Those are some great bands! I haven't heard of a couple of those
Animals as Leaders - On Impulse
A great band, very technical and guitar oriented. The guitar solos are awesome, too much melody for my tastes though :P
Osmium is some pretty heavy metal. I listen to it all the time. Pretty dense, is all I can say
The Wikipedia page wouldn't load correctly, but I assume you are talking about this band!/profile/Osmium/22582492
It's a great band, definitely has some core elements in there, though I prefer deeper vocals.
Unless of course you were talking about the physical element, in which case I spent 20 minutes trying to find that band for nothing LOL!
As for me...I am a HUGE fan of Meshuggah...
What's your opinion on their latest album? It seems slightly bland to me. They don't seem to have brought anything new to the table, and it seems like they are just recycling the same riffs every other song.
and with your definition of djent you forgot the most important aspect that people use to describe it...the open palm muting
Indeed, I'm not very good at describing the techniques used. I suppose I should read some more about that.
Arch Enemy
A great band, and one of the handful that have a female singer. I could never really get into Arch Enemy though. There's only a couple of songs of theirs' that I enjoy.
Dir en Grey
I'm not really sure if I would call these guys heavy metal. They seem to be more of a rock band.
Cannibal Corpse
These guys are on my top ten list. I love their grainy sound and overall heaviness. It seems these guys are the mold for every other Death Metal band, and are some of the few bands that stuck to their roots.
This is a band that knows how to build anticipation! Their short melodies, followed by extremely heavy riffs are like a rollercoaster. The vocals are great as well, one of the only bands that I don't mind having clean singing occasionally.
Bolt Thrower
Another good band, these guys are your typical Death Metal band like Cannibal Corpse and Pyrexia... Not much else to say really :P
Behold... The Arctopus
Then we have bands like this that manage to break the mold with their technical riffs and odd time signatures. I'd even go as far, and say these guys rival Necrophagist. Been a while since I have heard such innovative riffs.
Is this the one? Something tells me it's not, but I can't find any others with this name :/
Very nice! Chaotic Death Metal is the best Death Metal.
Blends alternative rock, technical death metal and jazz fusion seamlessly. I just wish they would more emphasis on the technical death metal. But you've already warned me that they don't put much emphasis on the heavy elements pang, so I can't complain.
Ghost B.C.
Classic Heavy Metal is always welcome! Only downside is the clean singing.
Speaking of classics, there's also Mastodon. Not much to say, except that they created a song for one of my favorite shows Aqua Teen Hunger Force; Well, the movie to be exact.
I'm sure everyone knows who Sepultra is :P
These guys basically sound like a heavier Rammstein (Probably due to the German lyrics) It's like a mix between something you would listen to at Oktoberfest and Exodus
Well, I certainly have a lot more bands to listen to now. Thanks guys!
I'll also drop off a couple more Death Metal bands for you guys to check out: Pyrexia and Kataklysm.