Please read everything, otherwise you will not understand what changes I made. This is the remake of an interesting concept. link
"There has been a new land discovered, and you've decided to create a country yourself. You've planted a flag, and now have a plot of land, of 100 square miles. Now, you must expand, and defend your country. Other people have plots, and will stop at nothing to take your land. You can make Laws, Create a Powerful Military! You can Sell Land, and Buy some from other people, or claim unclaimed land. Fight wars, for land, and take over countries!"
Character Sheet: (remove what's in parantheses, excepting for size, population and upgrades, but not before reading them!!!)
Name: Age: (20 and up people. Be realistic. No 13 year old could do this.) Bio: (Required) --------------------- Country Name: Size: 100 x 100 (0 x 0 occcupied). Population: 15 (7 women, 8 men) Avalaibe: 15 (7 women, 8 men) Resouces: -Food:1000 -Stone:500 -Wood:500 -Gold:100 -Iron:5 -Coal:5 Resources income: -Food: -45 (1 turn) -Stone:0 (1 turn) -Wood:0 (1 turn) -Gold:0 (1 turn) -Iron:0 (1 turn) -Coal:0 (1 turn) Buildings (These are your buildings. More info abot each one below): None Upgrades: None (researching: none) Laws (required if you don't want your people go crazy and kill eachother): None Colonies (your colonies on other islands (or luckily continents). They will send messages from time to time) : None Condition (your condition. If it goes to "dead" then you lose!): Healthy Alliances: None Enemies: None Military: None Custom units (what units you made): None Culture(depending on your laws, your culture can be: Monarchy, Liberatic and Fascist. More info below): None Reputation (what the other think about you): None (0) Evolution (your stage of evolution. You can "level up" by having the required buildings and resources): Starter Environment:
First off, you start with plans for the townhall. Before making a townhall, thought, I'd reccomend exploring your place.
Rules: -If you exceed your max population half of your people will desertate your country. -If your population reaches 0, you are out of the game. -If your condition goes to "dead", you lose. -If you build The World Lumination you win. -I'll start when we have 3 players. -Both countries must agree to be allies, but only one has to propose war to become enemies. -You may claim one unoccupied plot of 10x10 per turn if you have no army. -You must have military to propose war. -The names and units at baracks are by default, you can change them. For example:You can change pikeman (melee) to swords man (melee). You name the unit, but the cost and stats remain the same. -When we run out of unclaimed land, current countries can choose to give new players land, to which they will automatically become allies. You can decide how much to give. Otherwise, new players will not be able to join. -I'd appreciate someone to make a map of the new land, to show the size of the countries. Please update it whenever you can. The area is 3000 Square Miles. -To make buildings, you need plans. -Buildings occupy space. The space they occupy is shown at the below post. -Mines have limited resources, excepting if you conduct the upgrade "research organic and non-organic recyclation" at the academy. Then you will have unlimited resources for mines and some other bonuses. -Allies can trade plans of buildings for gold and if both allies have a market.
