ForumsWEPRThe World War III Theory

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World War I and II are futile to the might-be incoming war, the third World War.
You might laugh this time, but it will happen. Due to the recent events of the 21st century, it will happen. Some of the events are: 9/11, Sabah crisis, and N.K.'s declaration of war. So be prepared. I think it would be a nuclear war. But cyber warfare is more likely than the former.

[quote]"Wars will subside, but war can't be prevented" ---------- Anonymous

  • 393 Replies
28 posts

I belivd you trust these systems too much... They are effrctive, but even in case of 9/10 or 19/20, there are enough of it to hit us.
Same with ships. A barrage will leave the system in trouble.

If a qassam can go through them, so can anything else.
Some people really do rely too much on technology.
1,773 posts

And again, the Syrian army use new and high rank (not the highest but yet) of Missles. They are buils to pass these defence systems.

1,298 posts

Dang you Adolf.

1,773 posts


6,800 posts

I belivd you trust these systems too much... They are effrctive, but even in case of 9/10 or 19/20, there are enough of it to hit us.
Same with ships. A barrage will leave the system in trouble.

Your lack of faith is disturbing.

And sure, let's assume that these systems have a 90% kill efficiency. A ship will have multiple sets of multiple types. That is, a inbound missile will he targeted by EW systems, Phalanx Systems, and Aegis systems firing SM-2 and SM-3 missiles offer multiple attempts to shoot down the missile. Combined with the fact that it will take multiple missiles to sink a ship; few systems exist which can actually 1 hit KO a modern naval ship.

And so what? You sink a destroyer or two. The majority of the fleet will be sotting happily out of range while F-35s and cruise missiles are destroying your capacities to launch missiles. Not to mention the sheer numbers of very expensive pieces of equipment that would have to be built to have enough missiles to engage any sizable surface fleet.
1,773 posts

your lack of bla bla too complicated to copy past on the android

Dude, i was there qhen the Hammas shot us. My neighbore house got hit and a building in a town near me (we call it a city but our standards for size are quite low [haha uou are so funny. You know what i meant]). The iron dome is a huge sucsess, thats right. But blocking a direct projectile is much much much harder. Its like shooting a bullet in air. These missles are quite deadly. And the best part - a crew of 5 can handle them. A van with this RPG-7 size launcher can damage harshly a destroyer. And i dont know about you guys, but if the IDF will shoot one of these Vans the global media will go berserk on our ***.

A rocket being shoot from a school to the ship. What will the fleet do? Flat the area in hope of hitting them? This is the new eastern tactic. Hide among the population. They use a bee tactics. Instead of use massive force ( which they lack ) they send small hunting parties to hit the enemy. A tank become a prey. A ship is a huge duck.

This is what i say.

6,800 posts

your lack of bla bla too complicated to copy past on the android

I use Apple. ^^

Dude, i was there qhen the Hammas shot us. My neighbore house got hit and a building in a town near me (we call it a city but our standards for size are quite low

Not to sound rude, but... How is your being attacked by terrorists relevant, exactly? I'm an American so... 9/11? Oklahoma City? USS Cole?

The iron dome is a huge sucsess, thats right. But blocking a direct projectile is much much much harder. Its like shooting a bullet in air. These missles are quite deadly. And the best part - a crew of 5 can handle them. A van with this RPG-7 size launcher can damage harshly a destroyer. And i dont know about you guys, but if the IDF will shoot one of these Vans the global media will go berserk on our ***.

The challenge arises with speed. A faster missile going Mach 2 could travel from the radar horizon to the ship in a matter of seconds. Computers exist which make these calculations on trajectory, decide a point of interception, and launch the sustem to make the interception. Then you have multiple systems engaging the missile... And perhaps multiple ships with multiple systems engaging the missile... Layered defense.

And what weapon system are you talking of that is small enough to be shoulder operated, and yet has a large enough warhead to sink a modern ship of the line, which are designed to withstand multiple hits from such things as cruise missiles and what not?

A rocket being shoot from a school to the ship. What will the fleet do? Flat the area in hope of hitting them? This is the new eastern tactic. Hide among the population. They use a bee tactics. Instead of use massive force ( which they lack ) they send small hunting parties to hit the enemy. A tank become a prey. A ship is a huge duck.

This is a horrific discredit to any modern navy, or military, for that matter. For starters, simple RoE: The school becomes fair game, so long as the threat is believed to be there. But flattening the area is a bit overkill when combat patrols of aircraft are likely dropping laser-guided munitions through the window of the building, or a hellfire missile is going down the chimney, courtesy of a UAV 25000 feet above.

If tanks are &quotrey" why has the US never lost an Abrahms to enemy action? Why aren't destroyers, cruisers, battleships, and carriers not on their way to the bottom of the bring depths as a result of enemy action? Russia has ICBMs, sure, but I dont think Chicago and New York are at an imminent risk for being flattened. Just because a threat exists, does not mean it will be used, or even effective when used.

So you havent a sweres my original point, which is this: The systems in place are effective enough to stop most missiles most of the time, safe guarding the integrity of the battle group. Not to mention, any conflict would be preceded by a legnthy air campaign to knock out these sort of things. How are you going to launch your cruise missiles when you have no radar facilities to even detect ships?

I'll just leave these here:

AEGIS performs well in salvo tests.

IMMA FIRIN' MAH LAZ0R Article also makes a mention of the layer defense approach I talked about earlier.
1,773 posts

gound it.

And by saying "ive been there" i mean i saw iron dome shooting off rockets. Its sooooo cool. But the parts who fall down put small holes in my neighbore roof.

And on the question of how USA tank are invinsble:
I say hacks.

1,773 posts

I meant found it...

6,800 posts

Majority of missiles destroyed in Israeli strike. Which again goes back to my earlier point: Any engagement would involve the destruction of such installations before the surface fleet got close.

Sure, but that has no relevance to what we're discussing.

lol wut

1,773 posts

Lol. So do you like macaroni and cheeeze? I put 3 E cuz i love it.

So now this chemicals wepone episode is coming to an end and the rebelion seem to be crushed in the coming year.

Wassup with China?

1,266 posts

Wassup with China?

They own everything.
9,808 posts

Wassup with China?

They own everything.

They are everything.
1,773 posts


Does a modern war realy need to use ground force anymore? Dosent rockets and airplanes quite dominating the modern battlefield?

1,826 posts


Does a modern war realy need to use ground force anymore? Dosent rockets and airplanes quite dominating the modern battlefield?

unless total annihlation is the objective.
Yes it is needed
Showing 166-180 of 393