Based off the light novel and anime Durarara. Itf you planned on watching it, do so now to avoid spoilers.
"Ikebukuro; A huge district in Japan where people live their everyday lives like it's normal....right? Well if you don't mind the street gangs, Yakuza, the slasher, a biker rumored to be headless and recent murders, YOU HAVE NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT! Hehe~ But whatever
Storyline: You've been meeting with some people online for a while. One day you heard people spreading rumors about this city called Ikebukuro, you've heard talks of ruthless gangsters and street wars. A woman said her older brother lived there and died. Tired of your normal life and constand bullies, you decided to take a train to Ikebukuro. "The infomation is obviously false and everyone is overreacting" you thought.
That's all I've got for now. If you want to learn more then play the roleplay!
Rules and notes -There is no level up system in this game. But you CAN raise your health. -Yes, you can die in this game!! and you cannot respawn!!. In order to go back into the game you must create a new character -You are free to do whatever you want, but if you suddenly go mary sue/ gary stu and make unrealistic decisions, you will automatically lose health. -This game is rated pg 15 so there will be(a lot of) violence and lots of blood. -But you can't swear or do anything that is rated mature(18+) -There will be PVP battle and you can meet up with others who aren't NPCs -Remember that THIS IS A GAME! If you encounter another player, you are allowed to fight them but if you cannot pick fights with that person in real life!! -Do not make offensive jokes -You only get one warning if you break the rules. The next time you do you are banned from this rpg!! -No asking to redo a choice. -And if you come complaining to me saying "But I didn't know [so and so] was a rule!" Then I know you didn't read the rules and that means you are too ignorant to play the game!.
Name:Yako Age:15 Gender:Male Bio:No-one knows him because he didn't want to make any friends because he was a bit of a loner, his father was an engineer and his mother died at birth.He used to spar with robots to keep his practice up but he lost his longswords a short time before coming to Ikebukuro Appearance:Blue eyes, fair white skin ,blonde hair ,2.3 metres ---------------------- Health:110/110 Stats:0 Strength:5(+13) Intelligence:6 Charm:5 Endurance:4 ---------------------- Occupation:Student Karma:0 Reputation:0 Items: Money:$25 Weapon:Katana Time of day:Morning Relationship(s): Masaomi Kida: Aquainted with
You stand around watching as a few kids you already know go into the class you're supposed to be in. "Are you lost? Do you know which class you're supposed to be in?" A student asked. "I don't know, i asked a teacher what class i was in but im not sure the teacher was right
Name:Yako Age:15 Gender:Male Bio:No-one knows him because he didn't want to make any friends because he was a bit of a loner, his father was an engineer and his mother died at birth.He used to spar with robots to keep his practice up but he lost his longswords a short time before coming to Ikebukuro Appearance:Blue eyes, fair white skin ,blonde hair ,2.3 metres ---------------------- Health:110/110 Stats:0 Strength:5(+13) Intelligence:6 Charm:5 Endurance:4 ---------------------- Occupation:Student Karma:0 Reputation:0 Items: Money:$25 Weapon:Katana Time of day:Morning Relationship(s): Masaomi Kida: Aquainted with
"Then why not go into the class and ask the teacher there. Your name might be on the attendance." The student suggests.
Name:Yako Age:15 Gender:Male Bio:No-one knows him because he didn't want to make any friends because he was a bit of a loner, his father was an engineer and his mother died at birth.He used to spar with robots to keep his practice up but he lost his longswords a short time before coming to Ikebukuro Appearance:Blue eyes, fair white skin ,blonde hair ,2.3 metres ---------------------- Health:110/110 Stats:0 Strength:5(+13) Intelligence:6 Charm:5 Endurance:4 ---------------------- Occupation:Student Karma:0 Reputation:0 Items: Money:$25 Weapon:Katana Time of day:Morning Relationship(s): Masaomi Kida: Aquainted with
Name:Yako Age:15 Gender:Male Bio:No-one knows him because he didn't want to make any friends because he was a bit of a loner, his father was an engineer and his mother died at birth.He used to spar with robots to keep his practice up but he lost his longswords a short time before coming to Ikebukuro Appearance:Blue eyes, fair white skin ,blonde hair ,2.3 metres ---------------------- Health:110/110 Stats:0 Strength:5(+13) Intelligence:6 Charm:5 Endurance:4 ---------------------- Occupation:Student Karma:0 Reputation:0 Items: Money:$25 Weapon:Katana Time of day:Morning Relationship(s): Masaomi Kida: Aquainted with
The student leave without saying anything else. What do you do now?
