ForumsForum GamesChampion of Chiakor

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1,676 posts

The Beginning
You grew up in the small village of Chiakor, a remote village with rich traditions, buried deep in the wilds.
Every year for as long as you can remember, your village has chosen a champion to send to the cursed Demon Realm.

Legend has it that in years Chiakor has failed to produce a champion, chaos has reigned over the countryside. Children disappear, crops wilt, and disease spreads like wildfire. This year, you have been selected to be the champion.

Character Creation
What is your name, Champion?
Male or Female?
If your are male, are you lean, average, or thick?
If female, are you slender, average, or curvy?
What is your skin color; light, olive, dark, or ebony?
What color is your hair, and how long?

Stats for the game include:
Strength - Increases your damage and enables the Strong Back perks if high enough.
Toughness - Increases your health points and enables the Tank and Regeneration perks if high enough.
Speed - Increases you chances to evade attacks, certain encounters and to run from a fight. Also enables the Evasion and Runner perks if high enough.
Intelligence - Increase the chance to withstand certain encounters. Spells are also easier to learn and cast.
Corruption - Shows how corrupt you've become since entering the Demon Realm. If high enough, you won't be known as the nice guy anymore. Nice thoughts and actions will be harder to perform if corruption becomes too high. Anger rises a lot faster when more corrupt.
Fatigue - Determines whether or not skills and spells can be used. Waiting, resting, and sleeping reduce fatigue.
Hit points - Your life. If it reaches 0, your enemy will find a way to corrupt your mind or body in some way, adding to your corruption.

Every person is born with a gift. What's yours?
Strength - Are you stronger than normal? +5 to strength
Toughness - Are you unusually tough? +5 to toughness
Speed - Are you very quick? +5 to speed
Smarts - Are you a quick learner? +5 to intelligence
Endurance - Are you energetic? Recover from fatigue 50% faster

Before you became a champion, you had other plans for your life. What were you doing before?
Alchemy - You spent some time as an alchemist's assistant, and alchemical items always seem to be more reactive in your hands. You are much more successful at making concoctions than the normal person, and can make others much more potent.
Fighting - You spent much of your time fighting other children, and you had plans to find work as a guard when you grew up. You do 10% more damage with physical attacks.
Healing - You often spent your free time with the village healer, learning how to tend to wounds. Healing items and effects are 20% more effective.
Religion - You spent a lot of time at the village temple, and learned how to meditate. Meditating will reduce corruption.
Schooling - You spent much of your time in school, and even begged the richest man in town, Mr. Savin, to let you read some of his books. You are much better at focusing, and spellcasting uses 20% less fatigue.
Slacking - You spent a lot of time slacking, avoiding work, and otherwise making a nuisance of yourself. Your efforts at slacking have made you quite adept at resting, and fatigue decreases 20% faster.
Smithing - You managed to get an apprenticeship with the local blacksmith. Because of your time spent at the blacksmith's side, you've learned how to fit armor for maximum protection. Increases armor effectiveness by roughly 10%.

Feel free to ask questions, and have fun if you decide to try! Also, this game is story driven, and every person will have a similar story line, so if you don't want anything spoiled, don't look at others posts. This could also be good for people not playing and reading what happens to see what differences the players actions are and other things.

I'm just kind of into seeing how other people play differently. Anyways, gl.

  • 325 Replies
435 posts

Name & Sex: David Jones, M
Day #5
Time: 15:36 (+0:36)
Complexion: Light
Hair: Long, black
Height: 4'1", 124cm
Masculinity: Slightly Masculine (64/100)
Muscles: Visible (55/100)
Frame: Average (46/100)
Body: All human
Schooling: 20% less fatigue when casting spells

Outfit: Comfortable Clothes
Weapon: Jagged Rock
Storage: Lumi's Ingredients, 2 empty flasks, Lake Water flask,Medium sack (13/500), Medium sack (298/500), 2 Red Peppers
Camp Storage: Beautiful Sword, 2 Jetta berries, 1 Sybil carrot
Places Explored:
Special Places:
~Whitney's Farm
~Lumi's Hut
Strength: 8
Toughness: 8
Speed: 14
Intelligence: 20
Corruption: 4%
HP: 78%
Fatigue: 47%
Hunger: 0.39% (+0.18)
Thirst: 8.24% (+0.72)
Status Effects: -
Level: 2
Experience: 125 (+20)
Gems: 103
Quest: None
~[Goblin] Lumi (Friendly)
~[Canine-morph] Whitney (Friendly)
~[Centaur] Balgair (Friendly)
~[Centaur] Nathrach (Acquaintance)
~[Demon] Aerom (Hostile)

I help the centaurs look for the dead centaur and help give him a proper burial and pay my respects. I tell them afterwards about how the demon seemed to be burned by the sword, but the sword wasn't hot, and the demon left to try and heal his hand. I ask them how that was possible.

