Welcome to the Tower! This thread allows users to destroy or defend the Tower. The destroyers want it gone because it contains Treasure beyond anyone's wildest dreams, and the defenders must guard it down to the last second of their lives. Let the war begin.
Tower: 100,000 Hp Status: Good Affects: None
How this works is that attackers will post "attacks" to try to destroy the tower. Defenders will post defenses, to protect and save the tower. The game ends and the winner is announced when either the the towers Hp reaches 200,000 or the attackers destroy the tower.
RaNdOm GuY1: I throw stones at the tower.
RaNdOm GuY2: I put a bandage on the tower were it was hurt.
Walrusman72: Guy1: Not very effective -1 hp Guy2: +1 hp
Tower: 100,000 Hp Status: Good Affects: None
Affects are given by me and are just random affects to the tower, such as adding defense and the like.
Rule: Don't disrupt the topic
"We've come to replace our combined form of Hope, blah blah..." Despair said, annoyed at absolutely nothing. "What brings you to the land of the dead?" He joked. "We're all basically dead with that around...until we kill it." Boy do I love when people die!" *Chibi version of Desire* "EVERYBODIES GOT A DARKSIDE-!" "As you can see, we're both completely weird..." They both said at the same time. "By the way, your not attacking me right? I'm here to help...I think" Despair said. "So when are we kicking some butt and dying?" He rubbed his hands together.
(I've made two really weird anime inspired characters although not based upon any character. Like now, they'll be having chibi moments :P)
"Who? That butt over there? That's a cloud!?" Despair asks and laughs. He makes his sword glow and prepares a stance to dash out to attack it. "Let's go then!'
"Fine." In the meanwhile, I change my tornado creator back to a manual one. Doing it automatic was just too slow. After I change it back to manual, I create 4 more light tornadoes and send them right at the cloud.
"Light tornadoes?" Desire says. "Interesting tactic..." Desire readies his harp and... *Chibi mode active* He runs out and starts playing his harp-like bow. The sound waves solidify in the air and become giant waves of light. They fly towards the cloud although most probably won't do much as the're very small. *Chibi mode over* Desire looks up and sees that the sound wave are small. "Fine..." He says under his breath and starts playing the harp like it's supposed to. This time, light comes forth from the harp in strands of glowing light. They come from underneath him and widen until it reaches his waist. Then it gets smaller towards the top where it peaks right above Desire's head. The light then spreads out in a fast growing circle farther above Desire's head. When the light reaches the dark clouds it spreads them out making the place a more sunny and brighter place. The strands of light that his The Cloud explode when hitting the darkness. Desire opens his eyes and holds on the last note. An arrow of light forms where it should be. He lets go and the arrow of light lies towards The Cloud. Around him the strands of light fly towards the cloud. Despair jumps and flies upwards and aims his sword at The Cloud. The dark orbs let loose more orbs of darkness that fly towards the cloud leaving behind a trail of darkness. They meet with the strands of light and a beam of darkness meet with the arrow of light. The two mix and then explode right next to The Cloud. (For these two, when light and dark mix together/touch they explode, creating an impact that hits both light and darkness. Fiction: That's why shadows are there, not because no light reaches it. Because it's the only place darkness can sit without exploding. The area between the dark and the light is the actual shadow. (hint: coming RP(G?) or story))
(*waves of light not giant waves of light *The strands of light that hit The Cloud not The strands of light that his The Cloud *and a beam of darkness comes out of Despair's sword meets with the arrow of light not and a beam of darkness meet with the arrow of light)
Shadowgun: The Cloud was prepared for an attack like this. -50Hp PokemonRocks, comma...comma,COMMA (and a grammar demon is born..) Anyways, 1. Zekrom...It flys and it is an electric... if anything, its going to help out the cloud... and it does... 2.Reshiram...NOW you're going somewhere! -100Hp 3.Kyreum... ok... -50Hp 4.Zapdos... No... 5.Arceus... OH YES...-150 6.Dialga... Dailga has seen the cloud in the distant past, and is scared to death of it...he teleports, but is so stressed out, he creates a temporal rift in the process. 7. Palkia...IT'S NOT VERY EFFECTIVE...-50Hp 8. Lucario... you are going to fight a cloud... with punches... no (A note, before you send these suckers to do your dirty work for you, research their powers, like I did, and don't just send the coolest one... their are several light Pokemon that could have owned this cloud, but you choose a lot of dark pokemon... thats not very good) and the ender energy... you are not an energy spinner, you are a Pokemon trainer... (i have secretly labeled all of based on your actions, and just for the record, Helper can do this because he IS an energy spinner)
Gamerguy and Shadowgun: the tower is safe Gamerguy: more light tornados... the cloud has learned to avoid them now, but it does some damage, -25Hp Helper: YES HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHa Shadowgun: i think you can trust him... at least the angel does... Helper: ...o Gamerguy: good move shadowgun: Good on you, being the leader and such! Gameguy: ok, -100Hp Helper: 1. correct, the light waves don't do much -25Hp 2. WOAH...-300Hp 3.the light arrow...impressive -100hp 4, another explosion? -100Hp (Do you mind if i use that bit about the shadow? i'm writing a book and i would LOVE to use that!) Helper: thank you for correcting your grammar
ShadowCloud: 98,250 Hp Status: Good Affects: Zekrom (Fights for the cloud)
The cloud rumbles... Suddenly 3 MASSIVE crystals (about as big as a castle) rain from the sky, an opening is seen in all of the crystals. The crystals are black, and you see forms moving out from them... an army of... BLOTS! Blots are like floating paint blobs, and the color correlates to their power, such as fire being red and blue being ice... Have fun fighting them...
I look out from the tower, "Great, minions of the shadowcloud, guess it's time for my secret weapons, my own pokemon team." I left the coat I ware over my paladin armor revealing six pokeball's. I toss them up and say. "Come on out, Mewtwo, Gyarados, Metagross, Volcarona, Lucario, and Regigigas." When they are all out, "Okay Metagross, Mewtwo use Psychic, Volcarona use Fiery Dance, Glyarados use Hyperbeam, Regigigas and Lucario help me take on those Blots."
1. I make a roof with bricks from my mine to protect myself from the raining blobs. 2. I start to manufacture a portal machine to transport the blobs to another reality. 3. I eat another banana
Shadowgun: I hope you did your reasearch...YOU DID DO THE REASEARCH! 1.Metagross and Mewtwo confuse the cloud, and the cloud can't attack as fast 2.Volcarona (THANK YOU! This was one of the pokemon I was looking for!) launches his attack. -400Hp 3.Gyarados fires Hyperbeam -100Hp Also, you rush into battle with the last two pokemon, and you cut down the first wave of Blots. Zekrom rushes in from the sky and locks into battle with Regigigas and Lucario, so you have a choice, instruct your pokemon and win the battle, or risk the death of your pokemon and destroy a blob nest. Gamerguy: Good thing you noticed the Blots, because a squad of maroon (Explosive) blots were converging on the tower. you cut down a few of them, and the dragon takes out the rest. the dragon offers a ride to one of the Blot nests, if you wish to take up his offer. Letsgome_gome: the Blots aren't "raining"...and the portal machine is going to need a plan to trick the blobs into going through the portal. and the banana...OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOk.
(today I tried out a "choice system" (shadow and Gamerguy experienced the) and i just wanted to ask how you guys like the new thing! respond in parentheses at the bottom of you post)
I'm a big pokemon fan so I know what pokemon can do. And here is what I'm going to do. "Regigigas use Ice punch, and Lucario use Dragon Pulse. Aim your attacks at Zekrom." (It seems good.)