ForumsForum GamesTerritorial (country RPG) Remake!

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374 posts

Please read everything, otherwise you will not understand what changes I made.
This is the remake of an interesting concept. link


"There has been a new land discovered, and you've decided to create a country yourself. You've planted a flag, and now have a plot of land, of 100 square miles. Now, you must expand, and defend your country. Other people have plots, and will stop at nothing to take your land. You can make Laws, Create a Powerful Military! You can Sell Land, and Buy some from other people, or claim unclaimed land. Fight wars, for land, and take over countries!"

Character Sheet: (remove what's in parantheses, excepting for size, population and upgrades, but not before reading them!!!)

Age: (20 and up people. Be realistic. No 13 year old could do this.)
Bio: (Required)
Size: 100 x 100 (0 x 0 occcupied).
Population: 15 (7 women, 8 men)
Avalaibe: 15 (7 women, 8 men)
Resouces: -Food:1000
Resources income: -Food: -45 (1 turn)
-Stone:0 (1 turn)
-Wood:0 (1 turn)
-Gold:0 (1 turn)
-Iron:0 (1 turn)
-Coal:0 (1 turn)
Buildings (These are your buildings. More info abot each one below): None
Upgrades: None (researching: none)
Laws (required if you don't want your people go crazy and kill eachother): None
Colonies (your colonies on other islands (or luckily continents). They will send messages from time to time) : None
Condition (your condition. If it goes to "dead" then you lose!): Healthy
Alliances: None
Enemies: None
Military: None
Custom units (what units you made): None
Culture(depending on your laws, your culture can be: Monarchy, Liberatic and Fascist. More info below): None
Reputation (what the other think about you): None (0)
Evolution (your stage of evolution. You can "level up" by having the required buildings and resources): Starter

First off, you start with plans for the townhall. Before making a townhall, thought, I'd reccomend exploring your place.

-If you exceed your max population half of your people will desertate your country.
-If your population reaches 0, you are out of the game.
-If your condition goes to "dead", you lose.
-If you build The World Lumination you win.
-I'll start when we have 3 players.
-Both countries must agree to be allies, but only one has to propose war to become enemies.
-You may claim one unoccupied plot of 10x10 per turn if you have no army.
-You must have military to propose war.
-The names and units at baracks are by default, you can change them. For example:You can change pikeman (melee) to swords man (melee). You name the unit, but the cost and stats remain the same.
-When we run out of unclaimed land, current countries can choose to give new players land, to which they will automatically become allies. You can decide how much to give. Otherwise, new players will not be able to join.
-I'd appreciate someone to make a map of the new land, to show the size of the countries. Please update it whenever you can. The area is 3000 Square Miles.
-To make buildings, you need plans.
-Buildings occupy space. The space they occupy is shown at the below post.
-Mines have limited resources, excepting if you conduct the upgrade "research organic and non-organic recyclation" at the academy. Then you will have unlimited resources for mines and some other bonuses.
-Allies can trade plans of buildings for gold and if both allies have a market.

  • 22 Replies
374 posts

Name: King Archene
Age: 20
Bio: After his father died a king, he inherited some land from him. Wanting to achieve his dream of ruling, he starting his own country.
Name: Florencia
Size: 100 x 100 (30 x 30 occcupied).
Population: 15 (7 women, 8 men)
Avalaibe: 13 (5 women, 8 men)
Resouces: -Food:800
Resources income: -Food: -45 (1 turn)
-Stone:0 (1 turn)
-Wood:0 (1 turn)
-Gold:0 (1 turn)
-Iron:0 (1 turn)
-Coal:0 (1 turn)
Buildings: Town Hall, Mill.
Upgrades: None
1) Respect and Follow the King's Commands
2) Do not Harm another.
a) Acts out of Self-Defense are allowed
b) Murder is punishable by death
3) No stealing
4) Be Civilized, no barbarism.
Colonies: None
Condition: Healthy
Alliances: None
Enemies: None
Military: None
Custom units: None
Culture: Monarchy (buildings take 1 turn less to be finished)
Reputation: Talked about (5)
Evolution: Starter
Vault: Broken Crystal Scythe (a scythe made out of magical crystal. It's been said that it once belonged to the Reaper itself)

You finish building the mill and cultivate wheat (yes it's automatically produced at the cost of Gold). Since it's your first time using a mill cultivating wheat will not take gold (and it instantly grows).

You send 2 women to research hut's plans. It will take 2 turns.

Your 3 men arrive with some meat from a deer.
+50 F

1,282 posts

Name: King Archene
Age: 20
Bio: After his father died a king, he inherited some land from him. Wanting to achieve his dream of ruling, he starting his own country.
Name: Florencia
Size: 100 x 100 (30 x 30 occcupied).
Population: 15 (7 women, 8 men)
Avalaibe: 13 (5 women, 8 men)
Resouces: -Food:800
Resources income: -Food: -45 (1 turn)
-Stone:0 (1 turn)
-Wood:0 (1 turn)
-Gold:0 (1 turn)
-Iron:0 (1 turn)
-Coal:0 (1 turn)
Buildings: Town Hall, Mill.
Upgrades: None
1) Respect and Follow the King's Commands
2) Do not Harm another.
a) Acts out of Self-Defense are allowed
b) Murder is punishable by death
3) No stealing
4) Be Civilized, no barbarism.
Colonies: None
Condition: Healthy
Alliances: None
Enemies: None
Military: None
Custom units: None
Culture: Monarchy (buildings take 1 turn less to be finished)
Reputation: Talked about (5)
Evolution: Starter
Vault: Broken Crystal Scythe (a scythe made out of magical crystal. It's been said that it once belonged to the Reaper itself)

I research the mine. If only one thing can be researched at a time, I send the men out on a hunting trip.

