ForumsForum GamesGrey Dawn (Dragon Age RP)

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What if in Dragon Age Origins there was more than just one hero? The first battle against the Darkspawn was won and the king survived? This is all about new and different events that will cause a far different game.

You are one of many conscripted to undergo the rigorous trials of iniatoin into the ranks of the famous Grey Wardens as the threat of another Darkspawn invasion is imminent with the confirmation of a Archdemon made by the skilled and lucky scout, Reylan. His efforts allowed for the many races to prepare although the elves and dwarves believe that they will fare better to fight them on their own. King Cailan gathers his army with the new Grey Warden in hopes to quickly kill the Archdemon. Can you find glory in the midst of battle or will you fall as so many have before the evil Darkspawn?

Character Sheet:
Age: (Must be somewhat young)
Race: (Elf, Human, Dwarf)
Background: (High-class, middle-class, low-class)

There also may be a Darkspawn race when we get to the DLC parts and I am open for any suggestions but I am limiting the numbers of Grey Wardens to 10.

  • 122 Replies
605 posts

The shortsword hits the alpha with the hilt and bounces off only diverting its anger towards Kiviord now with only the one sword, preparing to swing as it charges. Lyali shoots another volley of arrows and a few once again pierce the emissary's back but the very next arrow flies straight into its head and it falls to the ground. The warriors have almost finished dealing with the darkspawn, Elissa and Feron fight well together as they work off of each other's blocks and swings. Satel seems to be focused in non-attack based magic, giving everyone around her almost infinite stamina and other restorative boons but when she sees V'las on the ground she and the alpha distracted, she quickly runs over to him and tries her best to mend his bone to get him back up. Valtair casts several bolts of lighting that jumps to several other darkspawn. Balgrin and Alistair are teaming up on a few hurlocks. It is out of nowhere that Tiashi sprints from out of the trees and tackles the alpha and knocking him over but before she can plunge her daggers into his chest, the alpha punches her hard across the face with his spiked gauntlet and pushes her off of him. Tiashi lies motionless as the alpha stands over her, picking up the axe he dropped

239 posts

Name: Kiviord vasa
Age: 17
Race: City elf specifically
Gender: male
Background: low class
description: Born in one of ferelden's cities in a alienage kiviord grew up harshly but hissmile always remained and his mind cheery enough to forget the horrible things done to his alienage by humans but not enough to stop him from scaring them after stealing all their stuff.
Class: Ranger (rogue advancement)
Weapons: Short Bow, 2 short swords.
Armor: Very lightweight leather chest armor,boots,and gloves. Greenish, Brownish hood. Same color cloak

I run as fast as I can and attempt to plunge my short sword into the alpha.

4,584 posts

Name: Lyali Aleanathem
Age: 21
Race: Elf
Gender: F
Class: Rogue
Background: High-class, Dalish elf
Description: Lyali is of average height and weight for her race. She has short white hair with dark red highlights. She dresses like the tomboy she is and her wild raising shows along with her playfulness more often then most would like.
History: Lyali was born to a Dalish tribe that lives in the Korcari Wilds. Lyali's mom, Kynis, is the sister of her tribe's current leader. Her dad, Sizair, is a great hunter who like his wife thinks that the elves should team up with the humans and dwarfs to handle this problem. Because of this Lyali was sent to the nearest human settlement to find the Gray Wardens and to try to become a part of them. After finding them Lyali is very glad that her parents knew her well enough to suggest her to the group that will be getting most of the action.
Pet(s): Deathbite(Marabi War hound)
Weapons: 2 daggers, bow
Armor: Leather boots, leather gloves, leather chest armor

Lyali took aim at the alpha and fired. The whole time she was prying to The Maker and the gods of her ancestors that it would take the foul beast down.

