ForumsForum GamesWar For Ore (Mining RPG)

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In the year 2034...
Mining can be dangerous, being crushed, suffocated, or trapped and starved to death are only the usual risks. You could also be redirected into the sewer and drowned, shot by other rogue miners, or eaten alive by monsters from the depths. But they pay is good, the right merchants will pay handsomely for minerals or metals, and the wrong merchants will pay the gear you steal from other miners.
To start your life as a miner fill out the character sheets below.

Description: Optional
Currency: $300
Arms: None
Armour: None
State: Healthy
Items: Pick-axe, knife.

Also spend you starter money for gear at Godmund's Shop.
(Note: Weapons will stay in your items list and not under arms until you choose to equipped them)

-------------------Godmund's Shop----------------------------------------------

Gas mask: Mask that blocks out toxic fumes with a cloth covered in charcoal, is made of laminated glass so it won't shatter if it cracks. $40

Rebreather: Mask which recycles the air the wearer is breathing. $100

Kevlar: Dense synthetic body armour, well capable of stopping any non-magnum bullet under 7mm and spreading the impact force. $100


Name: Colt Predator
Type: Revolver
Type stats: Double-action Non-magnum
Ammunition: 10mm lead bullets
Ammunition feed type: six chambers
Cost: $150

Name: Concord-forger
Type: Revolver
Type stats: Double-action Magnum
Ammunition: 7mm lead bullets
Ammunition feed type: six chamber
Cost: $180

Name: Snyder and Kemp
Type: Handgun
Type stats: Single-action
Ammunition: 6mm bullets
Ammunition feed type: 12 bullets in a clip
Cost: $120

Name: Gorgon
Type: Handgun
Type stats: Double-action
Ammunition: 9mm bullets
Ammunition feed type: 8 bullets in a clip
Cost: $200

Name: Double barrel
Type: Shotgun
Type stats: 15mm bore
Ammunition: Buckshot
Ammunition feed type: Brake-action, two shells
Cost: $150

Name: Barb Spitter
Type: Shotgun
Type stats: 12mm bore Pump-action
Ammunition: Fletchette shells
Ammunition feed type: four shells
Cost: $150

Name: Uzi
Type: Sub-machine gun
Type stats: 12RPG
Ammunition: 5mm bullets
Ammunition feed type: 25 bullet clip
Cost: $200

Name: Waster
Type: Sniper rifle
Type stats: Magnum, laser-pointed
Ammunition: 11mm magnum bullets
Ammunition feed type: One bolt-action loaded round
Cost: $210


Medical attention: Healing for all injuries. $20

Medical kit: For healing whilst in the mines, limited resources. $50

Medical Insurance: Unlimited free medical attention. $650


  • 742 Replies
1,126 posts

Name: Mountain Dew
Description: Finally free from his slavery of carrying rocks, this young man plans to finally mine rocks himself and be the one to profit from them.
Currency: $0
Arms: Gorgon 9/9
Armour: Gas Mask
State: Healthy
Items: Pickaxe, Knife, Medical Kit

Is it illegal to kill them? I take out my Gorgon to defend myself before resume mining the wall.

1,146 posts

Name: Ilden Rendegraverâ¨
Description: Ilden was born in New Greenland, He has finally acquired a Pick-axe capable of actually breaking rock & the musculature required. Ilden has followed the Mineral-Rush, he intends to acquire enough money to buy the cure for his older brothers illness. Brass colored hair, dark brown eyes and coffee brown skin.â¨
Currency: $10â¨
Arms: Pick-axe, Barb Spitter 3/4â¨
Armour: Gas Maskâ¨
State: Healthy
â¨Items: , knife, Barb Spitter x1, Medical Kit, white rock

As you hit the rock again the rock cracks and slides down the wall, leaving the yellow veins still in the same formation completely intact.

Name: Mountain Dew
Description: Finally free from his slavery of carrying rocks, this young man plans to finally mine rocks himself and be the one to profit from them.
Currency: $0
Arms: Gorgon 9/9
Armour: Gas Mask
State: Healthy
Items: Pickaxe, Knife, Medical Kit

Killing the hoodlums in this instance would be illegal, not to mention (ahem) morally in-just.

1,126 posts

Name: Mountain Dew
Description: Finally free from his slavery of carrying rocks, this young man plans to finally mine rocks himself and be the one to profit from them.
Currency: $0
Arms: Gorgon 9/9
Armour: Gas Mask
State: Healthy
Items: Pickaxe, Knife, Medical Kit

I guess I will leave the city limits if I mining here is so unfruitful. I head to the forest to mine.