883 posts

Name & Sex: Goku, M
Day #3
Time: 6:00
Complexion: Light
Hair: Long, spiked, black
Height: 5'9", 175cm
Masculinity: Slightly Masculine (60/100)
Muscles: Visible (58/100)
Frame: Average (49/100) (-1)
Body: All human
Fighting: 10% more damage using physical attacks
Outfit: Comfortable Clothes
Weapon: Giant Stick (7 ft. L, 3 in. T), Folded Weapon Rack
Storage: 13 pebbles
Camp Storage: -
Places Explored:
Special Places:
~Town Ruins
Strength: 10
Toughness: 15
Speed: 11
Intelligence: 10
Corruption: 0%
HP: 100%
Fatigue: 0%
Hunger: 0% (10% and over is bad. 7% means you haven't eaten in a day,10% means you haven't eaten in a day and a half, and 100% means you haven't for two weeks, which then you're health, strength, toughness, and muscle tone will slowly deteriorate. After that happens, your health drops even faster when there is no muscle/fat left to get energy from.)
Thirst: 0% (30% and over is bad. 30% is the equivalent of not eating for an entire day. 100% means you haven't drank any water for three, which then you'll slowly die from dehydration.)
Status Effects: -
Level: 1
Experience: 45
Gems: 0
Quest: -
~[Mouse-morph] Amily (Acquaintance)

(Why did my frame decrease by one?)

I look around for the closest mountain and walk towards it. Hopefully I'll be able to find food and water on the way.

1,282 posts

Name & Sex: Archene De'Night, M
Day #5
Time: 12:11 (+0:23)
Complexion: Light
Hair: Brown, long & curly
Height: 5'7"
Masculinity: Slightly Masculine (60/100)
Muscles: Visible (62/100)
Frame: Average (44/100)
Body: All human
Healing: Healing items and effects are 20% more effective.

Outfit: Not so Comfortable Clothes
Weapon: 3 ft Spear (stick + sharpened rock)
Storage: Imp Food, 5 Peppers
~Small Goblin Pouch: 2 writing utensils, Goblin Ale, Equinum
Camp Storage: Willow Bark Basket, 1½ Deep Boiling Pot (Full/Lake Water)
Places Explored:
Special Places:
~Lake Boat
~Whitney's Farm
Strength: 15
Toughness: 15
Speed: 21
Intelligence: 11
Corruption: 20%
HP: 100%
Fatigue: 20%
Hunger: 2.23% (+0.11)
Thirst: 20.50% (+0.46)
Status Effects:
~Sore (11:26) No stat gains + higher fatigue threshold
Level: 2
Experience: 68
Gems: 13
Quest: None
~[Canine-morph] Whitney (Friendly)
~[Demonic Jaguar] Akbal (Hostile)

I attempt to start a fire by rubbing two sticks together.

1,676 posts

Name & Sex: David Jones, M
Day #5
Time: 15:47 (+0:11)
Complexion: Light
Hair: Long, black
Height: 4'1", 124cm
Masculinity: Slightly Masculine (64/100)
Muscles: Visible (55/100)
Frame: Average (46/100)
Body: All human
Schooling: 20% less fatigue when casting spells

Outfit: Comfortable Clothes
Weapon: Jagged Rock
Storage: Lumi's Ingredients, 2 empty flasks, Lake Water flask,Medium sack (13/500), Medium sack (298/500), 2 Red Peppers
Camp Storage: Beautiful Sword, 2 Jetta berries, 1 Sybil carrot
Places Explored:
Special Places:
~Whitney's Farm
~Lumi's Hut
Strength: 8
Toughness: 8
Speed: 14
Intelligence: 20
Corruption: 4%
HP: 78%
Fatigue: 47%
Hunger: 0.44% (+0.05)
Thirst: 8.46% (+0.22)
Status Effects: -
Level: 2
Experience: 125
Gems: 103
Quest: None
~[Goblin] Lumi (Friendly)
~[Canine-morph] Whitney (Friendly)
~[Centaur] Balgair (Friendly)
~[Centaur] Nathrach (Acquaintance)
~[Demon] Aerom (Hostile)

I help the centaurs look for the dead centaur and help give him a proper burial and pay my respects.

Balgair thanks you for the kindness for the deceased Centaur before and after the burial, while Nathrach remains silent through and through. (+0:07)

I tell them afterwards about how the demon seemed to be burned by the sword, but the sword wasn't hot, and the demon left to try and heal his hand. I ask them how that was possible.

Nathrach doesn't seem interested, and wanders away. Balgair, however, stays put, though he seems very uncomfortable.

With a long sigh and a dull voice, he responds to your question.

