Looks like there's going to be another forum game amongst the already too many forum games in the forums. If this hits off, that's cool, and if it doesn't that's cool, too.
Rules- You ask for something and you roll for it, the next user tells them a number (preferably 1 - 6 but there are multi-sided dice with more, too, so you can say something like a 12) and then they give the condition of their requested item appropriately.
Example- Riptizoid101: I roll a dice for a sandwich.
Some Guy with Bad Breath: You roll a 2, so the sandwich is made out of toenail clippings and mayonnaise.
I roll a dice with 9 sides for a new pair of shoes.
A Naked Tree: You roll an 8, so your new pair of shoes have rocket boosters and auto-defense lasers. They also glow in the dark.
I roll a 20 sided dice for pants.
Know the rules? Inside and out? Crystal Clear? Kapeesh?
You roll a 50, so you get the grail tablet, which leads you to The Canyon of the Crescent Moon where you find the grail room. However, you chose poorly and are turned into dust.
I roll a 2 sided dice(what?) for a computer without spell check.