Resouces: Food(F): The most important resouce. It's required in almost anything. If you run out of food, 50% of your population will die per turn. (ex: 12->6->3->1->0) Wood&Stone(W&S): The second most important, they're used in building EVERYTHING! Ofcourse, you will find them separated. Also, you will need to use them in making the cheapest toolds (each tool needs 1 wood and 1 stone) Iron(I): You need it in making advanced tools (which gets better as your evolution goes up) and weapons (swords, firearms etc) and firing your firearms (coal is also used). Coal(C): You need it mostly in shooting, but also in some special (and crucial) upgrades. Gold(G): Used in trades and upgrading buildings (ex: upgrading townhall, advancing to the next age of evolution, upgrading mines for more ore etc)
Building plans, their uses and costs (each plan needs 2 turns to research):
Townhall (you can research 2 plans at a time but you need 2 people, allows you to make alliances by offering gold, advancing to the next evolution phase) No cost
Mill(let's you cultivate wheat and conduct a few economic upgrades and unlocks market) 20 F 30 G
Storehouse(you can place it near a stone or wood deposit, preferably both, and increase the rate you receive wood and/or stone and unlocks stone walls) 40 F 10 G
Blacksmith (allows you to conduct a few military upgrades, and unlocks 2 military buildings) 120 F 60W 60 G
Mine (place it on a ore deposit and receive a cosntant number of resources each turn until it runs dry of ore. You can conduct an upgrade that allows you to place more people in the mine) 10 G 200F
Church (allows you to have a link with the god -me- and sacrifice some resources for a chance of receiving a bonus or a legendary item (tool or weapon)) 200G 100I 100C
Hut (Increases your max population by 15) 15W 20F
Barracks (let's you train 5 basic units: Pikeman, Rifleman (or musketer) Officer (needs academy) Drummer (needed in a formation) Flag carrier (this guy carries the flag of your country. Also needed in a formation)You can train 5 units per turn (with some exceptions). And also unlocks the Academy) 200I 50G 300C
Stable (let's you train cavalry. You can train: Rider (heavily armored and good at meatshielding and defenses) and light rider (fast, but weak unit, good at raiding enemy's land or spying). You can train up to 5 cavarly per turn. And unlocks the artilery depot.) 600I 800C 200G
Artilery depot (Make some artilery to break throught enemy's walls and buildings with ease. You can make only mortars (throws a single huge bomb up dealing large area damage and then splitting into six smaller balls which also deal area damage)) 400G
Academy (conduct the most crucial upgrades here! A complete must, because it can for example conduct an upgrade which increases cornfield capacity by six times, thus reducing the gold you spend on cornfields!! Also unlocks the diplomatic centre) 600G
Stone walls (these are automatically placed at the limits of your country. They block attacks without mortars or raids) 100G Diplomatic centre (hire mercenaries. Unlike barracks, you don't require people to train these soldiers, and they consume gold per turn. And also cost gold) 333G 1000F
Market (Trade resources for other resources and maybe trade gold with your allies and NPCs for rare items and plans?) 200W 50G
Buildings, how many resources, plot and time you need to make them (you need 5 people for each):
Town hall (10x10 and 2 turns): 100W 100F 100S
Mill (20x20 (with the cornfield too!) and 1 turn): 100S 50W
Storehouse (4x3 and 1 turn): 50W 50S
Blacksmith (7x7 and 3 turns): 100I 10G 200W 200S 400F
Mine (5x5 and 1 turn): 25G 90W 100S
Church (10x10 and 5 turns) 500G 200W 600S 400F 200I 50C Because I want it to look awesome!!!
Hut (4x4 and 1 turn) 25W 25S
Barracks (20x20 and 4 turns): 200I 100C 600F 500W 500S
Stable (20x20 and 4 turns): 300I 50C 600F 500W 200S
Upgrades (each upgrade takes 2 turns and 1 man to research)(Also, only academy and townhall upgrades are global):
Starter age: Mill: Research grain threatment.300F Doubles the amount of food you produce. Cultivate grain. 2G Per 1x1 (30G total). Cultivate the land near the mill with imported crops which take 2 turns to grow and have 500 food points each. Town Hall: Improve housings. 200W. Huts now can house up to 20 people, and the town hall can house 15 people. Mine: Extend railroands and tunnels. 200G 100S 100W. Now the max of people can enter in that mine is 10 (doubles the amount of ore you get).
Basic age (requires: 1 townhall, 1 mill, 1 storehouse; unlocks: blacksmith, church, barracks and stable): Blacksmith upgrades: Improve metalurgic practice. 100I 100C. Now you can train 10 units at once (13 if ur Liberatic) Improve weapon crafting methods. 200I. Melle infantry and cavarly now deal 5 extra damage. Increase plate composition. 100I. Armored units get +5 defense. Train blacksmiths. 400C. Reduces the amount the amount of turns taken to train cavalry by 1 turn. Advanced age (requires: 1 townhall, 1 mill, 1 storehouse, 3 different mines, blacksmith, church, barracks; unlocks: Academy, artilery depot, market, walls) Academy upgrades: Research wheel lock and paper cartigre. 5000C 2000I 100G. Increases ranged infantry attack by 40 Research reinforced plates. 3000I. Increases armored units defence by 20. Research advanced tools. 2000W 2000S 500G. Now the amount of wood and stone gathered per turn is tripled. Increase miner's salary. 1000G. Now the amount of ore gathered is tripled. Research new wheat prelucration methods. 10000F. Triples the amount each square wheatfield holds, and triples the amount you gain per turn. Research new methods of training soldiers. Now you can train up to 20 units (or 23 if you are Liberatic) Research Imperial slate. 2000G. Allows you to advance to imperial stage. Increase building's protection. 500G 3000W 2000S. Buildings (excepting walls) now take 50% less damage from cannons and howterizers. Research organic and non-organic recyclation. 1000G 2000C 2000I. Mines now have infinite ore.
