ForumsForum GamesThe Darkonians and the Jigjams (Feud RPG)

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In the year 2043 AR (After-Recolonisation)â¦
The Darkonians and the Jigjams are at it again, fighting for no reason other then that that's what there forefathers did.This time there antics have strayed from the pine-forest land of America to the British country side.


Fill out the sheet below, removing everything in brackets.
With your first post simply ask If you can join.

Clan: (Darkonian or Jigjamian)
Visual description: (I you don't want to do one just delete this row on your CS.)
Bios: (Same as previous)
Invent: Empty.
Arms: (Choose 2 sidearms or melee weapons from the list below, or one sidearm and one melee weapon, or one long gun and one sidearm/welee weapon.)
Armour: None
State: Healthy


Darkonians: The gothic followers of the Darkonina family the Darkonians. The first Darkonians were mafisoso from Italy but fled when the coppers caught there sent. Now they loiter in underground haunts and converted sewer pipes.
Dark blue trench-coat,
dark jeans,
Insignia: Curside D inside a jagged hexagon.

Jigjams: Followers of Arthur Jigjam and his fathers before him the first Jigjams come from Eurasia, after moving to America they made and alliance with the law-enforcement and eked out a living as bounty hunters.
Crimson jacket,
greyish red overalls.
Insigina: Two back-to-back J's shadowed by a Russian cross.

=Weapon List=============================================


Name: Cane Type: Blunt
Info: Long wooden cane with a
knob on one end.

Name: Nightstick Type: Blunt
Info: One foot, tube of lead wrapped in
foam rubber.

Name: Hunting Knife Type: Sharp
Info: Short steel knife, with serrations on one side
and a keen edge on the other.

Name: Commando Knife Type: sharp
Info: Long slender knife with two keen

Name: Cleaver Type: Sharp
Info: Heavy square blade with a
sharp edge.

Name: Long handled hatchet Type: Sharp
Info: Square blade on the end of a wooden


Name: M'lock Type: Handgun
Caliber: 9mm Power: 8
RPS: Semi-auto Ammo Capacity: 8
Info: Short-barreled military pistol with a
matte-black polymer frame.

Name: Snyder & Kemp Type: Handgun
Caliber: 9mm Power: 10
RPS: Semi-auto Ammo Capacity: 12
Info: Reliable service pistol with a grey metal
frame and a leather bound grip.

Name: Wardog 8.5mm Type: Handgun
Caliber: 8.5mm Power: 11
RPS: Semi-auto Ammo Capacity: 14
Info: Open-Barrelled pistol set with a hair trigger
for fast and furious fire-fights.

Name: Himper & Vladamir Type: Handgun
Caliber: 8 Power: 12
RPS: Semi-auto Ammo Capacity: 13
Info: Ivory coloured tactics pistol with a silencer.

Name: Peasants Regal Type: Handgun
Caliber: 25mm Power: 7
RPS: Semi-auto Ammo Capacity: 7
Info: .50 caliber pistol with a gas-operated
loading action and a polished iron frame.

Name: Autofang Type: Magnum
Caliber: 11mm Power:17
RPS: semi-auto Ammo Capacity: 7
Info: Special pistol set to fire magnum cartridges.
Has a long iron barrel and a wooden handle.

Name: Colt Predator Type: Revolver
Caliber: 10mm Power: 17
RPS: double-action Ammo Capacity: 6
Info: Service revolver with a iron frame and a
reddish leather bound grip.

Name: Zwolf Pistole Type: Revolver
Caliber: 8mm Power: 15
RPS: double-action Ammo Capacity: 12
Info: Twelve chambered revolver with a
black metal frame and a pearl grip.

Name: Colt Rattlesnake Type: Revolver
Caliber: 22mm Power: 16
RPS: Single-action Ammo Capacity: 6
Info: HIgh caliber revolver with a ivory coloured frame
and a polished wooden handle.

Name: Albino Demon Type: Revolver
Caliber: 9mm Power: 25
RPS: Single-action Ammo Capacity: 6
Info: Specialist revolver with a tapering under-lug
set to fire high-pressure nitro charges.
Has a milk white plastic frame.


Name: Sawn-off Type: Shotgun
Gauge: 12 Power: 10
RPS: Lever-Action Ammo Capacity: 4
Info: Pistol-grip shotgun with a shortened

Name: Coach Gun Type: Shotgun
Gauge: 10 Power: 15
RPS: Double-barrelled Ammo Capacity: 2
Info: Shoulder-stocked shotgun with two

Name: .50 Olivander Type: Sniper Rifle
Caliber: 25mm Power: 15
RPS: Bolt-action Ammo Capacity: 4
Info: Hunting rifle with a wooden stock
and a scope.

Name: Waster Type: Sniper Rifle
Caliber: 23mm Power: 15
RPS: Semi-auto Ammo Capacity: 8
Info: Heavy modern rifle with a ammunition magazine, a pistol grip and stock.

  • 231 Replies
1,282 posts

Name: Archene
Clan: Darkonian
Invent: Slinken Tact. 7/7
Arms: Waster 8/8, Long Handled Hatchet
Armour: None
State: Healthy

I find a Darkonian officer and tell him/her what has happened.

1,146 posts

Name: Spike Dorgon
Clan: Darkonian
Visual description: Tall, 6-4, deep drown hair, blue eyes
Invent: Empty.
Arms: Commando Knife, Albino Demon 6/6
Armour: None
State: Healthy

You get a fine view of the desolate hills from here, there doesn't seem to be much happening. As you let you gaze roam however you spot a ominous dust cloud breaching the cover of the forest, heading your way.