605 posts

Lyalia arrows strike the alpha first, the arrows flying into its arm, shoulder and chest and appears to hurt it, but it justs roars. Kiviord manges to plunge his sword into the beast right where the heart should be and this seems to be kill it as the alpha drops its axe and falls to the ground. Satel helps V'las up to his feat and Delinar rushes over and takes him off her hands so she can attend to Tiashi who lies limp next to the alpha. Alistair, Balgrin, Feron, and Elissa who rush over as the darkspawn have all be killed. "Is she going to be alright?" Alistair asks Satel and she shrugs with a worried face as she waves her hands slowly over Tiashi "Her jaw is definitely broken with deep cuts. I believe she will live but someone will have to carry her." She says

239 posts

Name: Kiviord vasa
Age: 17
Race: City elf specifically
Gender: male
Background: low class
description: Born in one of ferelden's cities in a alienage kiviord grew up harshly but hissmile always remained and his mind cheery enough to forget the horrible things done to his alienage by humans but not enough to stop him from scaring them after stealing all their stuff.
Class: Ranger (rogue advancement)
Weapons: Short Bow, 2 short swords.
Armor: Very lightweight leather chest armor,boots,and gloves. Greenish, Brownish hood. Same color cloak.

"I will" I volunteer "she saved me it's only fitting i carry her."

4,584 posts

Name: Lyali Aleanathem
Age: 21
Race: Elf
Gender: F
Class: Rogue
Background: High-class, Dalish elf
Description: Lyali is of average height and weight for her race. She has short white hair with dark red highlights. She dresses like the tomboy she is and her wild raising shows along with her playfulness more often then most would like.
History: Lyali was born to a Dalish tribe that lives in the Korcari Wilds. Lyali's mom, Kynis, is the sister of her tribe's current leader. Her dad, Sizair, is a great hunter who like his wife thinks that the elves should team up with the humans and dwarfs to handle this problem. Because of this Lyali was sent to the nearest human settlement to find the Gray Wardens and to try to become a part of them. After finding them Lyali is very glad that her parents knew her well enough to suggest her to the group that will be getting most of the action.
Pet(s): Deathbite(Marabi War hound)
Weapons: 2 daggers, bow
Armor: Leather boots, leather gloves, leather chest armor

Lyali let out a sigh of relief and was glad that the whole group had made it through. "I'll guard Kiviord so he doesn't have to worry about defending both himself and Tiashi." She said with a smile and prepared to take up such a position.

605 posts

Satel nodded at Kiviord and Feron picks Tiashi up carefully and hand her to Kiviord. Tiahsi is thankfully light as she lays unconscious in Kiviord's arms, her head slightly hanging off of it. Alistair nods at Lyali "That sounds like a plan. Luckily the way to the tower is clear so we just been through the worst of it." He says. Alistair begins to walk up the hill to the tower followed by Balgrin, Elissa, and Valtair. Delinar supports V'las as he walks, coughing occasionally. Feron seems to be distraught seeing Tiahsi hurt like she is but he is thankful as that monster could have easily killed her "I think she earned her place as a warden today." Feron says looking at her then up at Kiviord "You as well." then looks over at Lyali "Both of you." he says

4,584 posts

Name: Lyali Aleanathem
Age: 21
Race: Elf
Gender: F
Class: Rogue
Background: High-class, Dalish elf
Description: Lyali is of average height and weight for her race. She has short white hair with dark red highlights. She dresses like the tomboy she is and her wild raising shows along with her playfulness more often then most would like.
History: Lyali was born to a Dalish tribe that lives in the Korcari Wilds. Lyali's mom, Kynis, is the sister of her tribe's current leader. Her dad, Sizair, is a great hunter who like his wife thinks that the elves should team up with the humans and dwarfs to handle this problem. Because of this Lyali was sent to the nearest human settlement to find the Gray Wardens and to try to become a part of them. After finding them Lyali is very glad that her parents knew her well enough to suggest her to the group that will be getting most of the action.
Pet(s): Deathbite(Marabi War hound)
Weapons: 2 daggers, bow
Armor: Leather boots, leather gloves, leather chest armor

"Thank you." Lyali said to the comment for she took it as an honor and a compliment.

239 posts

Name: Kiviord vasa
Age: 17
Race: City elf specifically
Gender: male
Background: low class
description: Born in one of ferelden's cities in a alienage kiviord grew up harshly but hissmile always remained and his mind cheery enough to forget the horrible things done to his alienage by humans but not enough to stop him from scaring them after stealing all their stuff.
Class: Ranger (rogue advancement)
Weapons: Short Bow, 2 short swords.
Armor: Very lightweight leather chest armor,boots,and gloves. Greenish, Brownish hood. Same color cloak.

