ForumsForum GamesMech Assault (RPG)

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The year is 1812. Scientists have recently discovered the art of steam, and with it, many inventions have been created. The world was made different, smarter men have come forth to add their inventions to the world. The most recent invention, was the invention of Mechs. Some of them are small, at the height of 3-5 feet. These mechs were made for the sole purpose of hard labor. Why work hard on something when you can have a Mech do it for you!? From there, Mechs grew drastically. Another inventor saw the Mechs for more than there ability to do arduous effort, and he made more Mechs. These Mechs were giants, though. Standing from 7-10 feet tall! They were made for the purpose of war.
With the new invention, war sprang out everywhere. The Mechs, they were on the front lines. Devastating to regular infantry, but every now and then, two Mechs from different origins would battle it out. It was both Amazing and Terrifying. You are a pilot, a specially trained person who operates the Mechs. Your job: Battle, destroy, kill. Otherwise, stay alive.

Char Sheet

Pilot Name:
Origin: See below.
Mech Hull Strength: 100/100
Equipped Weapons:
Equipped Armor: None
Class: See below.
Level: 1 (0/25)
Merits: (Earned in combat)


Soldier Class
-Utilizes most weaponry
-Commands other Mechs

Engineer Class
-Can call in air-support
-Can repair other Mechs

Stealth Class
-Best with melee weapons
-Utilizes the EMP gun

Tank Class
-No weapons
-Super strong, super fast

There are two different origins.
There is the UC (United Confederation)
Or the Rebels.
Each has there own goals and story.

If anyone has any questions please ask!
If I've forgotten anything I am sorry!
Merits can be used to buy new weapons and armor.
There will be constant updates to add new weaponry, and other stuffs.

  • 161 Replies
1,282 posts

Pilot Name: Derreck
Origin: UC
Mech Hull Strength: 75/100
Equipped Weapons: MI6
Equipped Armor: None
Class: Soldier
Level: 1 (1/25)
Merits: 20

You throw the smaller Mech into the others. They just dodge the Mech and continue after you. One barrels straight for you, and you stop it with the MI6.
While you concentrated on the one, however, the others circled around you.
You keep unloading your machine gun into the Mechs, but they continue to attack and damage your Mech. By the time you've downed all the enemy Mechs, you've been damaged quite a bit.

3,075 posts

Pilot Name: Derreck
Origin: UC
Mech Hull Strength: 75/100
Equipped Weapons: MI6
Equipped Armor: None
Class: Soldier
Level: 1 (1/25)
Merits: 20

"that'll need some repairs."i tag a few of the mechs and continue my patrol."i can't wait to tell my comrades about this."

1,282 posts

Pilot Name: Derreck
Origin: UC
Mech Hull Strength: 75/100
Equipped Weapons: MI6
Equipped Armor: None
Class: Soldier
Level: 1 (1/25)
Merits: 160

You tage the Mechs. Seven in all, +140 merits. You continue on your patrol, which is uneventful. You head back to your camp, and leave your Mech with the repair-master. He looks at the deep scratches on your Mech's body. "What in the world did this to you?"

3,075 posts

Pilot Name: Derreck
Origin: UC
Mech Hull Strength: 75/100
Equipped Weapons: MI6
Equipped Armor: None
Class: Soldier
Level: 1 (1/25)
Merits: 160

"well,i was going on my patrol..."i tell him about the battle with the mechs.
"and that's how i got these cuts."i felt pretty proud of myself,even though i was very much damadged.

1,078 posts

You can not do this. You are controlling what happens, which is my job.

Then what DO I do?
1,282 posts

Pilot Name: Derreck
Origin: UC
Mech Hull Strength: 75/100
Equipped Weapons: MI6
Equipped Armor: None
Class: Soldier
Level: 1 (1/25)
Merits: 160

The repair-master looks at you funny. "You tagged them right? Lets see the credits then." You show him the credits, which prove you were in a fight of some sort. "You should probably tell Commander Watts about this. It looks like the Rebels invented a new Mech type."


Then what DO I do?

You go off of what I tell you. If I tell you something is west, you can go west, or even east if you want. But you cannot change the story by saying a Mech pops up and shoot you. I prompt you, and you react.
3,075 posts

Pilot Name: Derreck
Origin: UC
Mech Hull Strength: 75/100
Equipped Weapons: MI6
Equipped Armor: None
Class: Soldier
Level: 1 (1/25)
Merits: 160

"maybe.heh!them rebels are becoming weaker every second."
i go tell Commander Watts the story.

1,078 posts

So I sneak around the area looking for anything interesting,

5 posts

Pilot name: ravel.
Origin: UC
Mech hull strength: 100/100
Equipped weapons:
Equipped armor: none.
Class: tank.
Level: 1 (0/25)
Merits: 0

1,078 posts

Pilot Name: Shadow
Origin: Rebels
Mech Hull Strength: 100/100
Equipped Weapons: Great Sword
Equipped Armor: -
Class: Stealth
Level: 1 (0/25)
Merits: 0

I sneak around the area looking for enemy mechs.