"I haven't a clue how that happened." His voice seems to be burdened now, probably too affected by the loss of his good friend. "It could be blessed... or maybe enchanted. I don't know anything about magic, Champion." he says, sighing again. (+0:04)
Name & Sex: Goku, M
Day #3
Time: 7:42 (+1:42)
Complexion: Light
Hair: Long, spiked, black
Height: 5'9", 175cm
Masculinity: Slightly Masculine (60/100)
Muscles: Visible (58/100)
Frame: Average (47/100) (-2)
Body: All human
Fighting: 10% more damage using physical attacks
Outfit: Comfortable Clothes
Weapon: Giant Stick (7 ft. L, 3 in. T), Folded Weapon Rack
Storage: 13 pebbles
Camp Storage: -
Places Explored:
~Mountain (Unexplored)
~Forest (Unexplored)
Special Places:
~Town Ruins
Strength: 10
Toughness: 15
Speed: 11
Intelligence: 10
Corruption: 0%
HP: 100%
Fatigue: 0%
Hunger: 0.51% (+0.51)
Thirst: 2.04% (+2.04)
Status Effects: -
Level: 1
Experience: 70 (+25/discovering forest)
Gems: 0
Quest: -
~[Mouse-morph] Amily (Acquaintance)

(Why did my frame decrease by one?)

Because you walked to the camp instead of teleporting, allowing for some calories to be burned since it was nearly an hour away.

I look around for the closest mountain and walk towards it. Hopefully I'll be able to find food and water on the way.

The walk towards the mountain you can see is past a forest, but very distant. This type of trek is going to take a pretty long amount of time, but you seem prepared.

Deciding to go, you set off into the direction of the forest.

Finally reaching it, you can analyze it better. The forest is very thick it seems. There is a wall of trees dead ahead, with a small little path leading inside. The edge of the forest is riddled with many different shapes and sizes of trees. Some low, some very tall. The tall trees have some sort of fruit hanging from the top, almost resembling a peach. Yet they are way too high up for you to reach, and the trees don't seem to be climbable.

The forest doesn't seem very inviting, however. You could enter, or try to find a way around. (+1:42)
Name & Sex: Archene De'Night, M
Day #5
Time: 12:11 (+1:02)
Complexion: Light
Hair: Brown, long & curly
Height: 5'7"
Masculinity: Slightly Masculine (60/100)
Muscles: Visible (62/100)
Frame: Average (44/100)
Body: All human
Healing: Healing items and effects are 20% more effective.

Outfit: Not so Comfortable Clothes
Weapon: 3 ft Spear (stick + sharpened rock)
Storage: Imp Food, 5 Peppers
~Small Goblin Pouch: 2 writing utensils, Goblin Ale, Equinum
Camp Storage: Willow Bark Basket, 1½ Deep Boiling Pot (Full/Lake Water)
Places Explored:
Special Places:
~Lake Boat
~Whitney's Farm
Strength: 15
Toughness: 15
Speed: 21
Intelligence: 11
Corruption: 20%
HP: 100%
Fatigue: 20%
Hunger: 2.54% (+0.31)
Thirst: 21.74% (+1.24)
Status Effects:
~Sore (10:24) No stat gains + higher fatigue threshold
Level: 2
Experience: 68
Gems: 13
Quest: None
~[Canine-morph] Whitney (Friendly)
~[Demonic Jaguar] Akbal (Hostile)

I attempt to start a fire by rubbing two sticks together.

After several failed attempts, and several more fires that burned out before you could add any fuel to them, you finally get a fire going, but the flames are still very small. After adding a little red-tinged grass, the fire slowly becomes brighter and bigger. Still probably not hot enough to boil water completely, it could still kill off a few germs, or in this case, corruption-causing pollutants. (+1:02)
1,282 posts

Name & Sex: Archene De'Night, M
Day #5
Time: 12:11 (+1:02)
Complexion: Light
Hair: Brown, long & curly
Height: 5'7"
Masculinity: Slightly Masculine (60/100)
Muscles: Visible (62/100)
Frame: Average (44/100)
Body: All human
Healing: Healing items and effects are 20% more effective.

Outfit: Not so Comfortable Clothes
Weapon: 3 ft Spear (stick + sharpened rock)
Storage: Imp Food, 5 Peppers
~Small Goblin Pouch: 2 writing utensils, Goblin Ale, Equinum
Camp Storage: Willow Bark Basket, 1½ Deep Boiling Pot (Full/Lake Water)
Places Explored:
Special Places:
~Lake Boat
~Whitney's Farm
Strength: 15
Toughness: 15
Speed: 21
Intelligence: 11
Corruption: 20%
HP: 100%
Fatigue: 20%
Hunger: 2.54% (+0.31)
Thirst: 21.74% (+1.24)
Status Effects:
~Sore (10:24) No stat gains + higher fatigue threshold
Level: 2
Experience: 68
Gems: 13
Quest: None
~[Canine-morph] Whitney (Friendly)
~[Demonic Jaguar] Akbal (Hostile)

I keep adding larger sizes of wood onto the fire, until I have a decent-sized flame. I then go about using sturdy, thick stick to construct my support for the pot.

