This thread is a place to discuss quests for Burrito Bison Revenge. Here is a list of the current quests available for this gummy-squishing action game...
The Way the Cookie Crumbles Beat the crap out of the first opponent! Hardness: Easy
Let's Pretend the Floor is Lava! Go through the ravaged arena without touching the ground. Hardness: Easy
Sweet Impact! Reach past the sky's limit. Hardness: Medium
+99 LCK Smash a lucky gummy in each of the 4 zones. Hardness: Medium
Robbing the Robbers Break through the giant safe and retrieve your wallet. Hardness: Medium
To Infinity and Beyond! Travel a minimum of 15,000 meters in "Survival" mode. Hardness: Medium
Power Junkie Upgrade everything to the max. Hardness: Hard
the quests you want to pay through are pretty evident when you reach them. With maxed out things like "the floor is lava" turns to be a joke. The only quests you might want to aim on lower levels are involving the Lucky Bears for the adventure mode areas, and that's it.
Some rules for endgame: - perfect shots hitting the opponent in the ring only counts if you finish your "jump" as intended. So just run the game in the background at that point. - you may terminate any "jump" if you need a perfect jump manually - you want to avoid buying new opponents as you can't go back to easier opponents, what is kinda annoying.
out of curiosity has anyone done the mission to get the sweet impact at low speed? I've been practically crawling and got one and it doesn't tick over you must have to be lucky to pop that one.
sick, just got the one i mentioned above just after i went through the 16th door, slowed me down enough as i went through but still above the clouds lol
I cant seem to get "the way the cookie crumbles" what do i have to do in order to beat him up? Ive gotten tons of perfect hits already, what other way is there to beat him up?