ForumsWEPRThe World War III Theory

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World War I and II are futile to the might-be incoming war, the third World War.
You might laugh this time, but it will happen. Due to the recent events of the 21st century, it will happen. Some of the events are: 9/11, Sabah crisis, and N.K.'s declaration of war. So be prepared. I think it would be a nuclear war. But cyber warfare is more likely than the former.

[quote]"Wars will subside, but war can't be prevented" ---------- Anonymous

  • 393 Replies
156 posts

There going to be a war eventually because there is no way that the U.S. is ever going to pay the 12 trillion dollars that they owe other countries.

6,800 posts

We won't pay it. The US could quite easily inflate their dollar out over the next 50 years and pay it back in worthless paper, but theres laws for that. But what would anybody actually do, sanction us? xD

9,439 posts

There going to be a war eventually because there is no way that the U.S. is ever going to pay the 12 trillion dollars that they owe other countries.

Closer to 17, but only 5 trillion is to other countries. A trillion of that is to China, but most of the rest is to much closer allies like Japan and the UK. Nothing worth a war over.

We won't pay it.

Most likely, but I'll be elsewhere if they jack up the taxes.
1,773 posts

Well, i jump a side a little, but doesnt 5 or even 6 diffrunt fleets, some with diffrunte allies and ideaoligy who sit right next to each other, suppirting diffrune sides is quite an explosive situation?

(The fleets - US, UK, Russia, Syria, Israel, France)

1,266 posts

UK - eh. We're pretty much America's lapdog. France - separate fleets? We share an aircraft carrier. Syria - you have no idea what's happening there. They are in no position to fight anyone. The problem lies in Israel, Russia, America and China. The Mid East hates Israel. People in the west, who have never been to that region, think it's the source of all the fighting. It's not.
There are Sunnis, Shias, Sufis, Wahhabis... to name just a few. It's complicated. But they all hate Israel.

1,773 posts

Dude, i am from Israel. I know these.

The Syrian 'fleet', or more correctly, seashore rockets are still very very dangerouse. Dont underistimate them (i hope i wrote it correctly).

What i find funny is that the rebels claim Assad is a Israeli and Iranian agent, Assad say the rebels are Israel agents, Lebanon Sunnis claim Hizbhulla are Israel agents. And so on Hizbhulla on the Sunnis. A bomb on that Hizbhulla-Shias ruled street? Israel did it. One in a Sunnis ruled one? Israel again.

Its just so sad how every side just play on this shamefull easy card of hating Israel.

1,282 posts

What is love?
Dont hurt me... don't hurt me...
No more... No more...
Countries should focus on loving each other than making war >

241 posts

Its just so sad how every side just play on this shamefull easy card of hating Israel.

Personally, i like israel in the bible ( the chosen people, the country of god, etc), but i don't like the country that exist in the world right now. i think that US supported you guys out of religious purposes only, there are no other reasons to keep a blind eye to what YOUR country did when they just calmly broke the armistice between you and Palestine, and just blitz across the borders of palestine to take over lots of their territory. it just doesn't make sense when Iraq and today Iran was just accused of having WMD's and they are quickly given out an economic pressure or ( as in the case of Iraq) were quickly neutralized militarily, you guys did more than that and did an aggression to palestine territory and the US just turn a blind eye. you guys aren't even given an economic pressure by the UN and you're wondering why the arab countries hate you? of course they would hate you and wished for your country destruction.

that would explain their conflicting claims of your country interference. it's an easy card to hate israel because your country made it possible by your own aggressive policy. had Israel had'nt commit that act, the arabian peninsula's rejection of Israel would be smaller ( i know that on the start of the proclamation of the country, Israel WAS hated but they should settle it with treaties and deals with other countries, that's what the diplomatic embassy was used for). had your country had not basically cut Palestine into two, that would be one reason less to parade in the front of the UN embassy. even though i myself was a catholic, i'm ashamed because your country had not think about that possiblity.

and about the syrian fleet. they can't use it without central organization, right? in the current condition as it is now it's not likely that the SSM would be used against your country. if they are stupid enough to use it, then the Assad government would be guaranteed to fall ( i don't think they want that ) with your retaliatory capabilities. end words, don't underestimate YOUR country retaliatory capbilities
9,439 posts

Personally, i like israel in the bible ( the chosen people, the country of god, etc)

You mean the slave-thrashing, genital-mutilating warmongers? I'm sure they were decent when they weren't slaughtering everyone (other than occasionally the virgin women) around them because their god loved/s the smell of burning flesh and blood.

seashore rockets are still very very dangerouse. Dont underistimate them

How good would the defense systems like Iron Dome do against them?