1,461 posts

Name & Sex: Michael Lee, M
Day #3
Time: 9:47 (+0:07)
Complexion: Light
Hair: Long, black
Height: 5'4", 163cm
Masculinity: Slightly Masculine (60/100)
Muscles: Visible(57/100)
Frame: Narrow (35/100)
Body: All human
Smithing: Armor effectiveness increased by 10%
Outfit: Comfortable Clothes
Weapons: 4 ft. bamboo stick
Storage: 1 ft. bamboo stick, 8 Perudi olives, sharpened rock
Camp Storage: -
Places Explored:
Strength: 11
Toughness: 10
Speed: 16
Intelligence: 10
Corruption: 0%
HP: 100%
Fatigue: 0%
Status Effects: -
Level: 1
Experience: 55
Gems: 0
Quest: None
~[Rat-morph] Rathazul (Acquaintance)

I leave the lake and head towards a direction I haven't gone to yet.

1,676 posts

Name & Sex: Archene De'Night, M
Day #5
Time: 13:05 (+0:54)
Complexion: Light
Hair: Brown, long & curly
Height: 5'7"
Masculinity: Slightly Masculine (60/100)
Muscles: Visible (62/100)
Frame: Average (44/100)
Body: All human
Healing: Healing items and effects are 20% more effective.

Outfit: Not so Comfortable Clothes
Weapon: 3 ft Spear (stick + sharpened rock)
Storage: Imp Food, 5 Peppers
~Small Goblin Pouch: 2 writing utensils, Goblin Ale, Equinum
Camp Storage: Willow Bark Basket, 1½ Deep Boiling Pot (Full/Lake Water)
Places Explored:
Special Places:
~Lake Boat
~Whitney's Farm
Strength: 15
Toughness: 15
Speed: 21
Intelligence: 11
Corruption: 20%
HP: 100%
Fatigue: 20%
Hunger: 2.81% (+0.27)
Thirst: 22.82% (+1.08)
Status Effects:
~Sore (9:30) No stat gains + higher fatigue threshold
Level: 2
Experience: 74 (+6)
Gems: 13
Quest: None
~[Canine-morph] Whitney (Friendly)
~[Demonic Jaguar] Akbal (Hostile)

I keep adding larger sizes of wood onto the fire, until I have a decent-sized flame.

This turns out being successful. (+0:07)

I then go about using sturdy, thick stick to construct my support for the pot.

Taking quite a bit of time, you do manage to create a make-shift support for the pot. Two pairs of thick sticks are standing up on each side of the fire, placed a small distance away so that they don't burn. Another thick but longer stick lies across the fire, suspended high enough to where the pot will be just right on the fire. After building the construct, you take the extra time to find some grass long enough to tie it around the pairs of sticks so that they don't cripple under the weight of the pot. (+0:47)
Name & Sex: Michael Lee, M
Day #3
Time: 10:04 (+0:17)
Complexion: Light
Hair: Long, black
Height: 5'4", 163cm
Masculinity: Slightly Masculine (60/100)
Muscles: Visible(57/100)
Frame: Narrow (35/100)
Body: All human
Smithing: Armor effectiveness increased by 10%
Outfit: Comfortable Clothes
Weapons: 4 ft. bamboo stick
Storage: 1 ft. bamboo stick, 8 Perudi olives, sharpened rock
Camp Storage: -
Places Explored:
Strength: 11
Toughness: 10
Speed: 16
Intelligence: 10
Corruption: 0%
HP: 100%
Fatigue: 0%
Status Effects: -
Level: 1
Experience: 70 (+15)
Gems: 0
Quest: None
~[Rat-morph] Rathazul (Acquaintance)
~[Hawkish/Possibly Human] Giacomo (Acquaintance)

I leave the lake and head towards a direction I haven't gone to yet.

As you travel, you see another person on the road. He is tethered to a small cart that is overloaded with a hodgepodge of items. He is dressed in a very garish manner, having a broad, multicolored hat, brocaded coat and large, striped pantaloons. His appearance is almost comical and contrasts with his severe and hawkish facial features. The man sees you, smiles and stops his cart.
"Greetings, traveler! My name is Giacomo. I am, as you can see, a humble purveyor of items, curios and other accoutrements. While I am not in a position to show you my full wares as my shop is packed on this push-cart, I do offer some small trinkets for travelers I meet."

The merchant looks at you sharply and cracks a wide, toothy smile you find... unnerving. The merchant twists his way around to access a sack he has around his back. After a moment, he swings the sack from his back to have better access to its contents. Inquisitively, the merchant turns back to you.
"So stranger, be you interested in some drafts to aid you in your travels, some quick pamphlets to warn you of dangers on journeys or..."

Giacomo pauses and turns his head in both directions in a mocking gesture of paranoid observation. His little bit of theatrics does make you wonder what he is about to offer.
"...maybe you would be interested in some items that enhance your looks? Hmmm?"

