This thread is a place to discuss quests for Burrito Bison Revenge. Here is a list of the current quests available for this gummy-squishing action game...
The Way the Cookie Crumbles Beat the crap out of the first opponent! Hardness: Easy
Let's Pretend the Floor is Lava! Go through the ravaged arena without touching the ground. Hardness: Easy
Sweet Impact! Reach past the sky's limit. Hardness: Medium
+99 LCK Smash a lucky gummy in each of the 4 zones. Hardness: Medium
Robbing the Robbers Break through the giant safe and retrieve your wallet. Hardness: Medium
To Infinity and Beyond! Travel a minimum of 15,000 meters in "Survival" mode. Hardness: Medium
Power Junkie Upgrade everything to the max. Hardness: Hard
@Dapro: as far as I know, this game doesn't have an online save option (:P). It saves locally only. Have you deleted your cookies or something similar?
Well, I don't know, Dapro. Have you used some kind of clean-up program like CCleaner?
If I'm not wrong, there are free programs online for recovering accidentally deleted files. Maybe if you ask this on the Support forum, somebody else might be able to help you
Wait I figured it all out. A while back I downloaded Chrome and started using it. But before that I played AG on IE. Then I quit IE and only used chrome. So today I went back to IE and my saves were saved locally there. So that solves the problem... Sorry I caused all this trouble :P
I Have add problem with this game deleted my saves. I use firefox with alot of the cookies settings saved not to. If i disable that for this game this should work and save my process locally? Or does anyone recommend another browser?
Also if it is possible i am not sure, can i manually save that progress and save as a back up on my comp?
If you or your computer delete cookies/safe files your progress is lost, so make sure that cookies are allowed. Also make sure you dont play in any kind of incognito/privacy (aka porn mode^^), progress made their wont be saved (not local and not online). Some games give you a manual save function, but if the cookies are deleted you face the same problem.
Some game (a very few ones) gives you the option to save a backup-file and reload it if your progress was lost.
Finally i got all these quests Thanks i didn't really know what cookies did thought they were random things site stored on you and clogged up cpu usage making it slower, might be that aswell.
Did take awhile to complete this didn't think it would take so long, just Glad i have this done. Only a few more games with quests left now.