variants of the sentence. "I know not why you assume it is morning, It is actually very late, if you were to hack into the world time interface." The robot said. "My ID is Selvstan." It said, distrustfully.

1,146 posts

Name : Eazilrym
Styling : Kinda dented in places, also rusty.
Ability1 : Hand Contact-Tazer
Ability2 : Metal-Metabolism
HP ; 51/100
Inflictions :
Invent : 5 darts, bronze dart shutter

Shaking plant-slime off the dart shuttler I reply:
"Hello Selves-s-s-s-tan, seen any dead people?"

536 posts

Name : Eazilrym
Styling : Kinda dented in places, also rusty.
Ability1 : Hand Contact-Tazer
Ability2 : Metal-Metabolism
HP ; 51/100
Inflictions :
Invent : 5 darts, bronze dart shutter

"Not yet." The robot said, easily straight faced. "Do you have anything to trade?" The robot asked, apparently it knew not of the shop nearby.
You then hear a clanking sound and what appears to be a Puzzle-Bot the that has replaced its armor with scrap metal, including several deactivated L0-mundr. "Center Ho!" The robot screamed, running between both of you into the room with the molten pool. From the continued stepping sounds, he didn't fall in.

Name : 6lad B0y
Styling : A shiny robot with four arms, a wound on the right side of his torso and a sprained hand.
Ability1 :Extra pair of arms,
Ability2 : Metal-Metabolism
HP ; 75/100
Inflictions : one left 'sprained' wrist
Metal bits : 27
Invent : Type-1 Key, Type-2 Key, Third end key, 1 Dead L0-mundr, Neo-Trident, L0-Mundr bane, Left Serpent-Fangsaw (chainsaw),Notepad

You feel a tug on your scripting as you enter the words, you briefly fell lost in a powerful network, making up for non-sentience with scale. Then everything reassembles and you face a list of websites.

Also, now is the time to ask I suppose, how do you feel about non-sentient beings?

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You briefly get an Add, but close it instinctively.

- Adding more, shortly, hopefully.

536 posts

Advancements in Technicae - Silvered MAZE laboratories
Apr 37, 3048 â" Thirteen emerging technologiesâ"including the mobile Internet, autonomous vehicles, Bots, and advanced genomicsâ"have the potential to truly reshape the world in ...

Praesidium Advances
The resources found here will help you understand how technology influences human existence by examining the benefits and risks of different biotechnological ...

Technology - Brassrepedia, the free encyclopedia
Technological advancements which have shown a substantial growth concerned with each and every field of humanity ...

- To save some writing I took excerpts from actual google searches, just note... but any clicked links i will give more info on myself. -

1,146 posts

Name : Eazilrym
Styling : Kinda dented in places, also rusty.
Ability1 : Hand Contact-Tazer
Ability2 : Metal-Metabolism
HP ; 51/100
Inflictions :
Invent : 5 darts, bronze dart shutter

Ignoring the other puzzle-bot I'll go to the shop area.

536 posts

Name : 6lad B0y
Styling : A shiny robot with four arms, a wound on the right side of his torso and a sprained hand.
Ability1 :Extra pair of arms,
Ability2 : Metal-Metabolism
HP ; 75/100
Inflictions : one left 'sprained' wrist
Metal bits : 27
Invent : Type-1 Key, Type-2 Key, Third end key, 1 Dead L0-mundr, Neo-Trident, L0-Mundr bane, Left Serpent-Fangsaw (chainsaw),Notepad

(That question wasn't well presented, what I meant was, would destroying non-sentient enemies be still rather disconcerting?)

You enter the webpage, and the most popular but not necessarily most recent articles present themselves.

Immortal Clone - Biological Miracle
Mathkr Erozuki (CEO of Silvered MAZE) shakes hands with President Cole before an audience, standing in front of them is the first Clone ever made with greater strengths and intelligence than the original life form. Named ZEB, this man was born ages twenty in a Prio-Incubator. It has been discovered already that the clone's immune system is faster acting and than that of any organic lifeform on Daichi Terra (Earth). more on page 17...

Daichi Terra 99.9% free of Traffic and Road related Casualties
After the release of 'Keiro-Sha' an autonomous, highly armored, emission free car, within the price range of any Class 1.2 worker, and available in fief.
Price & Store Locator here...

Project Bronze Labyrinth is a go!
600 contestants entered there Puzzle-Bots in the billion Dachir contest today, Live footage can be accessed at PhotonIcore.Core, Companies Icarus Inc, Minos co and Palas Enterprizes all sponsor. More on page 52...

Icarus INC. CEO Leo Quill enters Daichi Chancery intending to end Bronze Labyrinth Comp and a give Puzzle-Bots Human rights, Puzzle-Bots in the Labyrinth seem to have gained some sort of consciousness...

1,146 posts

Name : Eazilrym
Styling : Kinda dented in places, also rusty.
Ability1 : Hand Contact-Tazer
Ability2 : Metal-Metabolism
HP ; 51/100
Inflictions :
Invent : 5 darts, bronze dart shutter

Ignoring the other puzzle-bot I'll go to the shop area.

536 posts

((I apologize for my absence, I believe this had happened before, ran out of internet credit.))

Name : 6lad B0y
Styling : A shiny robot with four arms, a wound on the right side of his torso and a sprained hand.
Ability1 :Extra pair of arms,
Ability2 : Metal-Metabolism
HP ; 75/100
Inflictions : one left 'sprained' wrist
Metal bits : 27
Invent : Type-1 Key, Type-2 Key, Third end key, 1 Dead L0-mundr, Neo-Trident, L0-Mundr bane, Left Serpent-Fangsaw (chainsaw),Notepad

You click on the Bronze Labyrinth page and get an auto-play clip, It starts with a white screen, the words 'Bronze Labyrinth' soar across the screen, shining, you get the vague impression of a maze behind it.

You see hundreds of Puzzle-Bot models flash before your eyes,

this is a list of files to choose from
Puzzle-Bot moderations (standard and private-design)

Name : Eazilrym
Styling : Kinda dented in places, also rusty.
Ability1 : Hand Contact-Tazer
Ability2 : Metal-Metabolism
HP ; 51/100
Inflictions :
Invent : 5 darts, bronze dart shutter

You enter the shop without event, although, the shop-keeper is missing.

536 posts

(note I can only give you some map access, partly because little has been mapped detailed, and it could be too advantageous)

1,146 posts

Name : Eazilrym
Styling : Kinda dented in places, also rusty.
Ability1 : Hand Contact-Tazer
Ability2 : Metal-Metabolism
HP ; 51/100
Inflictions :
Invent : 5 darts, bronze dart shutter

I'll search the shop for any thing I could use, also look for clues to what happened here.

536 posts

(replace the word 'maps' with 'locations' if you will Zelda.)

Showing 181-195 of 368