Leader Name:Fredrick Vensterg
Description:5'9 ,Right eye blue, Left Green, Seems feminine due to long platinum blond hair. Great at manipulating the masses, great swordsmanship, and excellent with light weapons.
Bio:Son of an old Junker from Prussia whom lost power after 1918, highly motivated to re establish the monarchy.
City Name: Addëlhéim
City Standard: Prussian flag.
Location:Near Könsberg,East-Prussia(Germany)
Locational Perk:
Soldier Types: Militia
Technology: WWI Era set (Bolt Action Rifles, barbed wire, machineguns, mortars, light artillery, etc.)
Buildings:Headquarters, Barracks, Triage Center, Gunsmith
Vehicles: (For War) none
Defenses: none
Allies: none
ResourcesCatch all currency)50,000
Morale: Average
Events: Your city State has been formed
again still, a single bullet is not gonna do that. you're not going to singlehandedly win the day, you made a stupid command decision, there is no magic that will make that go away
Leader Name: John Jackson
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Description: Good with tactics, high charisma, slightly aggressive
Bio: He is a genius with tactics and dreamed of being a general as a kid. With his high charisma he popular leader.
City Name: Victory
City Standard: a blue fist with an orange background
Location: Texas
Locational Perk: America, Cheaper research & soldiers
Population: 13 000
Workers: 4 000
Scientists: 4 000
Soldiers: 4 957
Soldier Types: SMG Militia, 1250WWI Trooper (Basic modern infantry, with bright and nationalistic uniforms, and soft caps.), (7) Sniper (limit .16% of soldiers), 1500 Assault Troopers (Armed with an SMG and copious amount of grenades, they excel for close range combat), 1000 Trench Raiders (Excelling at anything close range, they use their shotguns to deadly effect, anything further then 30 meters though, you're in trouble)
Technology: WWI Era set (Bolt Action Rifles, barbed wire, machineguns, mortars, light artillery, etc.), Light Armored Cars, SMG's, Rifle Grenades
Buildings: Headquarters, Barracks, Triage Center, Rifle Range, weapons manufacturer, vehicle manufacturer, Advanced training course.
Vehicles: 10 Humbler Recon Cars
Defenses: Barbed wire & Chainlink fencing, 8 towers, trenches
Allies: none
Resources: 97 000
Morale: Average
Events: 200 scouts, 0 turn(s)
You pull your pistol from your holster, but he already his at the ready, an old webley revolver, and fires at you, hitting you in the leg, as he turns and bolts for cover. You on the other hand lose balance and topple over, with a broken leg.
with the opening salvo, both sides open fire, the immediate advantage to teh enemy, who open up in a full auto volley, killing at least 40 out of 100 men