ForumsForum GamesStar Wars: The Chronicles of the Clone Wars

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its sometime in the future in the star wars universe where life is among the stars. recently having taken place the events of the clone wars as portrayed in the 2nd episode, the republic has taken back Geonosis from the trade federation. this game takes full place in the massive scope of the clone wars, and many things will unfold for it to create a full game that is largely RPG. the goal of this game is to lead your faction to domination of the universe!

you can choose to be a sith, jedi, or mercenary. you will be given missions by the elders of both factions, or by your leader if you are a mercenary. these missions will give you reputation and eventually advance you through the ranks of the jedi or sith.

Character Sheet: (CS)
Name: (make it realistic)
Age: (again, realistic)
Race: (can be human, but needs to exist in the star wars universe)
Faction: (jedi, sith, or mercenary)
Clan: (mercenaries only. if you are not one, delete this. if you are, I will pick this for you)
Rank: youngling (this is not realistic, you would start missions at padawan, but for the sake of the game you start here)
Master: (you can choose his/her name. he/she can be from the star wars universe, or someone random. if it is fictional, his/her attitude will be random. cant be yoda or the emperor.)
Apprentice: N/A
Reputation: 0 (as you complete missions, it rises. if you kill your own faction, it drops. as a mercenary, its largely based off of your actions)
Current mission: N/A
level: 1(0/10 XP)
Force powers: none (as you level up, you gain force powers. there will be a skill tree. I am still in the process of thinking about it, but I have the basics mapped out.)
lightsaber: basic blue. (more below)

please, delete what you must and all in parenthesis.

if you pick a real master, he will play out exactly as the real one. if you pick one no one knows about, you should tell me he is real. if hes fake, I will make its personality. if you don't pick one, I will give you someone random. only 1 person can have the same real person. meaning, there will not be 2 people with obi-wan as their master.

your lightsaber will have different colors and types as you progress. basic means it has 1 blade. the color gives it perks. for example, orange has better weight and gives you faster moves. you will not unlock these through normal gameplay, you have to explore to find color cores and different models.

combat is based from lots of auto-play. if you engage combat with another jedi/sith, you will attack them the way you would normally with a lightsaber. you can throw in force attacks as you unlock them, but most perks are granted from environmental decisions. when you get to that kind of combat I will explain deeper.

you are given missions to progress the game. you can complete them when you choose, unless your master says you have to leave. you have your own ship for travel, but generally you wont use it. you can travel around Coruscant, doing side missions you may be given for color cores and special things.

in a final note, all death is permanent, and everyone is playing the same game. I will be sticking to factual planets, but not much else. so go and take the universe!

  • 190 Replies
379 posts

Name: Udi Dwam
Age: 16
Race: Human
Faction: Sith
Location: the emperor's throne room (Coruscant)
Rank: Youngling
Master: Encron Voladis (sith master, human)
Apprentice: N/A
Reputation: 0
Current mission: N/A
level: 1 (0/10 XP)
Force powers: None
lightsaber: Basic red

I respond by saying that 'Killing you is a mission given to me by my master, and that you should be honored to give your life in the training of the person who will one day become the greatest sith master the universe has ever known. I continue to attack with a defensive strategy, but now try to slowly force him into backing into a wall.

529 posts

Name: Sarin Kai
Age: 17
Race: Dathomirian
Faction: Sith
Location: the Emperor's palace (Coruscant)
Rank: Youngling
Master: Darth Maul
Apprentice: N/A
Reputation: 0
Current mission: N/A
level: 1(0/10 XP)
Force powers: none
lightsaber: basic red.

I turn to Maul and comment on the duel unfolding, "He seems extremely confident for a youngling."

1,666 posts

Name: Udi Dwam
Age: 16
Race: Human
Faction: Sith
Location: the emperor's throne room (Coruscant)
Rank: Youngling
Master: Encron Voladis (sith master, human)
Apprentice: N/A
Reputation: 0
Current mission: N/A
level: 1 (3/10 XP)
Force powers: None
lightsaber: Basic red

you swing. he blocks, and begins backing up. qiuckly he realizes he is no match for you, and as he reaches the wall, you behead him.
"Excellent work, young one. we will continue our mission as planed," your master says. he walks out to his ship. maul and some other man are standing close.
you also gain 3 XP.