Its just so sad how every side just play on this shamefull easy card of hating Israel.

Well, it is the "odd one out" in the region, making it an easy political target. Everyone around it is similar enough that they may dislike each other, but they dislike Israel more. It's viewed like dropping North Korea into France or Canada.

in the current condition as it is now it's not likely that the SSM would be used against your country

Yep, Syria has too many internal problems to plan an external war. Maybe if they win and recover they could, but not any time soon.

don't underestimate YOUR country retaliatory capbilities

Indeed, but they must be justifiably retaliatory (no preemptive strikes) or the US leaves them on their own, so they'll have to take a decent beating first. Being tied up like that is militarily annoying.
1,773 posts

Kennethhartanto - Diplomatic realation? With who? ALL OUR NEIGHBORES/ARABS decleared war on us at 1948. Only after 1967 other states actualy started to look at us. Befor it USA didnt supported us.

And the "spliting the palsestinians to two" - have you seen the map? What is your idea, building a huge bridge or giving them 60% of our already small countery?

And even that 1967 war was a suprise attack, i belive that you think that when Poland attacked Russia in 1920+-, ot wasent a "blitz" and so on.

Another thing - last time i checked, we didnt fought the palestinians, but the Eygeptians, the Syrians and the Jordenians and Lebanon. Not the poor innocent weak palestinians. So please, cut the crap. You talk like we slaughter them daily. And they were supported by the USSR.

And for last - how religion as anything to do with it? Last time i checked most of USA is Protestans, and the seconed majority is Chatolic.

Plapatine - with all the respect, Iron dome is not a magik stick. It handle high angle rockets earth - earth, not any harming object. And the Syrians have the top technoligy in that, thanks to our russian friends.

9,439 posts

with all the respect, Iron dome is not a magik stick.

Of course not, but it worked pretty darn good against the small stuff. Apparently there are systems out there for this sort of thing, but their effectiveness is questionable.
1,773 posts

The things all these terrorist throw at us are toys compared to the russian artilary Syria is getting.
You know what the well known Quassam is made of?
1 steel pipe from a signpost, some iron balls/nails, fuel, technical knowlede. Thats it. You can make one at home. (Not that i will NSA, its just for say).
But thats not the case ( I thought on it after writing all of this, sorry...).
Iron dome > high arc projectiles.
Anti-ships are a diffrunte type. There are systems against it, but its a arm race.

And then there is the Russian top rank missles. Flying just Cm away from the sea in a massive speed, hiding from Radars and so on. Called Nahuye if i remmeber correctly. Google it.

Anywho, the Surian army &quotroffetionality" is fighting against a higher technolidgy

1,773 posts

Foes. They cant beat us (Israel) with there old traditional equipment.
I mean, they still got T-72. And they cant compete with us in that. Getting a T-98? They cant afford to keep what they already have. They dont have allies who will sponser them.

6,800 posts

The technological principals in Iron Dome can be used on a larger scale. There's just been no situation yet for it to occur. And high-arc has always been the kicker, with regards to missile defense. Low-arc is fairly easy, so long as you can detect the missile (or what have you) with enough time to react. The stregnth of the Y800 is that it can go Mach2, ideally shortening the reaction time once detected.

But once detected, its as simple as shooting a few tungsten rounds to intercept, or frying the onboard computer with an EW module. Not to mention from a tactical standpoint, their would very likely be an air campaign to eliminate such missiles before the good guys got in range.

1,773 posts

I belivd you trust these systems too much... They are effrctive, but even in case of 9/10 or 19/20, there are enough of it to hit us.
Same with ships. A barrage will leave the system in trouble.

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