Welcome to the Tower! This thread allows users to destroy or defend the Tower. The destroyers want it gone because it contains Treasure beyond anyone's wildest dreams, and the defenders must guard it down to the last second of their lives. Let the war begin.
Tower: 100,000 Hp Status: Good Affects: None
How this works is that attackers will post "attacks" to try to destroy the tower. Defenders will post defenses, to protect and save the tower. The game ends and the winner is announced when either the the towers Hp reaches 200,000 or the attackers destroy the tower.
RaNdOm GuY1: I throw stones at the tower.
RaNdOm GuY2: I put a bandage on the tower were it was hurt.
Walrusman72: Guy1: Not very effective -1 hp Guy2: +1 hp
Tower: 100,000 Hp Status: Good Affects: None
Affects are given by me and are just random affects to the tower, such as adding defense and the like.
Rule: Don't disrupt the topic
I call upon a storm of arrows that rains upon the tower each blowing up on contact with the building. Then raising my hands I summon another wave, but of white cylindrical gun with basically nothing attached to it. The guns fire off energy before becoming sharp swords that exploded on contact with the tower. (Explosions for the win!)
(picture of what the wall of guns would look like, except without the person in the middle XD)
Energy appears around the tower swirling and traveling up the walls of the tower. It spirals up to where the tower's height would be had it not been destroyed. The energy becomes the shape of the original tower and the small tower. The remains of both towers move to the center of the 'tower' becoming part of the 'energy tower'. The energy solidifies then explodes creating a blast in a hemisphere with a radius equivalent to the tower's height. While I was safe farther away. (:P)
I never said it was successful, anything could have happened. The explosion backfired, the tower stayed as though nothing had happened, etc. I just said there was an explosion.
And yeah, they weren't official, but I'd rather think there's someone in charge rather than me doing nothing for nothing :P.