Name: Sarin Kai
Age: 17
Race: Dathomirian
Faction: Sith
Location: the Emperor's palace (Coruscant)
Rank: Youngling
Master: Darth Maul
Apprentice: N/A
Reputation: 0
Current mission: N/A
level: 1(0/10 XP)
Force powers: none
lightsaber: basic red.

"Indeed he does, Sarin. killing a palace guard is no treason, however," maul says.

379 posts

Name: Udi Dwam
Age: 16
Race: Human
Faction: Sith
Location: the emperor's throne room (Coruscant)
Rank: Youngling
Master: Encron Voladis (sith master, human)
Apprentice: N/A
Reputation: 0
Current mission: N/A
level: 1 (3/10 XP)
Force powers: None
lightsaber: Basic red

I follow my master onto his ship.

529 posts

Name: Sarin Kai
Age: 17
Race: Dathomirian
Faction: Sith
Location: the Emperor's palace (Coruscant)
Rank: Youngling
Master: Darth Maul
Apprentice: N/A
Reputation: 0
Current mission: N/A
level: 1(0/10 XP)
Force powers: none
lightsaber: basic red.

I get on the ship departing for Endor.

1,666 posts

Name: Udi Dwam
Age: 16
Race: Human
Faction: Sith
Location: outside the new Republic base (Endor)
Rank: Youngling
Master: Encron Voladis (sith master, human)
Apprentice: N/A
Reputation: 0
Current mission: N/A
level: 1 (3/10 XP)
Force powers: None
lightsaber: Basic red

he gets in the ship, as well as you. he sets a course for Endor. about 3 hours later, you arrive. you land on a secluded riverbank.
"they cannot see us coming, young one. do not give our possition away. kill guards stealthily and quickly, do not let them scream or sound alarms. im going north, your going south, we will meet inside the base," says Encron. he shoves you in that direction. your not close enough to the base to see it.

Name: Sarin Kai
Age: 17
Race: Dathomirian
Faction: Sith
Location: outside the new Republic base (Endor)
Rank: Youngling
Master: Darth Maul
Apprentice: N/A
Reputation: 0
Current mission: N/A
level: 1(0/10 XP)
Force powers: none
lightsaber: basic red.

you get into the ship with maul. about 3 hours later you arrive on Endor. you land around the western outpost of this newly founded base.
"we will take them by force, any means necessary. i will escort you in, and once we get in we will split up. guards could be anywhere, keep alert," says maul. he begins walking in the direction of the base. you hear something in the distance that sounds like a speeder.

379 posts

Name: Udi Dwam
Age: 16
Race: Human
Faction: Sith
Location: outside the new Republic base (Endor)
Rank: Youngling
Master: Encron Voladis (sith master, human)
Apprentice: N/A
Reputation: 0
Current mission: N/A
level: 1 (3/10 XP)
Force powers: None
lightsaber: Basic red

I go in the direction he shoved me in and start looking for the base. I am careful lookout for any guards on the path.

529 posts

Name: Sarin Kai
Age: 17
Race: Dathomirian
Faction: Sith
Location: outside the new Republic base (Endor)
Rank: Youngling
Master: Darth Maul
Apprentice: N/A
Reputation: 0
Current mission: N/A
level: 1(0/10 XP)
Force powers: none
lightsaber: basic red.

I trail after maul.

1,666 posts

Name: Udi Dwam
Age: 16
Race: Human
Faction: Sith
Location: outside the new Republic base (Endor)
Rank: Youngling
Master: Encron Voladis (sith master, human)
Apprentice: N/A
Reputation: 0
Current mission: N/A
level: 1 (3/10 XP)
Force powers: None
lightsaber: Basic red

you find a path, seemingly leading into the base. their are 2 guards blocking the door, so you might have to find another direction in. you have no force powers to distract them. they are both armed with laser shotguns but no armor to be seen.