Name:Yako Age:15 Gender:Male Bio:No-one knows him because he didn't want to make any friends because he was a bit of a loner, his father was an engineer and his mother died at birth.He used to spar with robots to keep his practice up but he lost his longswords a short time before coming to Ikebukuro Appearance:Blue eyes, fair white skin ,blonde hair ,2.3 metres ---------------------- Health:110/110 Stats:0 Strength:5(+13) Intelligence:6 Charm:5 Endurance:4 ---------------------- Occupation:Student Karma:0 Reputation:0 Items: Money:$25 Weapon:Katana Time of day:Morning Relationship(s): Masaomi Kida: Aquainted with I do what the student said i should do
Name:Yako Age:15 Gender:Male Bio:No-one knows him because he didn't want to make any friends because he was a bit of a loner, his father was an engineer and his mother died at birth.He used to spar with robots to keep his practice up but he lost his longswords a short time before coming to Ikebukuro Appearance:Blue eyes, fair white skin ,blonde hair ,2.3 metres ---------------------- Health:110/110 Stats:0 Strength:5(+13) Intelligence:6 Charm:5 Endurance:4 ---------------------- Occupation:Student Karma:0 Reputation:0 Items: Money:$25 Weapon:Katana Time of day:Morning Relationship(s): Masaomi Kida: Aquainted with
You go into the classroom that Mikado and Anri walked into. You ask the teacher and he said your on his attendance. The class starts "Today we have a new student joining us. Please introduce yourself" The teacher says.
Name:Yako Age:15 Gender:Male Bio:No-one knows him because he didn't want to make any friends because he was a bit of a loner, his father was an engineer and his mother died at birth.He used to spar with robots to keep his practice up but he lost his longswords a short time before coming to Ikebukuro Appearance:Blue eyes, fair white skin ,blonde hair ,2.3 metres ---------------------- Health:110/110 Stats:0 Strength:5(+13) Intelligence:6 Charm:5 Endurance:4 ---------------------- Occupation:Student Karma:0 Reputation:0 Items: Money:$25 Weapon:Katana Time of day:Morning Relationship(s): Masaomi Kida: Aquainted with "I'm Jacob" I say loud enough for everyone to hear
Name:Yako Age:15 Gender:Male Bio:No-one knows him because he didn't want to make any friends because he was a bit of a loner, his father was an engineer and his mother died at birth.He used to spar with robots to keep his practice up but he lost his longswords a short time before coming to Ikebukuro Appearance:Blue eyes, fair white skin ,blonde hair ,2.3 metres ---------------------- Health:110/110 Stats:0 Strength:5(+13) Intelligence:6 Charm:5 Endurance:4 ---------------------- Occupation:Student Karma:0 Reputation:0 Items: Money:$25 Weapon:Katana Time of day:Morning Relationship(s): Masaomi Kida: Aquainted with
(Theres a reason why I'm laughing and it's not because you used the wrong profile haha~)
"Okay Jacob please be seated." The teacher says. You hear a few students chatting in the background but it's all muffled and you can't hear them. They could be talking about you. Class starts and the teacher begins talking. His voice is so boring you could easily tone him out. There is a crumbled piece of paper on the ground close to your reach. There are a few kids passing notes, one kid, is asleep, there are a few kids taking notes and some who are trying to listen then there is Kida and Mikado. What do you do now?
Name:Yako Age:15 Gender:Male Bio:No-one knows him because he didn't want to make any friends because he was a bit of a loner, his father was an engineer and his mother died at birth.He used to spar with robots to keep his practice up but he lost his longswords a short time before coming to Ikebukuro Appearance:Blue eyes, fair white skin ,blonde hair ,2.3 metres ---------------------- Health:110/110 Stats:0 Strength:5(+13) Intelligence:6 Charm:5 Endurance:4 ---------------------- Occupation:Student Karma:0 Reputation:0 Items: Money:$25 Weapon:Katana Time of day:Morning Relationship(s): Masaomi Kida: Aquainted with I go to my seat and pay attention to what i'm supposed to learn (why were you laughing when you typed that post)
Name:Yako Age:15 Gender:Male Bio:No-one knows him because he didn't want to make any friends because he was a bit of a loner, his father was an engineer and his mother died at birth.He used to spar with robots to keep his practice up but he lost his longswords a short time before coming to Ikebukuro Appearance:Blue eyes, fair white skin ,blonde hair ,2.3 metres ---------------------- Health:110/110 Stats:0 Strength:5(+13) Intelligence:10 Charm:5 Endurance:4 ---------------------- Occupation:Student Karma:0 Reputation:0 Items: Money:$25 Weapon:Katana Time of day:Noon Relationship(s): Masaomi Kida: Aquainted with
(Because usually in japan, someone would introduce their name fully and bow down before taking their seats.)