Giacomo's grin is nothing short of creepy as he offers his wares to you. What are you interested in?
435 posts

Name & Sex: David Jones, M
Day #5
Time: 15:47 (+0:11)
Complexion: Light
Hair: Long, black
Height: 4'1", 124cm
Masculinity: Slightly Masculine (64/100)
Muscles: Visible (55/100)
Frame: Average (46/100)
Body: All human
Schooling: 20% less fatigue when casting spells

Outfit: Comfortable Clothes
Weapon: Jagged Rock
Storage: Lumi's Ingredients, 2 empty flasks, Lake Water flask,Medium sack (13/500), Medium sack (298/500), 2 Red Peppers
Camp Storage: Beautiful Sword, 2 Jetta berries, 1 Sybil carrot
Places Explored:
Special Places:
~Whitney's Farm
~Lumi's Hut
Strength: 8
Toughness: 8
Speed: 14
Intelligence: 20
Corruption: 4%
HP: 78%
Fatigue: 47%
Hunger: 0.44% (+0.05)
Thirst: 8.46% (+0.22)
Status Effects: -
Level: 2
Experience: 125
Gems: 103
Quest: None
~[Goblin] Lumi (Friendly)
~[Canine-morph] Whitney (Friendly)
~[Centaur] Balgair (Friendly)
~[Centaur] Nathrach (Acquaintance)
~[Demon] Aerom (Hostile)

Realising the centaurs are quite upset, I say goodbye and go to Lumi's home. If she is away, I go to Whitney's farm and eat a few peppers. I then look for Whitney and ask her if I could help her farm. I accept any task she offers unless there is a strong possiblity of serious injury.

435 posts

*I forgot to add what I do if Lumi's home.*

If Lumi's home I tell her in more detail about the demon attack and ask her if she knows why the demon would attack. I then tell her that the centaur said the sword might be magic and ask her if magic really exists here, and if so I ask how it works.

1,282 posts

Name & Sex: Archene De'Night, M
Day #5
Time: 13:05 (+0:54)
Complexion: Light
Hair: Brown, long & curly
Height: 5'7"
Masculinity: Slightly Masculine (60/100)
Muscles: Visible (62/100)
Frame: Average (44/100)
Body: All human
Healing: Healing items and effects are 20% more effective.

Outfit: Not so Comfortable Clothes
Weapon: 3 ft Spear (stick + sharpened rock)
Storage: Imp Food, 5 Peppers
~Small Goblin Pouch: 2 writing utensils, Goblin Ale, Equinum
Camp Storage: Willow Bark Basket, 1½ Deep Boiling Pot (Full/Lake Water)
Places Explored:
Special Places:
~Lake Boat
~Whitney's Farm
Strength: 15
Toughness: 15
Speed: 21
Intelligence: 11
Corruption: 20%
HP: 100%
Fatigue: 20%
Hunger: 2.81% (+0.27)
Thirst: 22.82% (+1.08)
Status Effects:
~Sore (9:30) No stat gains + higher fatigue threshold
Level: 2
Experience: 74 (+6)
Gems: 13
Quest: None
~[Canine-morph] Whitney (Friendly)
~[Demonic Jaguar] Akbal (Hostile)

I go ahead and put the pot of water over the fire on the support system. After it's finished boiling for a bit, I let it cool down and then drink to my full. I then explore for a bit.

1,676 posts

Name & Sex: David Jones, M
Day #5
Time: 15:54 (+0:07)
Complexion: Light
Hair: Long, black
Height: 4'1", 124cm
Masculinity: Slightly Masculine (64/100)
Muscles: Visible (55/100)
Frame: Average (46/100)
Body: All human
Schooling: 20% less fatigue when casting spells

Outfit: Comfortable Clothes
Weapon: Jagged Rock
Storage: Lumi's Ingredients, 2 empty flasks, Lake Water flask,Medium sack (13/500), Medium sack (298/500), 2 Red Peppers
Camp Storage: Beautiful Sword, 2 Jetta berries, 1 Sybil carrot
Places Explored:
Special Places:
~Whitney's Farm
~Lumi's Hut
Strength: 8
Toughness: 8
Speed: 14
Intelligence: 20
Corruption: 4%
HP: 78%
Fatigue: 47%
Hunger: 0.47% (+0.03)
Thirst: 8.60% (+0.14)
Status Effects: -
Level: 2
Experience: 125
Gems: 103
Quest: None
~[Goblin] Lumi (Friendly)
~[Canine-morph] Whitney (Friendly)
~[Centaur] Balgair (Friendly)
~[Centaur] Nathrach (Acquaintance)
~[Demon] Aerom (Hostile)

If Lumi's home I tell her in more detail about the demon attack and ask her if she knows why the demon would attack.

"A demon attacked you? Well... its not uncommon for a Champion to be sniffed out by demons. Didn't they warn you back home?" After shaking your head, she says, "Oh well." as she gives a shrug. "You don't look TOO bad."

I then tell her that the centaur said the sword might be magic and ask her if magic really exists here, and if so I ask how it works.

"Magic? Well, there is spellcraft, so I guess that counts as magic. I'm not into that kind of thing though. I guess maybe someone could have enchanted it with some sort of magic. Or, if they're anything like me, they'd poison the sword with alchemy." Then, a thought springs into her tiny green head. "Maybe that's what they did! It would have had to been something real powerful. That explains why the handle didn't burn you and only the demon. Maybe it was a specific type of poison that would only burn something that is too corrupt to hold it."