Mill upgrades: Increase wheat threatment and prelucration. Doubles food income. Stacks with the first upgrade. Church upgrade: Reasearch new decorations.
Imperial age (requires upgrade from academy, unlocks: diplomatic centre):
Academy upgrades: Research new firepower. 30000C Ranged units now deal +150 damage. Research new armor and weapon grades. 20000I 1000G. melee infantry units now deal 50 more damage and have +60 defense. Liberation: Lumination. 100000 G. Allows you to build The World Lumination and win the game!
Pikeman: 10 attack, 5 defense, 50 health. 5F 5I Rifleman: 20 ranged attack, 0 defense, 25 health 10F 3C 1G Officer: No stats, he just makes a formation. 10G Flag carrier: No stats, he just makes a formation. 10G Drummer: No stats, he just makes a formation. 10G
Howterizer:1000 big area damage (big ball) 100 small area damage (smaller balls) 5000 Health for the howterizer and 50 for it's crew. If you kill the crew, the howterizer is yours! 200W 100C 100I Cannon: 1000 medium area damage (medium ball), can be set to fire a grapeshot at close range which instantly kills infantry and cavarly. (doesn't affect buildings or other cannons) Has 10000 Health for the cannon and 50 for the crew. 200W 50F 90C 90I Special stats:
Monarchy: Minus 1 turn needed for building things.
Liberatic: You can train up to 10 people per turn
Fascist: Minus 1 turn for reseraching at academy
Famuous (acquired when you reach reputation 100): Doubles the amount of gold produced per turn forever.
Alliance (acquired when you have 3 allies): Doubles the amount your iron and coal mines produce per turn forever.
Warhole (acquired when you have 4 enemies): Automatically steal 50% of your enemies resources (only once).
Noob (Don't make any laws, don't research anythign and don't build anything for 3 turns): Lose the game.
LOL! (be only 1 turn far from construncting The World Lumination, then get attacked and defeated by enemies): Rage for you (and a good laught for me > ).
Name: Dave Robertson Age: 20 Bio: I need to know the age. It seems about 0A.D or so, simply because of the starting technological level, but I really don't know. --------------------- Country Name: Countryastan Size: 100 x 100 (0 x 0 occcupied). Population: 15 (7 women, 8 men) Avalaibe: 15 (7 women, 8 men) Resouces: -Food:1000 -Stone:500 -Wood:500 -Gold:100 -Iron:5 -Coal:5 Resources income: -Food: -45 (1 turn) -Stone:0 (1 turn) -Wood:0 (1 turn) -Gold:0 (1 turn) -Iron:0 (1 turn) -Coal:0 (1 turn)
Anything I got wrong? And how does this work? (You did put in a lot and I skipped a bunch, but I think I got the essentials.)
