Welcome to Citadel! In this game, players will build pointless city-states, name them and then build in them! What's the twist, you ask? Well, it's in space! A little backstory: Auric had a planet. A planet that could hold life. Two planets, in fact. Both of which could be new homes for humanity. And a wormhole! Only two months until a once-in-a-century wormhole opening would allow people to go forth and colonise the system! The day came. The ships went through. The cosmic event ended. About five years later, on system entry, the crews were unfrozen. And... nothing. One huge ball of slag where two planets should be, burning hot and spiralling into the sun. In a few weeks, the remains of Auric 3 and 4 would tumble into the local star. They were trapped. Here's the deal: you fill out this sheet: Leader Name: Leader Bio (optional): State Name: Origin of Colony Ship: Flag: Then I will give you a location. If you want a particular location, ask me. Then your city sheet will look like this: [State Name] Leader: [Leader Name] Property (city): City Centre Property (space): none Property (planetary): none Fleet (military): none Fleet (civilian): Scouter (5), Miner (3), Clipper (1) Resources: Titanium: 500 Heavy metals: 500 Uranium: 250 Alloys: 250 Water: 500 Food: 500 Synthetics: 250 Waste: 0 Citizens: 200 Soldiers: 0 News: City founded
Every 10 citizens cost you one food and one water. I'll explain buildings as we go. Good luck!
You're not actually on a planet, you're on a space station. Though I guess you could be on a planet... it would make the gameplay very different. Also, the planets are mostly dead. :[
Oh alright when you said your in space I thought you meant that I could go anywhere :P Alright well then I'll send my scouts to search -74,-20,55 to see what I can get there
Oh alright when you said your in space I thought you meant that I could go anywhere :P Alright well then I'll send my scouts to search -74,-20,55 to see what I can get there
You find... a new mineral! It's called wholetthemonkeystouchmymicroscopium! Just kidding, it's called unobtritonium and there's lots of it. And give or take 2,000,000 water thingies. As for the tax, I actually forgot to do that. Will post whenever thfcJack posts.
Leader Name: Sahura Thomas Leader Bio Sahura Ounce a marine, people called him a hero because in a firefight him and 5 other men were pinned against 2 jeeps high powered cannons(gauss cannons basicly) 17 enamy terrists he sacraficed his left leg to save his team he doasnt like to talk about how it went with him losing his leg. State Name: Goranas Origin of Colony Ship: Earth Flag:A blue and green striped with a marine saluting. Marden Leader: Sahura Thomas Property (city): City Centre Property (space): None Property (planetary): none Fleet (military): none Fleet (civilian): Scouter (5), Miner (3), Clipper (1) Resources: Titanium: 500 Heavy metals: 500 Uranium: 250 Alloys: 250 Water: 500 Food: 500 Synthetics: 250 Waste: 0 Citizens: 200 Soldiers: 0 News: City founded
Every 10 citizens cost you one food and one water. I'll explain buildings as we go. Good luck!
Leader Name: Hansi Leader Bio: Hansi is a German. Ambitions, and caring. State Name: Germany Affiliation: Captilast Origin of Colony Ship: Germany Flag: (Plan on this changing later) The colony ship in blue, with Black behind it City co-ords: 70,-50,-20 Property (city): City Centre Property (space): none Property (planetary): none Fleet (military): none Fleet (civilian): Scouter (5), Miner (3), Clipper (1) Techs: Shipbuilding 1, Module Construction 1, Ion Drive 1 (25 points/day), Rocket Drive 1 (50 points/5 Hydrogen/day) Designs (military): none Deigns (civilian): clipper (class 2, transport, hold: 20 units, combat cap.: 0, durability: 0, crew: 2) Happiness: 100% Funds: 50,000 credits Taxes: 1cr/head/turn Resources: Titanium: 400 Heavy metals: 270 Uranium: 225 Hydrogen: 300 Alloys: 200 Water: 480 Food: 480 Synthetics: 250 Waste: 0 Citizens: 200 Soldiers: 0 Designs (military): Deigns (civilian): Probes: Scouter (can go into planets, 0.5x0.1x0.05, combat cap.: 0 durability: 0, Ion Drive 1, unmanned) Class 1: Miner (mining drone, 3x2x2, hold: 10 units, combat cap.: 1, durability: 5, Ion Drive 1, unmanned) Class 2: Clipper (transport, 15x10x10, hold: 100 units, combat cap.: 0, durability: 5, Ion Drive 1, crew: 2) News: City founded Projects (city): Fort 3 turns Projects (bases): none Projects (naval): none
(What soldiers can i make?) (What do I need to make a lab) I bring my miners home, and send them back out adding +1 cord. Every time they come back I do so until they are full.
Soldiers are just guys who fight aboard your ships. A military ship has a "crew" of civilians and a "complement" of soldiers. The lab will cost you 50 titanium, 25 uranium, 25 alloys and 25 synthetics.
Leader Name: Sahura Thomas Leader Bio Sahura Ounce a marine, people called him a hero because in a firefight him and 5 other men were pinned against 2 jeeps high powered cannons(gauss cannons basicly) 17 enamy terrists he sacraficed his left leg to save his team he doasnt like to talk about how it went with him losing his leg. State Name: Goranas Origin of Colony Ship: Earth Flag:A blue and green striped with a marine saluting. Marden Leader: Sahura Thomas Property (city): City Centre Property (space): None Property (planetary): none Fleet (military): none Fleet (civilian): Scouter (5), Miner (3), Clipper (1) Resources: Titanium: 500 Heavy metals: 500 Uranium: 250 Alloys: 250 Water: 500 Food: 500 Synthetics: 250 Waste: 0 Citizens: 200 Soldiers: 0 News: City founded
1st what synthetics im guessing robots and if so how big
if there robots then i make 100 ofthem try to build a small edition of the ship with a couple more houses ( big enought for 10 medium sized houses) and send 50 civis and 50 synthetics to go on a little scout mission for some asteroids to mine
Leader Name: Archene De'Night Leader Bio (optional): I'll add one later State Name: Chronic Caters Affiliation: Socialist Origin of Colony Ship: Chronic Caters Flag: White back drop, golden bowl in the middle taking up more than half of the flag. Property (city): City Centre Property (space): none Property (planetary): none Fleet (military): none Fleet (civilian): Scouter (5), Miner (3), Clipper (1) Resources: Titanium: 500 Heavy metals: 500 Uranium: 250 Alloys: 250 Water: 500 Food: 500 Synthetics: 250 Waste: 0 Citizens: 200 Soldiers: 0 News:
I think I got everything. Please tell me if I missed something important!
Oops. Didn't realise this was still running. Synthetics are just processed materials, while robots need Robotics and AI to make. I would recommend a Shipyard, while you research AI. Rychus, yours is great. Make a move. Storage, farming, research... that kind of thing.
Leader Name: Archene De'Night Leader Bio (optional): I'll add one later State Name: Chronic Caters Affiliation: Socialist Origin of Colony Ship: Chronic Caters Flag: White back drop, golden bowl in the middle taking up more than half of the flag. Property (city): City Centre Property (space): none Property (planetary): none Fleet (military): none Fleet (civilian): Scouter (5), Miner (3), Clipper (1) Resources: Titanium: 500 Heavy metals: 500 Uranium: 250 Alloys: 250 Water: 500 Food: 500 Synthetics: 250 Waste: 0 Citizens: 200 Soldiers: 0 News:
I'll search my current position for anything interesting.
(Do I choose my coords or do you? Also is their a certain tech tree we follow?)