17 posts

Name: Rick Ross
Description: After selling drugs became redundant and dull, Rick Ross decided to start making money on the side by mining. He is a large, obese, heavily bearded black man with little skills aside from his rapping ability and talent for cooking crack cocaine.
Currency: $420,000
Arms: None
Armor: Bulletproof Vest
State: Obese, high on ecstasy.
Items: Blunt Wraps, 40 oz of malt liquor, and three large gold chains.
I walk up to mountain dew, and with a grunt, I say "what it do hoe."

536 posts

Name: Ilden Rendegraverâ¨
Description: Ilden was born in New Greenland, He has finally acquired a Pick-axe capable of actually breaking rock & the musculature required. Ilden has followed the Mineral-Rush, he intends to acquire enough money to buy the cure for his older brothers illness. Brass colored hair, dark brown eyes and coffee brown skin.â¨
Currency: $10â¨
Arms: Pick-axe, Barb Spitter 3/4â¨
Armour: Gas Maskâ¨
State: Healthy
â¨Items: , knife, Barb Spitter x1, Medical Kit, white rock

I make as many attempts as is reasonable in attempt to get a chunk of the yellow rock. Do i recognize this stuff at all?

1,146 posts

Name: Mountain Dew
Description: Finally free from his slavery of carrying rocks, this young man plans to finally mine rocks himself and be the one to profit from them.
Currency: $0
Arms: Gorgon 9/9
Armour: Gas Mask
State: Healthy
Items: Pickaxe, Knife, Medical Kit

You could always try to find out what is wrong with the elevator or more closely examine the area.

Name: Rick Ross
Description: After selling drugs he became redundant and dull, Rick Ross decided to start making money on the side by mining. He is a large, obese, heavily bearded black man with little skills aside from his rapping ability and talent for cooking crack cocaine.
Currency: $0.25
Arms: None
Armor: Sandwich-board with the words "bullet proof" on it
State: Obese, high on ecstasy.
Items: Broken tooth-pick

Causeeweleo I never gave you permission to join or put you in the same mine as Zyba.

Name: Ilden Rendegraverâ¨
Description: Ilden was born in New Greenland, He has finally acquired a Pick-axe capable of actually breaking rock & the musculature required. Ilden has followed the Mineral-Rush, he intends to acquire enough money to buy the cure for his older brothers illness. Brass colored hair, dark brown eyes and coffee brown skin.â¨
Currency: $10â¨
Arms: Pick-axe, Barb Spitter 3/4â¨
Armour: Gas Maskâ¨
State: Healthy
â¨Items: , knife, Barb Spitter x1, Medical Kit, white rock

You snap of a piece about four inches long. The "rock" has a lumpy waxy surface.

1,126 posts

Name: Mountain Dew
Description: Finally free from his slavery of carrying rocks, this young man plans to finally mine rocks himself and be the one to profit from them.
Currency: $0
Arms: Gorgon 9/9
Armour: Gas Mask
State: Healthy
Items: Pickaxe, Knife, Medical Kit

Ah yes (avoiding rude criticism), I could try that. I closely reexamine the elevator and the wall I have been mining.

536 posts

Name: Ilden Rendegraverâ¨
Description: Ilden was born in New Greenland, He has finally acquired a Pick-axe capable of actually breaking rock & the musculature required. Ilden has followed the Mineral-Rush, he intends to acquire enough money to buy the cure for his older brothers illness. Brass colored hair, dark brown eyes and coffee brown skin.â¨
Currency: $10â¨
Arms: Pick-axe, Barb Spitter 3/4â¨
Armour: Gas Maskâ¨
State: Healthy
â¨Items: , knife, Barb Spitter x1, Medical Kit, white rock, Yellow lump nick-named 'Ãrevoks'

Um, Assuming the surface is relatively normal, I will put the lump in my pack with a sigh and try the other-side of the cavern, Considering, Also, Another mine.

1,146 posts

Name: Ilden Rendegraverâ¨
Description: Ilden was born in New Greenland, He has finally acquired a Pick-axe capable of actually breaking rock & the musculature required. Ilden has followed the Mineral-Rush, he intends to acquire enough money to buy the cure for his older brothers illness. Brass colored hair, dark brown eyes and coffee brown skin.â¨
Currency: $10â¨
Arms: Pick-axe, Barb Spitter 3/4â¨
Armour: Gas Maskâ¨
State: Healthy
â¨Items: , knife, Barb Spitter x1, Medical Kit, white rock, Yellow lump nick-named 'Ãrevoks'

In the other side of the mine the walls are splattered with translucent green slime, there's a jacked up S.W.A.T. visor-helmet lying on the floor.