Name: King Archene Age: 20 Bio: After his father died a king, he inherited some land from him. Wanting to achieve his dream of ruling, he starting his own country. --------------------- Country Name: Florencia Size: 100 x 100 (0 x 0 occcupied). Population: 15 (7 women, 8 men) Avalaibe: 15 (7 women, 8 men) Resouces: -Food:1000 -Stone:500 -Wood:500 -Gold:100 -Iron:5 -Coal:5 Resources income: -Food: -45 (1 turn) -Stone:0 (1 turn) -Wood:0 (1 turn) -Gold:0 (1 turn) -Iron:0 (1 turn) -Coal:0 (1 turn) Buildings: None Upgrades: None Laws: 1) Respect and Follow the King's Commands 2) Do not Harm another. a) Acts out of Self-Defense are allowed b) Murder is punishable by death 3) No stealing 4) Be Civilized, no barbarism. Colonies: None Condition: Healthy Alliances: None Enemies: None Military: None Custom units: None Culture: Monarchy Reputation: None (0) Evolution: Starter Environment:
It's good! Name: King Archene Age: 20 Bio: After his father died a king, he inherited some land from him. Wanting to achieve his dream of ruling, he starting his own country. --------------------- Country Name: Florencia Size: 100 x 100 (0 x 0 occcupied). Population: 15 (7 women, 8 men) Avalaibe: 15 (7 women, 8 men) Resouces: -Food:1000 -Stone:500 -Wood:500 -Gold:100 -Iron:5 -Coal:5 Resources income: -Food: -45 (1 turn) -Stone:0 (1 turn) -Wood:0 (1 turn) -Gold:0 (1 turn) -Iron:0 (1 turn) -Coal:0 (1 turn) Buildings: None Upgrades: None Laws: 1) Respect and Follow the King's Commands 2) Do not Harm another. a) Acts out of Self-Defense are allowed b) Murder is punishable by death 3) No stealing 4) Be Civilized, no barbarism. Colonies: None Condition: Healthy Alliances: None Enemies: None Military: None Custom units: None Culture: Monarchy (buildings take 1 turn less to be finished) Reputation: None (0) Evolution: Starter Environment:Forest
You arrive in the forest with your father's most royal 15 people. What will you do? ---------------------------------------------------- Name: Dave Robertson Age: 20 Bio: I need to know the age. It seems about 0A.D or so, simply because of the starting technological level, but I really don't know. --------------------- Country Name: Countryastan Size: 100 x 100 (0 x 0 occcupied). Population: 15 (7 women, 8 men) Avalaibe: 15 (7 women, 8 men) Resouces: -Food:1000 -Stone:500 -Wood:500 -Gold:100 -Iron:5 -Coal:5 Resources income: -Food: -45 (1 turn) -Stone:0 (1 turn) -Wood:0 (1 turn) -Gold:0 (1 turn) -Iron:0 (1 turn) -Coal:0 (1 turn) Buildings: None Upgrades: None Laws:None Colonies: None Condition: Healthy Alliances: None Enemies: None Military: None Custom units: None Culture: Monarchy Reputation: None (0) Evolution: Starter Environment:Plains
You arrive in the plains with 15 people. There is a small forest behind you. What will you do? Also, don't worry, I will try to explain things as we go.
Name: King Archene Age: 20 Bio: After his father died a king, he inherited some land from him. Wanting to achieve his dream of ruling, he starting his own country. --------------------- Country Name: Florencia Size: 100 x 100 (0 x 0 occcupied). Population: 15 (7 women, 8 men) Avalaibe: 15 (7 women, 8 men) Resouces: -Food:1000 -Stone:500 -Wood:500 -Gold:100 -Iron:5 -Coal:5 Resources income: -Food: -45 (1 turn) -Stone:0 (1 turn) -Wood:0 (1 turn) -Gold:0 (1 turn) -Iron:0 (1 turn) -Coal:0 (1 turn) Buildings: None Upgrades: None Laws: 1) Respect and Follow the King's Commands 2) Do not Harm another. a) Acts out of Self-Defense are allowed b) Murder is punishable by death 3) No stealing 4) Be Civilized, no barbarism. Colonies: None Condition: Healthy Alliances: None Enemies: None Military: None Custom units: None Culture: Monarchy (buildings take 1 turn less to be finished) Reputation: None (0) Evolution: Starter Environment:Forest
I spend my resources to start construction on the town hall. If the women don't want to build I have them expand/explore.