You also tell her that the Centaur held the sword too.

"Then that also explains why the Centaur didn't get burned either. Man, I'm smart! Figured it all out in just a few seconds!" she exclaims as she claps her hands.
Name & Sex: Archene De'Night, M
Day #5
Time: 15:17 (+2:12)
Complexion: Light
Hair: Brown, long & curly
Height: 5'7"
Masculinity: Slightly Masculine (60/100)
Muscles: Visible (62/100)
Frame: Average (44/100)
Body: All human
Healing: Healing items and effects are 20% more effective.

Outfit: Not so Comfortable Clothes
Weapon: 3 ft Spear (stick + sharpened rock)
Storage: Imp Food, 5 Peppers
~Small Goblin Pouch: 2 writing utensils, Goblin Ale, Equinum
Camp Storage: Willow Bark Basket, 1½ Deep Boiling Pot (65%/Clean Water)
~Firepit: Support for proper boiling
Places Explored:
Special Places:
~Lake Boat
~Whitney's Farm
~Strange Structure
Strength: 15
Toughness: 15
Speed: 21
Intelligence: 11
Corruption: 20%
HP: 100%
Fatigue: 20%
Hunger: 3.47% (+0.66)
Thirst: 10.64% (+2.64)
Status Effects:
~Sore (7:18) No stat gains + higher fatigue threshold
Level: 2
Experience: 124 (+50)
Gems: 13
Quest: None
~[Canine-morph] Whitney (Friendly)
~[Demonic Jaguar] Akbal (Hostile)

I go ahead and put the pot of water over the fire on the support system. After it's finished boiling for a bit, I let it cool down and then drink to my full.

It takes quite a long time for the water to finish boiling, and an even longer amount for letting it cool down. Though after all the time used waiting, the water finally cools down enough to be drunk. You drink as much as you can, but your stomach eventually becomes distended from drinking so much water. You know you haven't completely quenched your thirst, but you've drank to your full capacity at this point. You feel like you'd barf if you consumed anything else for the time being.

I then explore for a bit.

You set off in search of new horizons, setting off from camp in a completely new direction than you've ever tried before. Away from the parts of Mareth you have thus far discovered, much of the world seems to be a barren wasteland. Your trip soon begins to seem unproductive, having found no new areas of Mareth or any contact with its inhabitants. You sigh and turn back towards camp.

However, soon you catch the faintest glimpse of something in the distance! Squinting, you shield your eyes from the sun and try to discern the strange glint on the horizon, but it's simply too far away. Well, whatever it is, it certainly merits a check - it could be anything, perhaps a city, or even some demon enclave that needs destroying. With a quick check of your spear, you begin the long trek towards the shimmer in the distance.

You finally close the distance between yourself and the strange structure, which begins to take shape ahead. Though it's half-buried under what must be years of built-up sand and debris, you can clearly make out high stone walls supported by vaulted arches, broken every so often by the shattered remains of stained-glass windows and a pair of utterly destroyed oaken doors nearly hidden behind a row of tall marble pillars, many of which have long-since crumbled. High above the ground, you can see a pair of tall, slender towers reaching up to the heavens, one of which has been nearly obliterated by some unimaginably powerful impact, leaving it a stump compared to its twin. From the rooftops, strange shapes look down upon you - stone statues made in the image of demons, dragons, and other monsters.

You arrive at the grounds around the ruins, cordoned off by a waist-high wrought-iron fence that surrounds the building and what once might have been a beautiful, pastoral garden, now rotting and wilted, its trees chopped down or burned, twig-like bushes a mere gale's difference from being tumbleweeds. A few dozen tombstones outline the path to a gaping maw that was once the great wooden doors. Seeing no obvious signs of danger, you make your way inside, stepping cautiously over the rubble and rotting debris that litters the courtyard.

It's quite dark inside, illuminated only by thin shafts of light streaming in from the shattered windows and sundered doors. You can make out a few dozen wooden pews, all either thrown aside and rotting or long-since crushed, leading up to a stone altar and an effigy of a great green tree, now covered in graffiti and filth. Stairs beside the altar lead up to the towers, and down to what must be catacombs or dungeons deep underground.

However, what most catches your eye upon entering the sanctuary are the statues that line the walls. Beautifully carved gray stone idols of creatures, chimeras, and nearer to the altar, god-like beings, are each set into their own little alcove. Unfortunately most have been destroyed along with the cathedral, each lying in a pile of its own shattered debris; some having whole limbs or other extremities broken off and carried away by looters, leaving them mere shadows of their former glory.

All of them but one. In the farthest, darkest alcove you see a single statue that still seems intact. It is of a woman. Though posed in a low, predatory crouch, she would normally stand nearly six feet tall, hair sculpted to fall playfully about her shoulders. A spiked, mace-like tail curls about her legs that are attached to the pedestal upon which she's placed.

