ForumsWEPRWhy Would Anyone (in the right mind) Worship Satan?

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Pretty much self-explanitory.
Why? I am a Catholic, and here are a couple things. Why would you worship Satan, and end up burning in hell, when you could worship the Lord, Jesus Christ and end up in the Paradise garden?
Why? I don't understand any philosophy in it.
A couple more things: Sigil of Baphomet, they worship demons and heinous figures. Huh, to discover the "true self" or something?
Also, I am not a nut, entertainers actually do sell themselves to make it big, like here, in an interview with lead *****cat Dolls Singer, Nicole Sherzinger, courtesy of the Vigilant Citizen.
Don't be stuck in blind world!
Learn, and don't let them trick you too!

  • 362 Replies
9,439 posts

The bible states rather clearly that God told Adam and Eve not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil.

If He didn't want them to be tempted, why did He make the tree, and why did he put it in the center of the garden? If He's all-knowing, then He would've known that the talking snake would tempt them, yet He did nothing to prevent it.

You would prefer worshiping the guy who has been trying to destroy humanity?

Which one said "I will make my arrows drunk with blood, while my sword devours flesh: the blood of the slain and the captives, the heads of the enemy leaders"? Which one takes credit for wounding and killing? [Deuteronomy 32:39-42]

God created heaven and Earth

*and hell, and the criteria by which souls are judged.

angle of light

Acute or obtuse? Couldn't resist.
5,552 posts

The bible states rather clearly that God told Adam and Eve not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil. God created man not to know the what being good or evil meant, that was reserved for God only

Exactly. Even though they were told not to eat from the tree, they would have had no concept of lying. Satan getting into the garden and telling Eve it was okay to eat the apple was literally letting the fox into the chicken coop.

And as EmperorPalpatine said, why did he make the tree at all, if he didn't want them to eat from it?

Satan is AKA the Devil... You would prefer worshiping the guy who has been trying to destroy humanity? You would prefer the guy who is trying kill you rather then the guy that's trying to save you? That I just don't understand. Apparently you know less about the bible then I do.

In the Bible...Satan actually doesn't do very many bad things at all. God does far worse stuff, hundreds of times more. Look up at the charts. 2 million deaths vs 10.

Let's take a closer look at that theory real quick. In the bible,

Here's where you need to stop. The Bible is supposedly God's word. This is like taking Hitler's speeches and using those to say Jews are evil. Yet, taking a look at the actions, it's clear that the Jews were the victims. God is the supreme evil dictator in this case.

He has one purpose, and that is to kill and to steal and destroy.

He was created by God, if you don't recall. What's that tell you?
3,152 posts

If He didn't want them to be tempted, why did He make the tree, and why did he put it in the center of the garden?

I'm no theologian, nor am I God, so I can't answer that question. I have no idea why God put the tree in the center of the garden.

Which one said "I will make my arrows drunk with blood, while my sword devours flesh: the blood of the slain and the captives, the heads of the enemy leaders"? Which one takes credit for wounding and killing?

Did you happen to read the chapter in its entirety? I believe that particular passage is referring to Gods vengeance on his enemies.

*and hell, and the criteria by which souls are judged.

Correct. God created all that stuff. (You really don't expect me to list everything do you?)

Acute or obtuse? Couldn't resist.

Nice. I love leaving typos lol. (*Angel)

Even though they were told not to eat from the tree, they would have had no concept of lying.

No concept of lying until after they ate the fruit. God told them not to eat the fruit of the tree or else they would die (thanks to their sin, we all get to die as well.)

Satan getting into the garden and telling Eve it was okay to eat the apple was literally letting the fox into the chicken coop.

Well, God explicitly stated not to eat from that tree, and Adam and Eve should have known better then to blow off a direct command from God. (Doesn't seem much different then our parents telling us not to eat dog food or something.)

In the Bible...Satan actually doesn't do very many bad things at all. God does far worse stuff, hundreds of times more. Look up at the charts. 2 million deaths vs 10.

Pretty much all of the people that God killed in the bible were sinners or enemies of his people (Israel.) I don't believe there is an instance in the bible of God killing one of his followers.

Here's where you need to stop. The Bible is supposedly God's word.

I need to stop using the bible as a point of reference? Kind of shuts out all discussion from my end doesn't it? You could be a little more open.

Yet, taking a look at the actions, it's clear that the Jews were the victims.

God only punished the Jews if they sinned against them. (Take the captivity into Babylon for example.)

God is the supreme evil dictator in this case.

Pheww... I don't believe I would want to be you on Judgement day.

He was created by God, if you don't recall. What's that tell you?

He was actually an angel and was filled with pride, so when he started talking that he was going to become god, God kicked him out of heaven. Since then, the devil has been trying to get back at God by destroying his greatest creation (man.)

Like I said before, I cannot say as to why God does anything. I'm not going to answer this any further, since I'm not really in the mood for one question after another (and having to deal with lack of discussion. Kasic, you should really try to discuss rather then attack.)

