Welcome to the Tower! This thread allows users to destroy or defend the Tower. The destroyers want it gone because it contains Treasure beyond anyone's wildest dreams, and the defenders must guard it down to the last second of their lives. Let the war begin.
Tower: 100,000 Hp Status: Good Affects: None
How this works is that attackers will post "attacks" to try to destroy the tower. Defenders will post defenses, to protect and save the tower. The game ends and the winner is announced when either the the towers Hp reaches 200,000 or the attackers destroy the tower.
RaNdOm GuY1: I throw stones at the tower.
RaNdOm GuY2: I put a bandage on the tower were it was hurt.
Walrusman72: Guy1: Not very effective -1 hp Guy2: +1 hp
Tower: 100,000 Hp Status: Good Affects: None
Affects are given by me and are just random affects to the tower, such as adding defense and the like.
Rule: Don't disrupt the topic
I mold a fake blob thing out of clay with a clear string attached to it and color it to blob color. After that I throw it through the machine when one of the blobs was looking. After that I pull it out with the string that I held on to when I threw it. Also when I was doing this they could not see me hiding behind a bush.
Simple version So pretty much I copied a blob and threw it in the portal with a string attached to it. Then I pulled it out with the string and made it dive back in so they would follow.
Letsgome-gome: i still don't get it... portal? you pulled it out and then made it dive back in? i'm sorry, but i have NO idea what you are talking about...
.... Crickster, the tower is not the main objective here, it the shadow cloud. Anyway I tell my pokemon team to keep going to take out the other two nests.
Crickster: A CHALLENGER APPROACHETH! (sorry about skipping your post, that happens sometimes!) Also, you might want to read the thread a bit more before posting your attack... also rainbows are the most awesome things in the universe (you may disagree, but the are beautiful and deadly, like a multicolored ninja.) so you helped the tower... a lot... but, since you are new, you can retract this post and try again... also, this thread isn't yours, but you might of had a similar idea, and i just didn't see it. Shadowgun: This seems to happen a lot huh, people posting attacks on the tower... anyways, the first nest isn't destroyed, just damaged... but maybe you already knew that... also, you have been pretty awesome on this thread and i think it is time SHADOWGUN! I WISH FOR YOU TO BE... AN ADMIN FOR THE THREAD! you would still do all the normal fighting and battling, but you could post results, resolve arguments, and generally make my life easier and this thread better. (If you do take up my offer, don't use it like an idiot.)
I continue to attack the nest with my 40 swordsman and 10 crossbowmen. While I am attacking I get my other 10 crossbowmen to help with the attack. I will try to destroy the first Blot nest.
Gamerguy: you move into the cavernous entrance in the side... you see a 4 massive crystals, each a different color, seemingly being powered by a dark form in the middle. It seems that if you destroy the center, the whole nest would power down... or something... if you want to get to the center though, you'll have to fight through five shadow Blots... their are super powerful, and will take a little bit of firepower to mess those guys up.
I shout a war cry and run to attack the Shadow Blots with all my swordsmen following. The crossbowmen take up firing positions and start to fire on the dark form in the middle while the Shadow Blots are preoccupied with my swordsmen.
It better to attack the outside than to go in it and possibly get killed. (Admin post) Gamerguy: All your swords men charge in and manage to take out 100 Blots, you take 40, and you crossbowmen start firing at the dark form. It floats up revealing to everyone (including me) that it is Darkrai, thee baddest dark type Pokemon in the world. He attacks your swordsmen, sending them into an endless nightmare.