However, your attention is soon drawn from her body to the pedestal upon which she stands. A pair of solid gold chains extend from the pedestal to her wrists, binding the statue. You notice a plaque has been bolted to the pedestal, a feature not present on any of the other statues here. Leaning down, you blow a sizable amount of dust from the plaque, revealing the following short inscription:

"Break my bonds to make me tame."
435 posts

Name & Sex: David Jones, M
Day #5
Time: 15:54 (+0:07)
Complexion: Light
Hair: Long, black
Height: 4'1", 124cm
Masculinity: Slightly Masculine (64/100)
Muscles: Visible (55/100)
Frame: Average (46/100)
Body: All human
Schooling: 20% less fatigue when casting spells

Outfit: Comfortable Clothes
Weapon: Jagged Rock
Storage: Lumi's Ingredients, 2 empty flasks, Lake Water flask,Medium sack (13/500), Medium sack (298/500), 2 Red Peppers
Camp Storage: Beautiful Sword, 2 Jetta berries, 1 Sybil carrot
Places Explored:
Special Places:
~Whitney's Farm
~Lumi's Hut
Strength: 8
Toughness: 8
Speed: 14
Intelligence: 20
Corruption: 4%
HP: 78%
Fatigue: 47%
Hunger: 0.47% (+0.03)
Thirst: 8.60% (+0.14)
Status Effects: -
Level: 2
Experience: 125
Gems: 103
Quest: None
~[Goblin] Lumi (Friendly)
~[Canine-morph] Whitney (Friendly)
~[Centaur] Balgair (Friendly)
~[Centaur] Nathrach (Acquaintance)
~[Demon] Aerom (Hostile)

I agree with Lumi that it was pretty clever to figure that out so fast. I ask Lumi if she knows what ingredients might be in a potion that powerful. I then ask her if she does anything else in her free time besides just making new potions and selling them. I also ask her who she tests her potions on, since it seems pretty risky to test new potions on yourself.

1,282 posts

Name & Sex: Archene De'Night, M
Day #5
Time: 15:17 (+2:12)
Complexion: Light
Hair: Brown, long & curly
Height: 5'7"
Masculinity: Slightly Masculine (60/100)
Muscles: Visible (62/100)
Frame: Average (44/100)
Body: All human
Healing: Healing items and effects are 20% more effective.

Outfit: Not so Comfortable Clothes
Weapon: 3 ft Spear (stick + sharpened rock)
Storage: Imp Food, 5 Peppers
~Small Goblin Pouch: 2 writing utensils, Goblin Ale, Equinum
Camp Storage: Willow Bark Basket, 1½ Deep Boiling Pot (65%/Clean Water)
~Firepit: Support for proper boiling
Places Explored:
Special Places:
~Lake Boat
~Whitney's Farm
~Strange Structure
Strength: 15
Toughness: 15
Speed: 21
Intelligence: 11
Corruption: 20%
HP: 100%
Fatigue: 20%
Hunger: 3.47% (+0.66)
Thirst: 10.64% (+2.64)
Status Effects:
~Sore (7:18) No stat gains + higher fatigue threshold
Level: 2
Experience: 124 (+50)
Gems: 13
Quest: None
~[Canine-morph] Whitney (Friendly)
~[Demonic Jaguar] Akbal (Hostile)

I break the solid gold chains, and see if the words on the plaque are true.

1,461 posts

Name & Sex: Michael Lee, M
Day #3
Time: 10:04 (+0:17)
Complexion: Light
Hair: Long, black
Height: 5'4", 163cm
Masculinity: Slightly Masculine (60/100)
Muscles: Visible(57/100)
Frame: Narrow (35/100)
Body: All human
Smithing: Armor effectiveness increased by 10%
Outfit: Comfortable Clothes
Weapons: 4 ft. bamboo stick
Storage: 1 ft. bamboo stick, 8 Perudi olives, sharpened rock
Camp Storage: -
Places Explored:
Strength: 11
Toughness: 10
Speed: 16
Intelligence: 10
Corruption: 0%
HP: 100%
Fatigue: 0%
Status Effects: -
Level: 1
Experience: 70 (+15)
Gems: 0
Quest: None
~[Rat-morph] Rathazul (Acquaintance)
~[Hawkish/Possibly Human] Giacomo (Acquaintance)

"Do you, by any chance, need an assistant?"

1,676 posts

Name & Sex: David Jones, M
Day #5
Time: 15:58 (+0:04)
Complexion: Light
Hair: Long, black
Height: 4'1", 124cm
Masculinity: Slightly Masculine (64/100)
Muscles: Visible (55/100)
Frame: Average (46/100)
Body: All human
Schooling: 20% less fatigue when casting spells

Outfit: Comfortable Clothes
Weapon: Jagged Rock
Storage: Lumi's Ingredients, 2 empty flasks, Lake Water flask,Medium sack (13/500), Medium sack (298/500), 2 Red Peppers
Camp Storage: Beautiful Sword, 2 Jetta berries, 1 Sybil carrot
Places Explored:
Special Places:
~Whitney's Farm
~Lumi's Hut
Strength: 8
Toughness: 8
Speed: 14
Intelligence: 20
Corruption: 4%
HP: 78%
Fatigue: 47%
Hunger: 0.51% (+0.04)
Thirst: 8.76% (+0.16)
Status Effects: -
Level: 2
Experience: 125
Gems: 103
Quest: None
~[Goblin] Lumi (Friendly)
~[Canine-morph] Whitney (Friendly)
~[Centaur] Balgair (Friendly)
~[Centaur] Nathrach (Acquaintance)
~[Demon] Aerom (Hostile)

I ask Lumi if she knows what ingredients might be in a potion that powerful.