Name: Vlad "The Butcher" Empala
Clan: JigJam
Visual description: Vlad wears an expression of hatred over his curled mustache, and his towering figure alone is enough to intimidate weaker foes. He sports a red bandanna to signify his allegiance and a necklace of human ears as trophies.
Bios: Has an affinity for blood and guts from growing up at a delicatessen earning his nickname, "The Butcher."
Invent: Empty.
Arms: Cleaver, Zwolf Pistole 12/12
Armour: None
State: Healthy

As you call out to the horse it rolls its eyes and bares unnervingly pointed teeth.
"Ah," Huggins nods "Recently they've been finding these on an island off the coast of Eurasia, they think they're a missin' link in the ancestry of horses of somethin' like that. Wicked hard to tame they are."

Name: Archene
Clan: Darkonian
Invent: Slinken Tact. 7/7
Arms: Long Handled Hatchet
Armour: None
State: Healthy

You find a Darkonian officer inside the manor playing a rowdy game of poker with a few other elites. When Felix tells him what happened the officer demands you lead him to the body.
When you get outside the body is missing.

529 posts

Name: Vlad "The Butcher" Empala
Clan: JigJam
Visual description: Vlad wears an expression of hatred over his curled mustache, and his towering figure alone is enough to intimidate weaker foes. He sports a red bandanna to signify his allegiance and a necklace of human ears as trophies.
Bios: Has an affinity for blood and guts from growing up at a delicatessen earning his nickname, "The Butcher."
Invent: Empty.
Arms: Cleaver, Zwolf Pistole 12/12
Armour: None
State: Healthy

"It eats meat?" I ask about it's pointed teeth, "If so I will take it."

529 posts

reminds me of the mares of diomedes

109 posts

Clan: Jigjamian
Invent: Empty.
Arms: Waster (8/8) Wardog 8.5mm (14/14)
Armour: None
State: Healthy

Can I join

1,282 posts

Name: Archene
Clan: Darkonian
Invent: Slinken Tact. 7/7
Arms: Long Handled Hatchet
Armour: None
State: Healthy

I tell him the body is missing. I attempt to track any tracks or signs of the body being dragged.

1,146 posts

Name: Archene
Clan: Darkonian
Invent: Slinken Tact. 7/7
Arms: Long Handled Hatchet
Armour: None
State: Healthy

The officer agrees to wait but you get the feeling he suspects you and Felix of being inebriated. He goes back inside.
Felix draws breath to say something but brakes off suddenly.
A distinctive frame has appeared limply hanging between two branches on a tree in the near forest.

109 posts

Name: Quinnton Olun
Clan: Jigjamian
Invent: Empty.
Arms: Waster (8/8) Wardog 8.5mm (14/14)
Armour: None
State: Healthy

Can I join

1,282 posts

Name: Archene
Clan: Darkonian
Invent: Slinken Tact. 7/7
Arms: Long Handled Hatchet
Armour: None
State: Healthy

I tell Felix to scout the surrounding area while I investigate.

529 posts

post me up homie

1,146 posts

Name: Vlad "The Butcher" Empala
Clan: JigJam
Visual description: Vlad wears an expression of hatred over his curled mustache, and his towering figure alone is enough to intimidate weaker foes. He sports a red bandanna to signify his allegiance and a necklace of human ears as trophies.
Bios: Has an affinity for blood and guts from growing up at a delicatessen earning his nickname, "The Butcher."
Invent: Empty.
Arms: Cleaver, Zwolf Pistole 12/12
Armour: None
State: Healthy

Relevant Quote;

'I tried to talk to him in my mind, I can do that with horses most horses. Hi I told him I'm going to clean your stable, won't that be great?
Yes! The horse said. Come inside! I eat you!'
- Percy Jackson battle of the labyrinth

"We haven't been able to figure out what there natural diet is, they seem to get by fine on dod food. They like crunching on bones to"

Name: Quinnton Olun
Clan: Jigjamian
Invent: Empty.
Arms: Waster (8/8) Wardog 8.5mm (14/14)
Armour: None
State: Healthy

Would you like to join the regiment sharp-shooting down attackers, stationed on the roofs of the houses in the Jigjamian Villa, or help clean up the country side of Darkonian scouts.

Name: Archene
Clan: Darkonian
Invent: Slinken Tact. 7/7
Arms: Long Handled Hatchet
Armour: None
State: Healthy

Felix salutes and vanishes into the forest.
You approach the tree and are unsettled to find the body hanging down from the branches, pinned by it's collar by a large knife.

1,282 posts

Name: Archene
Clan: Darkonian
Invent: Slinken Tact. 7/7
Arms: Long Handled Hatchet
Armour: None
State: Healthy

I remove the knife and have the body fall to the ground. I whistle for Felix to come back and start dragging the body back towards our camp, and the officer.

1,282 posts

lord ya there?

529 posts

Name: Vlad "The Butcher" Empala
Clan: JigJam
Visual description: Vlad wears an expression of hatred over his curled mustache, and his towering figure alone is enough to intimidate weaker foes. He sports a red bandanna to signify his allegiance and a necklace of human ears as trophies.
Bios: Has an affinity for blood and guts from growing up at a delicatessen earning his nickname, "The Butcher."
Invent: Empty.
Arms: Cleaver, Zwolf Pistole 12/12
Armour: None
State: Healthy

"I will take it."

109 posts

Name: Quinnton Olun
Clan: Jigjamian
Invent: Empty.
Arms: Waster (8/8) Wardog 8.5mm (14/14)
Armour: None
State: Healthy


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