1,461 posts

Pilot Name: Michael
Origin: Rebels
Mech Hull Strength: 100/100
Equipped Weapons: -
Equipped Armor: -
Class: Soldier
Level: 1 (0/25)
Merits: 0

435 posts

Pilot Name:
Origin: Rebels
Mech Hull Strength: 100/100
Equipped Weapons: None
Equipped Armor: None
Class: Tank
Level: 1 (0/25)
Merits: (Earned in combat)
This good?

1,282 posts

Pilot Name: Derreck
Origin: UC
Mech Hull Strength: 75/100
Equipped Weapons: MI6
Equipped Armor: None
Class: Soldier
Level: 1 (10/25)
Merits: 160

You head over to a red and blue pavilion. You enter, in the middle of the room stands a large table. UC and rebel positions are labeled all over. Before you look up, you notice a group of enemy Mechs assaulting a well-guarded fortress.
Commander Watts is a tall figure, standing at 6'6. "What do you need, son?"
You tell Commander Watts the story of the small Mechs attacking you on your patrol. He looks over to his advisor, who stands, wide-eyed. "This would explain the lightning skirmishes over in Delhar." His advisor nods, and heads out the room.
Commander Watts looks over to you. "Thank you for bringing this to my attention. While your here, I have a new assignment for you." Commander Watts hands you a small device, the size of a modern jump-drive. "Take this and insert it into your Mech's intercom when its finished with repairs. The mission info is contained in it. For now, head back to your bunk and get some sleep."

Pilot name: Ravel
Origin: UC
Mech hull strength: 100/100
Equipped weapons: Spiked Fists
Equipped armor: -
Class: Tank
Level: 1 (0/25)
Merits: 0

You wake up in the cramped space of a MIV, or Mobile Infantry Vehicle. This giant vehicle can sport up to two Mechs, which can be detached and reattached at any time. All of a sudden, the warning siren blares. Red flashing lights light up around the entire Vehicle, and you hear the sound of gunfire outside. You jump up, and run towards the Mech Bay, and hop inside of your gigantic Mech.
This Mech is different from others, its ability to use weapons is gone, but it has some of the best protective abilities. It runs fast, and is very strong. Where its fists should be, are spike wedges that would seem to be able to crush anything.
You head outside in your Mech, where pandemonium broke out. Enemy and allied infantry run around, crashing into each other at times.

Pilot Name: Shadow
Origin: Rebels
Mech Hull Strength: 100/100
Equipped Weapons: Great Sword
Equipped Armor: -
Class: Stealth
Level: 1 (0/25)
Merits: 0

You sneak around the small enemy camp, looking for the Mech you were assigned to kill. You notice the camp looks like its been abandoned, and in a hurry too. Crates filled with small infantry weapons liter the ground. You continue sneaking around, when you hear a *snap*. You look to where the snap came from, somewhere on your right... BAM. The Mech slams into you taking you to the ground.

Pilot Name: Michael
Origin: Rebels
Mech Hull Strength: 100/100
Equipped Weapons: MI6
Equipped Armor: -
Class: Soldier
Level: 1 (0/25)
Merits: 0

You wake up in Camp Hathcheck. You stand up, and wince. The last time you took your Mech out it and yourself was critically injured. Today is the day you are able to get back in it without passing out from the exertion. You get yourself ready for the day, and head out to get your Mech. You talk to the repair-master, who seems very proud of finishing the repairs on your Mech. You hop inside, and the repair-master tells you he added your mission info to your intercom already. You press a button for the information to play. "Alright, since you were recently injured, today should be easy. You have a sweep mission. We want you to go to the enemy camp, which is about 10 miles away from your Wasteland position." While the info is playing through your intercom, you head over to the tele-porter rooms. You step inside one, and watch as it shimmers, and you find yourself in the Wasteland. The info continues to play. "The camp is filled with infantry. Alright, see you when you come back."

Pilot Name:
Origin: Rebels
Mech Hull Strength: 100/100
Equipped Weapons: None
Equipped Armor: None
Class: Tank
Level: 1 (0/25)
Merits: 0

*You forgot the pilot name!*

3,075 posts

Pilot Name: Derreck
Origin: UC
Mech Hull Strength: 75/100
Equipped Weapons: MI6
Equipped Armor: None
Class: Soldier
Level: 1 (10/25)
Merits: 160

"your's all part of the job."i walk to my bunkbed to sleep.the next day,i go over to the repairman and ask "is my mech ready yet?i need to do another mission."

1,461 posts

Pilot Name: Michael
Origin: Rebels
Mech Hull Strength: 100/100
Equipped Weapons: MI6
Equipped Armor: -
Class: Soldier
Level: 1 (0/25)
Merits: 0

I head towards the general direction of the enemy camp.

Showing 16-30 of 161