Name: King Archene Age: 20 Bio: After his father died a king, he inherited some land from him. Wanting to achieve his dream of ruling, he starting his own country. --------------------- Country Name: Florencia Size: 100 x 100 (0 x 0 occcupied). Population: 15 (7 women, 8 men) Avalaibe: 15 (7 women, 8 men) Resouces: -Food:855 -Stone:400 -Wood:400 -Gold:100 -Iron:5 -Coal:5 Resources income: -Food: -45 (1 turn) -Stone:0 (1 turn) -Wood:0 (1 turn) -Gold:0 (1 turn) -Iron:0 (1 turn) -Coal:0 (1 turn) Buildings: None Upgrades: None Laws: 1) Respect and Follow the King's Commands 2) Do not Harm another. a) Acts out of Self-Defense are allowed b) Murder is punishable by death 3) No stealing 4) Be Civilized, no barbarism. Colonies: None Condition: Healthy Alliances: None Enemies: None Military: None Custom units: None Culture: Monarchy (buildings take 1 turn less to be finished) Reputation: None (0) Evolution: Starter Environment:Forest
Yes you can always change your laws as soon as it doesn't change your culture type. You command 5 of your men to begin working on the town hall (it will take 1 turn), and 5 of your women to explore the area. Also, the -45 at food production is how much your people eat per turn.You might want to get some food early.
Name: King Archene Age: 20 Bio: After his father died a king, he inherited some land from him. Wanting to achieve his dream of ruling, he starting his own country. --------------------- Country Name: Florencia Size: 100 x 100 (0 x 0 occcupied). Population: 15 (7 women, 8 men) Avalaibe: 15 (7 women, 8 men) Resouces: -Food:855 -Stone:400 -Wood:400 -Gold:100 -Iron:5 -Coal:5 Resources income: -Food: -45 (1 turn) -Stone:0 (1 turn) -Wood:0 (1 turn) -Gold:0 (1 turn) -Iron:0 (1 turn) -Coal:0 (1 turn) Buildings: None Upgrades: None Laws: 1) Respect and Follow the King's Commands 2) Do not Harm another. a) Acts out of Self-Defense are allowed b) Murder is punishable by death 3) No stealing 4) Be Civilized, no barbarism. Colonies: None Condition: Healthy Alliances: None Enemies: None Military: None Custom units: None Culture: Monarchy (buildings take 1 turn less to be finished) Reputation: None (0) Evolution: Starter Environment:Forest
Name: King Archene Age: 20 Bio: After his father died a king, he inherited some land from him. Wanting to achieve his dream of ruling, he starting his own country. --------------------- Country Name: Florencia Size: 100 x 100 (10 x 10 occcupied). Population: 15 (7 women, 8 men) Avalaibe: 15 (7 women, 8 men) Resouces: -Food:810 -Stone:420 -Wood:420 -Gold:90 -Iron:25 -Coal:25 Resources income: -Food: -45 (1 turn) -Stone:0 (1 turn) -Wood:0 (1 turn) -Gold:0 (1 turn) -Iron:0 (1 turn) -Coal:0 (1 turn) Buildings: Town Hall Upgrades: None Laws: 1) Respect and Follow the King's Commands 2) Do not Harm another. a) Acts out of Self-Defense are allowed b) Murder is punishable by death 3) No stealing 4) Be Civilized, no barbarism. Colonies: None Condition: Healthy Alliances: None Enemies: None Military: None Custom units: None Culture: Monarchy (buildings take 1 turn less to be finished) Reputation: None (0) Evolution: Starter Environment:Forest
You can't build a mill because you need plans for that. But since your town hall is finished, you tell 2 of you women to research the mill plans. It will take 1 turn. At the meantime, the 5 women you send out for reckoning come back. "We found a merchant trail with a few leftover resources, and a merchant offered to give us 100F and 20I for mere 10 gold" +20 to all resources!
Name: King Archene Age: 20 Bio: After his father died a king, he inherited some land from him. Wanting to achieve his dream of ruling, he starting his own country. --------------------- Country Name: Florencia Size: 100 x 100 (10 x 10 occcupied). Population: 15 (7 women, 8 men) Avalaibe: 15 (7 women, 8 men) Resouces: -Food:810 -Stone:420 -Wood:420 -Gold:90 -Iron:25 -Coal:25 Resources income: -Food: -45 (1 turn) -Stone:0 (1 turn) -Wood:0 (1 turn) -Gold:0 (1 turn) -Iron:0 (1 turn) -Coal:0 (1 turn) Buildings: Town Hall Upgrades: None Laws: 1) Respect and Follow the King's Commands 2) Do not Harm another. a) Acts out of Self-Defense are allowed b) Murder is punishable by death 3) No stealing 4) Be Civilized, no barbarism. Colonies: None Condition: Healthy Alliances: None Enemies: None Military: None Custom units: None Culture: Monarchy (buildings take 1 turn less to be finished) Reputation: None (0) Evolution: Starter Environment:Forest
My researching should be done by now, so I build a mill, and once again send the women out.