You go to your seat and the teacher begins speaking. You learn a lot about algebra and trigonometry(Intelligence +4)
It's lunch time now. Kids pack their book bags before getting out their lunch. Did you cook yours? Some kids eat in their own classroom while others went outside. A few even ate on the roof. What do you do and where do you go??
Name: Jack Shallow Age: 15 Gender: Male Bio: An unpredictable person. Appearance: Black hair, dark brown eyes, 6 feet ---------------------- Health:115/115 Stats:0 Strength: 5 Intelligence: 5 Charm: 5 Endurance: 5 ---------------------- Occupation: Student Karma:0 Reputation:0 Items: Money:$100 Weapon:Fists Time of day:Night
You head out and follow the cops on their motorcycles. It seems like the biker is a little scared yet it somehow leapt over a small building and escaped. Pretty amazing I'd say! The biker up close also looks female. You lose track of where the biker is and the cops seem to have lost her as well. You have only seen so much on your first day haha~
"Do you cops know where the biker might be heading?" Jack says.
Name:Yako Age:15 Gender:Male Bio:No-one knows him because he didn't want to make any friends because he was a bit of a loner, his father was an engineer and his mother died at birth.He used to spar with robots to keep his practice up but he lost his longswords a short time before coming to Ikebukuro Appearance:Blue eyes, fair white skin ,blonde hair ,2.3 metres ---------------------- Health:110/110 Stats:0 Strength:5(+13) Intelligence:10 Charm:5 Endurance:4 ---------------------- Occupation:Student Karma:0 Reputation:0 Items: Money:$25 Weapon:Katana Time of day:Noon Relationship(s): Masaomi Kida: Aquainted with I don't eat anything since i'm not hungry.
Name: Jack Shallow Age: 15 Gender: Male Bio: An unpredictable person. Appearance: Black hair, dark brown eyes, 6 feet ---------------------- Health:115/115 Stats:0 Strength: 5 Intelligence: 5 Charm: 5 Endurance: 5 ---------------------- Occupation: Student Karma:0 Reputation:0 Items: Money:$100 Weapon:Fists Time of day:Night
"well if we knew where she went we wouldn't have had to stop by now. By the way kid, it's getting late so you better get home before you get stabbed" An officer says. Suddenly a car comes flying at you(literally!!!)! Think fast!
Name:Yako Age:15 Gender:Male Bio:No-one knows him because he didn't want to make any friends because he was a bit of a loner, his father was an engineer and his mother died at birth.He used to spar with robots to keep his practice up but he lost his longswords a short time before coming to Ikebukuro Appearance:Blue eyes, fair white skin ,blonde hair ,2.3 metres ---------------------- Health:110/110 Stats:0 Strength:5(+13) Intelligence:10 Charm:5 Endurance:4 ---------------------- Occupation:Student Karma:0 Reputation:0 Items: Money:$25 Weapon:Katana Time of day:Noon Relationship(s): Masaomi Kida: Aquainted with
So you don't eat anything. A bit of time passes by, people are chatting with their friends, some are eating lunch by themselves. Break time isn't nearly over yet so what do you do?
Name:Yako Age:15 Gender:Male Bio:No-one knows him because he didn't want to make any friends because he was a bit of a loner, his father was an engineer and his mother died at birth.He used to spar with robots to keep his practice up but he lost his longswords a short time before coming to Ikebukuro Appearance:Blue eyes, fair white skin ,blonde hair ,2.3 metres ---------------------- Health:110/110 Stats:0 Strength:5(+13) Intelligence:10 Charm:5 Endurance:4 ---------------------- Occupation:Student Karma:0 Reputation:0 Items: Money:$25 Weapon:Katana Time of day:Noon Relationship(s): Masaomi Kida: Aquainted with Wait until break time has ended, then keep on listening to the teacher once break ends