"I think I do, but that's some expensive information!"

I then ask her if she does anything else in her free time besides just making new potions and selling them.

"Not much. Sometimes I just wander about in the forest, much like how you found me in the first place... but don't get the wrong idea!" she quickly throws in. "I don't just sit in bushes all day waiting for someone to come by or follow something until it notices me!" she says, trying to save face.

I also ask her who she tests her potions on, since it seems pretty risky to test new potions on yourself.

"Well, I test some on myself, but usually only when I already have an idea of what the ingredient does. If I don't know squat about the ingredients I'm adding, there's no way I'm gonna test that! Sometimes I find willing testers, like yourself!"
Name & Sex: Archene De'Night, M
Day #5
Time: 15:29 (+0:12)
Complexion: Light
Hair: Brown, long & curly
Height: 5'7"
Masculinity: Slightly Masculine (60/100)
Muscles: Visible (62/100)
Frame: Average (44/100)
Body: All human
Healing: Healing items and effects are 20% more effective.

Outfit: Not so Comfortable Clothes
Weapon: 3 ft Spear (stick + sharpened rock)
Storage: Imp Food, 5 Peppers
~Small Goblin Pouch: 2 writing utensils, Goblin Ale, Equinum
Camp Storage: Willow Bark Basket, 1½ Deep Boiling Pot (65%/Clean Water)
~Firepit: Support for proper boiling
Places Explored:
Special Places:
~Lake Boat
~Whitney's Farm
~Strange Structure
Strength: 15
Toughness: 15
Speed: 21
Intelligence: 11
Corruption: 20%
HP: 100%
Fatigue: 20%
Hunger: 3.53% (+0.06)
Thirst: 10.88% (+0.24)
Status Effects:
~Sore (7:06) No stat gains + higher fatigue threshold
Level: 2
Experience: 124
Gems: 13
Quest: None
~[Canine-morph] Whitney (Friendly)
~[Demonic Jaguar] Akbal (Hostile)

[quote[I break the solid gold chains, and see if the words on the plaque are true.[/quote]

You swing your spear up over your head and strike the chains. Looks like you got results... An ear-splitting SCHING! echoes through the cathedral as shards of gold go flying. You recoil, shielding your face from the surprisingly explosive force of the chains' shattering. When the dust settles you cautiously lower your arms, giving you a good view of what lies â" or rather, kneels - before you.

The gargoyle has stepped down from her pedestal, and now kneels as a supplicant before a king, forehead near the ground and weight rested upon her stone knuckles even as her massive wingspan unfolds behind her and her mace-like tail swishes rapidly behind her. Slowly, the gargoyle raises her head to gaze upon you, her now ruby-red eyes staring into yours. Her smooth, once-stone hair falling forward in stands, fringing her smooth, angular face. Her thin, gray lips slowly curl into a small, sultry smile as she says, just on the edge of hearing...

"Master. My. . . Master."

You glance over your shoulder, but there's no one else here. She must be referring to you!

"What would you have of this one, Master?" she asks, looking up at you expectantly.

Still cautious, you ask her what she is exactly. Clearly she's no ordinary statue!

"I am your humble servant, Master. Ask, and I shall obey."

That raised more questions than it answered. Taking things slow for now, you ask her name.

"I... I am... I simply am. What would Master call me?"
Name & Sex: Michael Lee, M
Day #3
Time: 10:06 (+0:02)
Complexion: Light
Hair: Long, black
Height: 5'4", 163cm
Masculinity: Slightly Masculine (60/100)
Muscles: Visible(57/100)
Frame: Narrow (35/100)
Body: All human
Smithing: Armor effectiveness increased by 10%
Outfit: Comfortable Clothes
Weapons: 4 ft. bamboo stick
Storage: 1 ft. bamboo stick, 8 Perudi olives, sharpened rock
Camp Storage: -
Places Explored:
Strength: 11
Toughness: 10
Speed: 16
Intelligence: 10
Corruption: 0%
HP: 100%
Fatigue: 0%
Status Effects: -
Level: 1
Experience: 70
Gems: 0
Quest: None
~[Rat-morph] Rathazul (Acquaintance)
~[Hawkish/Possibly Human] Giacomo (Acquaintance)

"Do you, by any chance, need an assistant?"

Not expecting such a question, he recoils. "I'm afraid not." he replies, closing his sack of trinkets and items. "With all do respect," he says, with anything but a respectful tone, "I don't feel comfortable sharing my profits."
Showing 226-240 of 325