374 posts

Name: King Archene
Age: 20
Bio: After his father died a king, he inherited some land from him. Wanting to achieve his dream of ruling, he starting his own country.
Name: Florencia
Size: 100 x 100 (30 x 30 occcupied).
Population: 15 (7 women, 8 men)
Avalaibe: 13 (5 women, 8 men)
Resouces: -Food:555
Resources income: -Food: -45 (1 turn)
-Stone:0 (1 turn)
-Wood:0 (1 turn)
-Gold:0 (1 turn)
-Iron:0 (1 turn)
-Coal:0 (1 turn)
Buildings: Town Hall, Mill.
Upgrades: None
1) Respect and Follow the King's Commands
2) Do not Harm another.
a) Acts out of Self-Defense are allowed
b) Murder is punishable by death
3) No stealing
4) Be Civilized, no barbarism.
Colonies: None
Condition: Healthy
Alliances: None
Enemies: None
Military: None
Custom units: None
Culture: Monarchy (buildings take 1 turn less to be finished)
Reputation: Talked about (5)
Evolution: Starter
Vault: Broken Crystal Scythe (a scythe made out of magical crystal. It's been said that it once belonged to the Reaper itself)

I research the mine. If only one thing can be researched at a time, I send the men out on a hunting trip.

You send 2 of your men to research the mine (you can research 2 things at a time). I will take 2 turns.
I'd suggest sending some of your people at harvesting that wheat at the mill. It also has an upgrade which doubles your food income.(you gain 15 food/person per turn, 30 if you got the upgrade)

1,282 posts

Name: King Archene
Age: 20
Bio: After his father died a king, he inherited some land from him. Wanting to achieve his dream of ruling, he starting his own country.
Name: Florencia
Size: 100 x 100 (30 x 30 occcupied).
Population: 15 (7 women, 8 men)
Avalaibe: 13 (5 women, 8 men)
Resouces: -Food:555
Resources income: -Food: -45 (1 turn)
-Stone:0 (1 turn)
-Wood:0 (1 turn)
-Gold:0 (1 turn)
-Iron:0 (1 turn)
-Coal:0 (1 turn)
Buildings: Town Hall, Mill.
Upgrades: None
1) Respect and Follow the King's Commands
2) Do not Harm another.
a) Acts out of Self-Defense are allowed
b) Murder is punishable by death
3) No stealing
4) Be Civilized, no barbarism.
Colonies: None
Condition: Healthy
Alliances: None
Enemies: None
Military: None
Custom units: None
Culture: Monarchy (buildings take 1 turn less to be finished)
Reputation: Talked about (5)
Evolution: Starter
Vault: Broken Crystal Scythe (a scythe made out of magical crystal. It's been said that it once belonged to the Reaper itself)

I send three men to work at the mill. And then I build a hut.

374 posts

Name: King Archene
Age: 20
Bio: After his father died a king, he inherited some land from him. Wanting to achieve his dream of ruling, he starting his own country.
Name: Florencia
Size: 100 x 100 (30 x 30 occcupied).
Population: 15 (7 women, 8 men)
Avalaibe: 5 (5 women, 0 men)
Resouces: -Food:555
Resources income: -Food: 0 (1 turn)
-Stone:0 (1 turn)
-Wood:0 (1 turn)
-Gold:0 (1 turn)
-Iron:0 (1 turn)
-Coal:0 (1 turn)
Buildings: Town Hall, Mill.
Upgrades: None
1) Respect and Follow the King's Commands
2) Do not Harm another.
a) Acts out of Self-Defense are allowed
b) Murder is punishable by death
3) No stealing
4) Be Civilized, no barbarism.
Colonies: None
Condition: Healthy
Alliances: None
Enemies: None
Military: None
Custom units: None
Culture: Monarchy (buildings take 1 turn less to be finished)
Reputation: Talked about (5)
Evolution: Starter
Vault: Broken Crystal Scythe (a scythe made out of magical crystal. It's been said that it once belonged to the Reaper itself)

Okay, you send 3 of your men at the mill to harvest the grain.
Since you finished researching the hut, you send 5 of your men to build one (it will take 1 turn)
I;d suggest to keep sending your people at expedition, it's a good way to find resources, mines, and maybe something special?

1,282 posts

Name: King Archene
Age: 20
Bio: After his father died a king, he inherited some land from him. Wanting to achieve his dream of ruling, he starting his own country.
Name: Florencia
Size: 100 x 100 (30 x 30 occcupied).
Population: 15 (7 women, 8 men)
Avalaibe: 5 (5 women, 0 men)
Resouces: -Food:555
Resources income: -Food: 0 (1 turn)
-Stone:0 (1 turn)
-Wood:0 (1 turn)
-Gold:0 (1 turn)
-Iron:0 (1 turn)
-Coal:0 (1 turn)
Buildings: Town Hall, Mill.
Upgrades: None
1) Respect and Follow the King's Commands
2) Do not Harm another.
a) Acts out of Self-Defense are allowed
b) Murder is punishable by death
3) No stealing
4) Be Civilized, no barbarism.
Colonies: None
Condition: Healthy
Alliances: None
Enemies: None
Military: None
Custom units: None
Culture: Monarchy (buildings take 1 turn less to be finished)
Reputation: Talked about (5)
Evolution: Starter
Vault: Broken Crystal Scythe (a scythe made out of magical crystal. It's been said that it once belonged to the Reaper itself)

I send some of the women to explore.

374 posts

Oh well, I'm sorry, but I really feel that I gotta redo this RPG (thats why I need an edit button! D
Anyway, you can keep your stats from this game. ;P

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