I wasn't trying to force God or the bible on you or anything, just merely trying to correct a few errors (so much for that.)
9,439 posts

(thanks to their sin, we all get to die as well.)

The 'original sin' punishment contradicts Deuteronomy 24:16 and Ezekiel 18:20.

and Adam and Eve should have known better then to blow off a direct command from God.

Why should they have? Again, they knew not good nor evil.

(Doesn't seem much different then our parents telling us not to eat dog food or something.)

Except dog food isn't particularly visually pleasing. If God didn't want them to eat it, it should've been more akin to a spiny, foul-smelling coconut than an apple or nectarine.

Did you happen to read the chapter in its entirety? I believe that particular passage is referring to Gods vengeance on his enemies.

Fine. Which one murders an innocent baby? (also in contradiction to above sections)

Pretty much all of the people that God killed in the bible were sinners or enemies of his people (Israel.) I don't believe there is an instance in the bible of God killing one of his followers.

(see above)
This is what Kasic meant in comparing God to Hitler. Pretty much all of the people that Hitler killed were those who opposed him/Germany in some way and was completely justified in doing so by your logic. Everyone he ordered killed automatically wasn't a "true follower".

Pheww... I don't believe I would want to be you on Judgement day.

And when Allah brings his fury upon the Christians and Jews...

the devil has been trying to get back at God by destroying his greatest creation (man.)

Satan's goal isn't to destroy man, just to expose the faults/weaknesses of man so God looks imperfect to the rest of the watching angels.
883 posts

Satan is AKA the Devil... You would prefer worshiping the guy who has been trying to destroy humanity? You would prefer the guy who is trying kill you rather then the guy that's trying to save you? That I just don't understand. Apparently you know less about the bible then I do.

You would prefer the guy who is trying kill you rather then the guy that's trying to save you?

guy that's trying to save you?

Another excellent example of foolish Christian contradictory statements. In one moment, you'll say God is all powerful, and in the next, you talk about how he has to try to do something.

Anyways, this thread has convinced me thoroughly that Lucifer would be the better choice if I was agnostic.
5,552 posts

No concept of lying until after they ate the fruit. God told them not to eat the fruit of the tree or else they would die (thanks to their sin, we all get to die as well.)

So explain how they were supposed to know that Satan was tricking them?

God basically left two toddlers alone, then sadistic older brother came home and gave them a gun and told them to point it at their foot and pull the trigger. A gun that God had left laying on the table.

Well, God explicitly stated not to eat from that tree, and Adam and Eve should have known better then to blow off a direct command from God.

How should they have known better? THEY HAD NO CONCEPT OF RIGHT AND WRONG!

Hint: Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.

Pretty much all of the people that God killed in the bible were sinners or enemies of his people (Israel.) I don't believe there is an instance in the bible of God killing one of his followers.

99% of the deaths were for petty reasons. Such as not worshiping his butt all day long, children making fun of a bald person, people trying to reach heaven, or any other number of things.

I need to stop using the bible as a point of reference? Kind of shuts out all discussion from my end doesn't it? You could be a little more open.

The question is why would anyone want to worship Satan. Not how the Bible says Satan is bad. What the bible says about Satan is irrelevant.

Pheww... I don't believe I would want to be you on Judgement day.

Well, no worries then

(and having to deal with lack of discussion. Kasic, you should really try to discuss rather then attack.)

Exactly how am I attacking? I've only stated what's in the bible and looked at it from an objective point of view.
9,439 posts

God created man not to know the what being good or evil meant, that was reserved for God only

And yet He puts in an obvious, central tree that gives the exclusive knowledge?

In one moment, you'll say God is all powerful, and in the next, you talk about how he has to try to do something.

That's supposedly a matter of "free" will, not of His power. Although, if He really wanted to save everyone, He would know an infinite number of ways that people would easily be convinced of His existance/power/message.

children making fun of a bald person

But they were possibly a gang of teens, and God has no way of non-violently defending His people against young enemies who may or may not have been holding advanced weaponry like rocks and sticks, much in the same way that His armies can't defeat enemies who have chariots of iron.

Unfortunately, he lost the battle, which is a real tragedy.

He may have lost the battle, but the war's not over yet!
79 posts

I personally think that people who worship Satan are:
-Born with an evil personality
-Hate the world
-Think Satan will beat God
-Think God sent Jesus to Earth for no apparant reason
Satan is pure evil, it was corruption and wanting more power that sent him to hell. Men were born with free will so that we wouldn't be slaves and would be able to make our own choices. God gave us free will for that reason.

If you believe God is a tyrant, then you haven't read The Bible, or even possibly the Quran! However, I firmly believe God is not a tyrant, he is forgiving and has given people more than one chance. He does not wish for us to perish, but to live eternally.


Speaking of religion, did Elijah's body go with him to Heaven when he went on the chariot of fire or did his body get left behind...?