Name: Dave Robertson Age: 20 Bio: I need to know the age. It seems about 0A.D or so, simply because of the starting technological level, but I really don't know. --------------------- Country Name: Countryastan Size: 100 x 100 (0 x 0 occcupied). Population: 15 (7 women, 8 men) Avalaibe: 15 (7 women, 8 men) Resouces: -Food:1000 -Stone:500 -Wood:500 -Gold:100 -Iron:5 -Coal:5 Resources income: -Food: -45 (1 turn) -Stone:0 (1 turn) -Wood:0 (1 turn) -Gold:0 (1 turn) -Iron:0 (1 turn) -Coal:0 (1 turn)
I send all my women to start gathering food like berries and other fruit and put them in a big pile. I have one man stand guard over the pile with a big stick. I have 3 men start building basic shelters by leaning sticks against trees on the rim of the forest. When they are done they are to start piling large sticks in a pile about fifteen meters away from the food pile. I then send one man to explore in each of the four directions outward until it starts to get dark, then return and eat from the food pile.
Name: King Archene Age: 20 Bio: After his father died a king, he inherited some land from him. Wanting to achieve his dream of ruling, he starting his own country. --------------------- Country Name: Florencia Size: 100 x 100 (10 x 10 occcupied). Population: 15 (7 women, 8 men) Avalaibe: 10 (7 women, 3 men) Resouces: -Food:810 -Stone:42 -Wood:370 -Gold:90 -Iron:25 -Coal:25 Resources income: -Food: -45 (1 turn) -Stone:0 (1 turn) -Wood:0 (1 turn) -Gold:0 (1 turn) -Iron:0 (1 turn) -Coal:0 (1 turn) Buildings: Town Hall Upgrades: None Laws: 1) Respect and Follow the King's Commands 2) Do not Harm another. a) Acts out of Self-Defense are allowed b) Murder is punishable by death 3) No stealing 4) Be Civilized, no barbarism. Colonies: None Condition: Healthy Alliances: None Enemies: None Military: None Custom units: None Culture: Monarchy (buildings take 1 turn less to be finished) Reputation: Talked about (5) Evolution: Starter Environment:Forest 5 of your men start building the mill (it will take 1 turn). Your women come back telling you they found a gold mine and 2 coal mines near your location. They also found some sort of magic artifact, but it's broken. You will need a church to be able to repair it.
-------------------------------------------- Name: Dave Robertson Age: 20 Bio: I need to know the age. It seems about 0A.D or so, simply because of the starting technological level, but I really don't know. --------------------- Country Name: Countryastan Size: 100 x 100 (0 x 0 occcupied). Population: 15 (7 women, 8 men) Avalaibe: 15 (7 women, 8 men) Resouces: -Food:1055 -Stone:500 -Wood:500 -Gold:100 -Iron:5 -Coal:5 Resources income: -Food: -45 (1 turn) -Stone:0 (1 turn) -Wood:0 (1 turn) -Gold:0 (1 turn) -Iron:0 (1 turn) -Coal:0 (1 turn) Buildings: None Upgrades: None Laws:None Colonies: None Condition: Healthy Alliances: None Enemies: None Military: None Custom units: Wood shelter 20W (1 turn to build, 2 people needed, +5 pop) Culture: Monarchy Reputation: None (0) Evolution: Starter Environment:Plains
Hmm... Okay, your women gather a pile of wild fruits that are like 100 units of food, your men eat 45 units from it (because they are hungry) Your men build 3 shelters which can hold 5 population each... using like 60 wood... Your man comes back, but with 2 wolves chasing him. You send out your men and successfully kill the wolves, but you can't eat them because they have some sort of infection. Also, try to include everything else next time okay? You might also need to make some laws... And making some real buildings. Like you know, making a town hall?
Important notice: You can make some custom buildings, but you have to be very detailed on HOW you made them. Also, you can make custom super units, so you can equip them with artifacts.