Name: Sarin Kai
Age: 17
Race: Dathomirian
Faction: Sith
Location: outside the new Republic base (Endor)
Rank: Youngling
Master: Darth Maul
Apprentice: N/A
Reputation: 0
Current mission: N/A
level: 1(0/10 XP)
Force powers: none
lightsaber: basic red.

he begins walking, then stops you suddenly.
"their are 2 of them patrolling stay here and kill one that gets close, i will go after the other. dont let this one find me," he says. he walks off into the distance, and you hear the other approach from behind. he is whistling. he has no armor really just a laser shotgun.

379 posts

Name: Udi Dwam
Age: 16
Race: Human
Faction: Sith
Location: outside the new Republic base (Endor)
Rank: Youngling
Master: Encron Voladis (sith master, human)
Apprentice: N/A
Reputation: 0
Current mission: N/A
level: 1 (3/10 XP)
Force powers: None
lightsaber: Basic red

I look for another entrance.

1,666 posts

Name: Udi Dwam
Age: 16
Race: Human
Faction: Sith
Location: outside the new Republic base (Endor)
Rank: Youngling
Master: Encron Voladis (sith master, human)
Apprentice: N/A
Reputation: 0
Current mission: N/A
level: 1 (3/10 XP)
Force powers: None
lightsaber: Basic red

keep in mind, your in the bushes behind some trees so you cannot be seen. you figure their must be ways in through the top, as ventilation systems must be in the building somewhere. it doesnt look like you would be getting up their easily, though. you could climb a wall at the risk of being seen and shot at, or you could just charge those guards, or something else possibly.

529 posts

Name: Sarin Kai
Age: 17
Race: Dathomirian
Faction: Sith
Location: outside the new Republic base (Endor)
Rank: Youngling
Master: Darth Maul
Apprentice: N/A
Reputation: 0
Current mission: N/A
level: 1(0/10 XP)
Force powers: none
lightsaber: basic red.

I roll off the path and hide.
With my lightsaber in hand, I wait until he walks by before I flick it on and attack.

379 posts

Name: Udi Dwam
Age: 16
Race: Human
Faction: Sith
Location: outside the new Republic base (Endor)
Rank: Youngling
Master: Encron Voladis (sith master, human)
Apprentice: N/A
Reputation: 0
Current mission: N/A
level: 1 (3/10 XP)
Force powers: None
lightsaber: Basic red

I go around to the next wall and try to climb it, out of sight from the guards.

1,666 posts

Name: Sarin Kai
Age: 17
Race: Dathomirian
Faction: Sith
Location: outside the new Republic base (Endor)
Rank: Youngling
Master: Darth Maul
Apprentice: N/A
Reputation: 0
Current mission: N/A
level: 1(3/10 XP)
Force powers: none
lightsaber: basic red.

he walks by, unaware your hiding in shadows. as you flick on the lightsaber he turns.
before he could say anymore, you behead him. +3 XP
you join up with Maul.
"the building is vast, once we split up you must promise me you won't go kill yourself," he says. you both walk into the building. before you get into the main room, Maul stops.
"they know not to trust us Dathomirian' will have to walk in alone. i will find an alternate way in and try finding a secure way to sabotage the place. you need to wreck havoc in the meantime," he says. he exits, as your standing in the doorway. do not expect to just be able to walk in, people will see you, but might not realize your a sith.

Name: Udi Dwam
Age: 16
Race: Human
Faction: Sith
Location: outside the new Republic base (Endor)
Rank: Youngling
Master: Encron Voladis (sith master, human)
Apprentice: N/A
Reputation: 0
Current mission: N/A
level: 1 (3/10 XP)
Force powers: None
lightsaber: Basic red

you realize no guards are near you as you find a formidable wall easy to climb. its around 10 feet high. you get onto the roof, immediately noticing they have guards posted up here. one of them sees you.
"What do you think your doing?" he asks. he is not in slashing distance.

379 posts

Name: Udi Dwam
Age: 16
Race: Human
Faction: Sith
Location: outside the new Republic base (Endor)
Rank: Youngling
Master: Encron Voladis (sith master, human)
Apprentice: N/A
Reputation: 0
Current mission: N/A
level: 1 (3/10 XP)
Force powers: None
lightsaber: Basic red

I walk slowly towards him and say 'I just wanted to meet everyone at the base. I'm new.' As soon as I get close enough to kill the guards quickly I kill them all.

Showing 16-30 of 190