Hello, and welcome to the latest (as of September 29, 2013) forum game of Nilo & Sons!
The basic point of the Unending War of the Towers is simply to try to destroy everyone else's tower while trying to keep yours well. The first time you post on this thread, a new tower magically appears in a vast grassy plain with the banners of your House. This tower you have to defend whilst strategically laying waste to the other towers.
Whilst the amount of rules is limited in this game, there are several that must be obeyed. 1: Godmodding is strictly forbidden. And 2. Your actions must be realistic, or at least, you must provide a logical way in which it could happen. Furthermore, the general forum rules must be obeyed as well. If any given action is proven to be unrealistic or hinged on godmodding, that action shall be pronounced null and void by the Opening poster.
Try to be as creative as possible! The towers can be destroyed, alliances can be formed, minions can be recruited and sent to die, and bloody clowns can be the protagonists of a great battle in which no clear victor shall arise. You know, it is not called 'Unending' just because.
So, it is brother against brother and brother against sister and sister against brother an....uh...you get the point.
You guys remmeber i have ice giants right? Ill send you one to act as a speaker.
Anywho, now that the attacking army is weak, we need to make one last push - on the field.
I want you all to gather your armies in king town. Use THE KINGS ROAD to move faster then the foe.
Ill take the central wing, stealth will take the flanking right wing and evilsweet the supportive left.
I inlarge my univrsity, adding dromes. Now my magicians arr more fierce in battle and in drinking. They also have more time to "study" so they train faster (and creating the next generation of wizards in the process).
Plus, my Monastry become a holy place, with many complexs. I train Monk warriors and monk warriors heros.
I want your infantry to charger the left flank. Meanwhile, your cavalery will take a larger flank and attack the enemy left rear. Evilsweet job is to guard the right wing from flanking manouvers.
We need everyone. The archers will give you fire suppley. My Dragoons will take a long flank to attack thr central rear, my paladins will attack with stralth troops on the left center, this way crushing this flank. Then evilsweet flank will make a total charge. If the charge wont work, he will fall back to the line, and make a stand near my front.
If your charge wont work stealth, then may the blue flame save us all.
We are fighting a large army stealth. Sending a unit wont help. Plus, you cant speicaly train unis to the sudden case. If you have them, good. If not, use what you already have.
Anywho, i need a much larger force. And we dont attacking yet. We encamping and getting ready for the attack.
I send my 3000 pikemans in raws if 3 (spears like this: _-\\, ) On the flanks 2000 halberdiards (500 on the right, 1500 on the left), The gunners behind them on ramps. The folrone hopes behind the center of the pikemans line, ready to charge. Dwavrvens guards with pavise shields and pole arms behind them, as reserves.
The dragoons, as mentiond, ride in the distance, and the paladins stay at the back with the royal paladins. Mammoths armed with 4 scorpions (the roman artilsry machine) and some with abus guns, are far behind as mobile support. My arabic 13th century cannons take place in 3 battaries of 6 far behind and 11th century Indian rocketeers (1 unit of 25. Its basicly a firework with a knife at the end. Much noise. So scary. Very pointy. Wow) Grey elves take positions at the front of the army and at the very flanks, hiding and ready to snipe and weakening the enemy, retreating in case they are assaulted.
Stealth, your greatest problme is that you cant make a stand. If you will ve attacked you are a sitting duck. Therefor dont make any move until i start the bombardmebt and all our troops will be ready.
Let me commaned the joint army please. Too many generals will only create trouble. You can commaned a squad of royal berserkers cavalery or sonething samiliar, and theemre will be your officers commanding your units, but im the marshal.
As Nilo still fight to keep up with us, ill declear that the enemy army will arrive soon.
I have 300 DreadNaughts in position, along with 1250 Darkknights and 3 Deathknights. The Dreadnaughts will provide cover support by firing large rocks untop of the enemies. Whenever your ready dan, my men are willing to die.
Giant Training Program: 5/5 Soon, giants will enter the party > Giant Civlizing: 50%