2,487 posts

I personally think that people who worship Satan are:
-Born with an evil personality
-Hate the world
-Think Satan will beat God
-Think God sent Jesus to Earth for no apparant reason

Bear in mind though, that even most satanic cults don't even worship satan. In fact, the satanic bible is really more of a drawn out excuse to self indulge and get naked women on an altar for you. The ones that do worship satan, I cannot account for, but the rest tend to be okay people who enjoy going against the norm.

If you believe God is a tyrant, then you haven't read The Bible, or even possibly the Quran! However, I firmly believe God is not a tyrant, he is forgiving and has given people more than one chance. He does not wish for us to perish, but to live eternally.

I think god is a tyrant, and I've read the blasted book cover to cover. The part that convinces me he is as petty as a child is most of exodus. The part that convinces me he is a sadistic jerk-off is pretty much all of Leviticus. Your statement tells me that you haven't read the whole bible, or are only paying attention to the part that re-enforces your beliefs, which is just as bad.

Speaking of religion, did Elijah's body go with him to Heaven when he went on the chariot of fire or did his body get left behind...?

Body went along for the ride.

95 posts

Deut: 20:10-14
As you approach a town to attack it, first offer its people terms for peace. If they accept your terms and open the gates to you, then all the people inside will serve you in forced labor. But if they refuse to make peace and prepare to fight, you must attack the town. When the LORD your God hands it over to you, kill every man in the town. But you may keep for yourselves all the women, children, livestock, and other plunder. You may enjoy the spoils of your enemies that the LORD your God has given you.

Deut: 22:28-29
If a man is caught in the act of raping a young woman who is not engaged, he must pay fifty pieces of silver to her father. Then he must marry the young woman because he violated her, and he will never be allowed to divorce her.

Levit: 25:44-46
However, you may purchase male or female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you. You may also purchase the children of such resident foreigners, including those who have been born in your land. You may treat them as your property, passing them on to your children as a permanent inheritance. You may treat your slaves like this, but the people of Israel, your relatives, must never be treated this way.

Cool. I had no idea that Genghis Kahn was a prophet of the lord.

37 posts

[quote]I'm not a satanist and find it rather silly to worship dieties you don't believe in

You don't worship deities you don't believe in? That's a real deep thought man[/quote]

I was actually referring to the fact that most "satanists" don't believe in him and "worship" the idea of him. It's more of a slap at Christianity than a real religion.

You would prefer worshiping the guy who has been trying to destroy humanity? You would prefer the guy who is trying kill you rather then the guy that's trying to save you? That I just don't understand. Apparently you know less about the bible then I do

First, it's "than". Why is it so hard for the internet to understand the difference?

On to the main point, what's God trying to save us from? Hell? God was the one who decided to send people to hell in the first place.

I aim a gun at 5 people and tell them I'll let them live if they kiss my feat and only 2 of them do. I shoot the others. By your logic, I just saved 2 people.
5,129 posts

I was actually referring to the fact that most "satanists" don't believe in him and "worship" the idea of him. It's more of a slap at Christianity than a real religion.

(i'm just guessing here, so dont get all angry on me if i got you wrong)
gothics and some other alternative sub-cultures. do just like the idea, those groups use satanism to "slap christianity"
but a real satanist does not belong to those groups (well they can but no by definition) a real satanist actually believes what the religion tells.


here is a nice list of god's killing spree. =)
37 posts

(i'm just guessing here, so dont get all angry on me if i got you wrong)
gothics and some other alternative sub-cultures. do just like the idea, those groups use satanism to "slap christianity"
but a real satanist does not belong to those groups (well they can but no by definition) a real satanist actually believes what the religion tells.

I'll just quote Wikipedia here to show what I'm talking about:

LaVeyan Satanism is a philosophy (not considered a religion by many of its followers) founded in 1966 by Anton Szandor LaVey. Its teachings are based on individualism, self-indulgence, and "eye for an eye" morality. Unlike theistic Satanists, LaVeyan Satanists are atheists who regard Satan as a symbol of man's inherent nature. According to, LaVeyan Satanism is a "small religious group that is unrelated to any other faith, and whose members feel free to satisfy their urges responsibly, exhibit kindness to their friends, and attack their enemies". Its beliefs were first detailed in The Satanic Bible and it is overseen by the Church of Satan.

So there. Neither the Church of Satan nor the Satanic Bible were made by peope who actually believe in Satan.

There are of course theistic satanists as well.

Also, I would have responded sooner, but I got lost in the comments for that link you gave.
5,129 posts

I'll just quote Wikipedia here to show what I'm talking about:

are you taking that from this wiki?
or this wiki

1 satanism isn't the other.
the satanism your on about is like the mormonism of christianity i guess.
9,439 posts

are you taking that from this wiki?
or this wiki

The 1st one, under the category Atheistic Satanism.

the satanism your on about is like the mormonism of christianity i guess.

It's more like Christians who think Christ was a good teacher and moral example, but not a magic man, nor a spiritual savior.
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