I'll send my miner to (131, 30, 70) to search for whatever resources it may find there. I'll send the scouter with the miner. As for food... What can we do? Is there a reproduction of an Earth atmosphere so we can grow crops, or anything like that?
For crops you'll need a hydroponics thingie or later a biodome thingie. As for your miner/scouter, they identify a deposit of around 24,000 titanium, 2,045 heavy metals and 100,000 water. And also 11,000 uranium. Which would you like to mine? Bear in mind that if you send all three, you'll have a max. capacity of 30 units/day.
You could try and balance it, i.e 2 titanium, 3 water, etc. per Miner, but at present your farms need 3 water for 1 food (so maybe build a lab and do some research).
Leader Name: Aurelious Coolen
Leader Bio (optional): An intelectually gifted, curious man, Aurelious always dreamed of walking among the stars. As a boy, he was a bit of a scrawny misfit. Now, though still awkward at times, Aurelious leads NASA's "Gaia" program. He is typically very friendly. Aurelious aspires to go down in history as a great innovator and leader.
State Name: Gaia
Affiliation: Capitalist
Origin of Colony Ship: United States of America
Flag: quartered design; sky blue and white are our colors
City co-ords: 130,30,70
Property (city): City Centre
Property (space): none
Property (planetary): none
Fleet (military): none
Fleet (civilian): Scouter (5), Miner (3), Clipper (1)
Techs: Shipbuilding 1, Module Construction 1, Ion Drive 1 (25 points/day), Rocket Drive 1 (50 points/5 Hydrogen/day)
Designs (military): none
Deigns (civilian): clipper (class 2, transport, hold: 20 units, combat cap.: 0, durability: 0, crew: 2)
Happiness: 100%
Funds: 50,000 credits
Taxes: 1cr/head/turn
Titanium: 500
Heavy metals: 500
Uranium: 250
Hydrogen: 300
Alloys: 250
Water: 480
Food: 480
Synthetics: 250
Waste: 0
Citizens: 200
Soldiers: 0
Designs (military):
Deigns (civilian):
Scouter (can go into planets, 0.5x0.1x0.05, combat cap.: 0 durability: 0, Ion Drive 1, unmanned)
Class 1:
Miner (mining drone, 3x2x2, hold: 10 units, combat cap.: 1, durability: 5, Ion Drive 1, unmanned)
Class 2:
Clipper (transport, 15x10x10, hold: 100 units, combat cap.: 0, durability: 5, Ion Drive 1, crew: 2)
City founded
Projects (city): none
Projects (bases): none
Projects (naval): none
I send my Scouters to search over the planet. Looking for any major herds of animals, and then going down to smaller size all the way down to berry plants (as they do laps have them get closer to the area of my city)
I then send my miners to (130,29,69) To search for resources there (don't wanna intrude on him)
I start working on a palace/fort in the centre of town.
I also start working on a Modul Construction II (Any Tech trees?)
Well... you're in space. So I would say it's best to look for resources at around your are, because then you have them right by you. You could even look
in your city co-ords, because then you'll be able to just grab them there.
No research until you have a lab. As for the fort: , it will cost you 100 titanium, 230 heavy metals, 50 alloys and 25 uranium. It will allow housing for an extra 100 people and will allow you to make them into 100 soldiers. It will also have 750 HP (as opposed to the 250 HP of the City Center) and will be able to store 50 of each resource.
Leader Name: Hansi
Leader Bio: Hansi is a German. Ambitions, and caring.
State Name: Germany
Affiliation: Captilast
Origin of Colony Ship: Germany
Flag: (Plan on this changing later) The colony ship in blue, with Black behind it
City co-ords: 70,-50,-20
Property (city): City Centre (stores up to 500 of each resource, holds 200 citizens, 250 HP)Property (space): none
Property (planetary): none
Fleet (military): none
Fleet (civilian): Scouter (5), Miner (3), Clipper (1)
Techs: Shipbuilding 1, Module Construction 1, Ion Drive 1 (25 points/day), Rocket Drive 1 (50 points/5 Hydrogen/day)
Designs (military): none
Deigns (civilian): clipper (class 2, transport, hold: 20 units, combat cap.: 0, durability: 0, crew: 2)
Happiness: 100%
Funds: 50,000 credits
Taxes: 1cr/head/turn
Titanium: 400Heavy metals: 270Uranium: 225Hydrogen: 300
Alloys: 200
Water: 480
Food: 480Synthetics: 250
Waste: 0
Citizens: 200
Soldiers: 0
Designs (military):
Deigns (civilian):
Scouter (can go into planets, 0.5x0.1x0.05, combat cap.: 0 durability: 0, Ion Drive 1, unmanned)
Class 1:
Miner (mining drone, 3x2x2, hold: 10 units, combat cap.: 1, durability: 5, Ion Drive 1, unmanned)
Class 2:
Clipper (transport, 15x10x10, hold: 100 units, combat cap.: 0, durability: 5, Ion Drive 1, crew: 2)
City founded
Projects (city): Fort (3 turns)Projects (bases): none
Projects (naval): none