536 posts

Name: Ilden Rendegraverâ¨
Description: Ilden was born in New Greenland, He has finally acquired a Pick-axe capable of actually breaking rock & the musculature required. Ilden has followed the Mineral-Rush, he intends to acquire enough money to buy the cure for his older brothers illness. Brass colored hair, dark brown eyes and coffee brown skin.â¨
Currency: $10â¨
Arms: Pick-axe, Barb Spitter 3/4â¨
Armour: Gas Maskâ¨
State: Healthy
â¨Items: , knife, Barb Spitter x1, Medical Kit, white rock, Yellow lump nick-named 'Ãrevoks'

I hack at the rock hoping to get another sample. Which if possible I stow.
Frowning I circle around the cavern expecting to come across a seem between the two slimes or perhaps a yellow patch or untouched rock.

(Can I add 'old journal' and the other stuff I got at that camp to my invent?)

1,146 posts

Name: Ilden Rendegraverâ¨
Description: Ilden was born in New Greenland, He has finally acquired a Pick-axe capable of actually breaking rock & the musculature required. Ilden has followed the Mineral-Rush, he intends to acquire enough money to buy the cure for his older brothers illness. Brass colored hair, dark brown eyes and coffee brown skin.â¨
Currency: $10â¨
Arms: Pick-axe, Barb Spitter 3/4â¨
Armour: Gas Maskâ¨
State: Healthy
â¨Items: , knife, Barb Spitter x1, Medical Kit, white rock, Yellow lump nick-named 'Ãrevoks' Journal, Folding-shoulder-stock,
Machine-pistol 25/25

The green-slime isn't algae. The red slime fades out of existence. There's a

1,146 posts

a 4 foot high exit leading into a pitch black tunnel.

536 posts

Name: Ilden Rendegraverâ¨
Description: Ilden was born in New Greenland, He has finally acquired a Pick-axe capable of actually breaking rock & the musculature required. Ilden has followed the Mineral-Rush, he intends to acquire enough money to buy the cure for his older brothers illness. Brass colored hair, dark brown eyes and coffee brown skin.â¨
Currency: $10â¨
Arms:Barb Spitter 3/4â¨
Armour: Gas Maskâ¨
State: Healthy
â¨Items: , knife, Barb Spitter x1, Medical Kit, white rock, Yellow lump nick-named 'Ãrevoks' Journal, Folding-shoulder-stock,
Machine-pistol 25/25, Pick Axe

I'll enter the tunnel, Barb Spitter in hand.

16 posts

Description:The number that comes after 4

I'll enter the tunnel and pee on the floor.

1,146 posts

Name: Mountain Dew
Description: Finally free from his slavery of carrying rocks, this young man plans to finally mine rocks himself and be the one to profit from them.
Currency: $0
Arms: Gorgon 9/9
Armour: Gas Mask
State: Healthy
Items: Pickaxe, Knife, Medical Kit

(Sorry didn't see your post there.)

The wall is completely covered in graffiti and tags, the parts visible through *****s in the paint look rough and grey.
Inspecting the elevator you find a trap-door on the floor inside said elevator.

Description:The number that comes after 4

I really hope your joking/trolling. Also do you have Atlantic complex?

Name: Ilden Rendegraverâ¨
Description: Ilden was born in New Greenland, He has finally acquired a Pick-axe capable of actually breaking rock & the musculature required. Ilden has followed the Mineral-Rush, he intends to acquire enough money to buy the cure for his older brothers illness. Brass colored hair, dark brown eyes and coffee brown skin.â¨
Currency: $10â¨
Arms:Barb Spitter 3/4â¨
Armour: Gas Maskâ¨
State: Healthy
â¨Items: , knife, Barb Spitter x1, Medical Kit, white rock, Yellow lump nick-named 'Ãrevoks' Journal, Folding-shoulder-stock,
Machine-pistol 25/25, Pick Axe

You really more have to crawl into the tunnel, inside the tunnel you can hear weird music reverberating from the rocks. After crawling for about an hour you come to a exit leading into a brightly lit area.
You enter a lab room, the floor is shiny chrome and a series of desk host beakers and other scientific equipment. The lab is empty of people, there is a single door leading out. On the far wall is a giant orange splat-stain on the wall. Ominously , the floor is in many places, littered with spent cartridges.

Showing 76-90 of 742