[quote="neoexdeath"]Name: King Archene Age: 20 Bio: After his father died a king, he inherited some land from him. Wanting to achieve his dream of ruling, he starting his own country. --------------------- Country Name: Florencia Size: 100 x 100 (10 x 10 occcupied). Population: 15 (7 women, 8 men) Avalaibe: 10 (7 women, 3 men) Resouces: -Food:810 -Stone:420 -Wood:370 -Gold:90 -Iron:25 -Coal:25 Resources income: -Food: -45 (1 turn) -Stone:0 (1 turn) -Wood:0 (1 turn) -Gold:0 (1 turn) -Iron:0 (1 turn) -Coal:0 (1 turn) Buildings: Town Hall Upgrades: None Laws: 1) Respect and Follow the King's Commands 2) Do not Harm another. a) Acts out of Self-Defense are allowed b) Murder is punishable by death 3) No stealing 4) Be Civilized, no barbarism. Colonies: None Condition: Healthy Alliances: None Enemies: None Military: None Custom units: None Culture: Monarchy (buildings take 1 turn less to be finished) Reputation: Talked about (5) Evolution: Starter Environment:Forest
5 of your men start building the mill (it will take 1 turn). Your women come back telling you they found a gold mine and 2 coal mines near your location. They also found some sort of magic artifact, but it's broken. You will need a church to be able to repair it.
-------------------------------------------- Name: Dave Robertson Age: 20 Bio: I need to know the age. It seems about 0A.D or so, simply because of the starting technological level, but I really don't know. --------------------- Country Name: Countryastan Size: 100 x 100 (0 x 0 occcupied). Population: 15 (7 women, 8 men) Avalaibe: 15 (7 women, 8 men) Resouces: -Food:1055 -Stone:500 -Wood:500 -Gold:100 -Iron:5 -Coal:5 Resources income: -Food: -45 (1 turn) -Stone:0 (1 turn) -Wood:0 (1 turn) -Gold:0 (1 turn) -Iron:0 (1 turn) -Coal:0 (1 turn) Buildings: None Upgrades: None Laws:None Colonies: None Condition: Healthy Alliances: None Enemies: None Military: None Custom units: Wood shelter 20W (1 turn to build, 2 people needed, +5 pop) Culture: Monarchy Reputation: None (0) Evolution: Starter Environment:Plains
Hmm... Okay, your women gather a pile of wild fruits that are like 100 units of food, your men eat 45 units from it (because they are hungry) Your men build 3 shelters which can hold 5 population each... using like 60 wood... Your man comes back, but with 2 wolves chasing him. You send out your men and successfully kill the wolves, but you can't eat them because they have some sort of infection. Also, try to include everything else next time okay? You might also need to make some laws... And making some real buildings. Like you know, making a town hall?
Important notice: You can make some custom buildings, but you have to be very detailed on HOW you made them. Also, you can make custom super units, so you can equip them with artifacts[/quote]
Name: King Archene Age: 20 Bio: After his father died a king, he inherited some land from him. Wanting to achieve his dream of ruling, he starting his own country. --------------------- Country Name: Florencia Size: 100 x 100 (10 x 10 occcupied). Population: 15 (7 women, 8 men) Avalaibe: 10 (7 women, 3 men) Resouces: -Food:810 -Stone:42 -Wood:370 -Gold:90 -Iron:25 -Coal:25 Resources income: -Food: -45 (1 turn) -Stone:0 (1 turn) -Wood:0 (1 turn) -Gold:0 (1 turn) -Iron:0 (1 turn) -Coal:0 (1 turn) Buildings: Town Hall Upgrades: None Laws: 1) Respect and Follow the King's Commands 2) Do not Harm another. a) Acts out of Self-Defense are allowed b) Murder is punishable by death 3) No stealing 4) Be Civilized, no barbarism. Colonies: None Condition: Healthy Alliances: None Enemies: None Military: None Custom units: None Culture: Monarchy (buildings take 1 turn less to be finished) Reputation: Talked about (5) Evolution: Starter Environment:Forest
I build a hut, but if I need to research it first I do that. I also send my available three men to explore.
*Do I need a wheat source or does the mill automatically produce food?*