The year is 2021, in less than a week, 60% of Earth's population has been killed and turned into zombies. As the days started gangs took most of the supplies leaving very little for scavengers.
Jobs Soldier- gets either M16 (20/40), MRE x 8, Canteen (90%), and M9 (8/16). Or M4A1 (30/90), MRE x 10, Canteen (80%), K-bar. Skills gained- Firearms building (3), Accuracy (10), Survival (3)
Chef- gets Butcher Knife, Chickens x 2, Water package (24/24) Skills gained- Cooking (11), Knife work (4), fire building (1),
Gangster- Glock (10/30), 4" Knife, chicken wings x 12, water bottles x12, 20$ bills x 200. Skills gained-drug making (4), Accuracy (2), robbing (4), fire arms building (2), survival (4).
Doctor- Syringe, Bandages x 20, morphine containers x 5, water bottles x 2. Skills gained- Medicine (12), surgeon (4)
Engineer-Wrench, oil container 12 oz (80%), gas container 3 Gal (66%), and a 3" pocket knife. Skills gained- Builder (5),auto mobiles (8), precision (3)
"Sergeant?" *dizziness and blurred vision as I open and close my eyes* "Sergeant!? Specialist!? where are you guy's?" * vision comes back to normal* Looks through tank mounted cameras.
"I'm all alone, there all dead I know it" *Sigh* " It's just me now" *Listens for sounds outside the tank* " I don't hear anything " *Slowly but cautiously I open the top hatch of the tank"
Name: Stalker Health: 100/100 Job: Soldier Stamina: 100/100 Thirst: 100/100 Hunger: 100/100 Skills: Firearms building (3), Accuracy (10), Survival (3) Weapons:M4A1 (30/90),M9 (8/16) K-bar Inventory: Gear: MRE x 10, Canteen (90%) Firearms building (3), Accuracy (10), Survival (3) Question then, If I cannot make my own decision then how could you make the effect of my choice? I thought it was to make decisions and see where they get you in the game based off of what the other person says would have happened? Wrong choice, could end in death?
Anyways Ill make this next decision since I don't know. *Pull's out the M9 Handgun (8/16) and aims for center mass of the figure* ( in hopes that if it is in fact an infected the shot will cause it to stagger and fall off the tank.) *shouts at the figure* "Hello!?"
"I'm all alone, there all dead I know it" *Sigh* " It's just me now" *Listens for sounds outside the tank* " I don't hear anything " *Slowly but cautiously I open the top hatch of the tank"
*Pulls own M9 back to center of chest and checks to both his left and right sides* "what are you doing here, wheres my platoon?" *Puts handgun into holster but puts one hand on sheath of the kabar* "Here help me out of here I think I hurt my back a little" * Holds out hand for police officer *
The police officer chuckles and responds the military left this city two days ago, your whats left in this city. He pulls you out of tank. he starts going on about how bandits and gangs have taken over when a person cries for help as he runs around the corner clutching his arm as blood flows out, right when the officer goes to ask him what a horde of 20 zombies comes out fast walking after him
"You cover the rear of the tank just to make sure none sneak up on us, I'll grab the" *looks over to inspect the weapon and everything appears to be okay* "Run over here!" I yell to the other survivor. *Checks for ammo for the weapon* (your choice if its there or not lol)
(Sorry now I understand, not very good at this) You know what I believe the guy has either been bitten or is extremely hurt. Not worth my time. I hope off of the tank and begin searching some nearby Humvee's and mutilated body's of fallen comrades.