"Thank you" I say to Feron then to lyali.

605 posts

(Sorry for not responding for a few days, homework has been piling up. I will try to notify you if this happens again beforehand)

"Now, let's get this over with and head back to camp as quickly as possible." Feron says waiting for Lyali and Feron, not wanting them to fall too far behind as most of the others were already half way to the tower and seemed to be waiting. Tiashi looks very fragile in her current state despite being very vicious on the field, the bandages placed on her wounds slowly turn red. It would best to get moving and get her proper medical attention back at camp

4,584 posts

Name: Lyali Aleanathem
Age: 21
Race: Elf
Gender: F
Class: Rogue
Background: High-class, Dalish elf
Description: Lyali is of average height and weight for her race. She has short white hair with dark red highlights. She dresses like the tomboy she is and her wild raising shows along with her playfulness more often then most would like.
History: Lyali was born to a Dalish tribe that lives in the Korcari Wilds. Lyali's mom, Kynis, is the sister of her tribe's current leader. Her dad, Sizair, is a great hunter who like his wife thinks that the elves should team up with the humans and dwarfs to handle this problem. Because of this Lyali was sent to the nearest human settlement to find the Gray Wardens and to try to become a part of them. After finding them Lyali is very glad that her parents knew her well enough to suggest her to the group that will be getting most of the action.
Pet(s): Deathbite(Marabi War hound)
Weapons: 2 daggers, bow
Armor: Leather boots, leather gloves, leather chest armor

OOC: It's okay.

IC: Lyali took notice of how they were falling behind and hated it until the rest of the group stopped. So, an adventuring party of all three races will stop and wait for a wounded straggler just like the hunters of my tribe. She thought with a smile that became worried as her eyes scanned the area again and noticed how Tiashi was doing.

239 posts

Name: Kiviord vasa
Age: 17
Race: City elf specifically
Gender: male
Background: low class
description: Born in one of ferelden's cities in a alienage kiviord grew up harshly but hissmile always remained and his mind cheery enough to forget the horrible things done to his alienage by humans but not enough to stop him from scaring them after stealing all their stuff.
Class: Ranger (rogue advancement)
Weapons: Short Bow, 2 short swords.
Armor: Very lightweight leather chest armor,boots,and gloves. Greenish, Brownish hood. Same color cloak.


IC: I carefully carry her with one arm while trying to find some healing items in my satchel with the other.

605 posts

You manage to catch up with the rest of the group without incident. There is no darkspawn in the surrounding area. Kiviord's satchel contains a roll of bandages, a healing salve, and a anti-dote. The Grey Warden tower is a few yard up the hill still but Alistair assures everyone that no darkspawn are within the area and it should be smooth sailing from here on. "This tower is clearly not of dwarven make, look at the state of it!" Balgrin exclaims and its true as the tower comes into full view. Everyone has slowed their pace to stick with Kiviord as they approach. As you all enter, a mysterious woman with black hair tied up and in reddish purple robes walks down a flight of ruined stairs "Well, what do we have here..." She says with a small grin "Thieves? Scavangers? What say you?" She asks

4,584 posts

Name: Lyali Aleanathem
Age: 21
Race: Elf
Gender: F
Class: Rogue
Background: High-class, Dalish elf
Description: Lyali is of average height and weight for her race. She has short white hair with dark red highlights. She dresses like the tomboy she is and her wild raising shows along with her playfulness more often then most would like.
History: Lyali was born to a Dalish tribe that lives in the Korcari Wilds. Lyali's mom, Kynis, is the sister of her tribe's current leader. Her dad, Sizair, is a great hunter who like his wife thinks that the elves should team up with the humans and dwarfs to handle this problem. Because of this Lyali was sent to the nearest human settlement to find the Gray Wardens and to try to become a part of them. After finding them Lyali is very glad that her parents knew her well enough to suggest her to the group that will be getting most of the action.
Pet(s): Deathbite(Marabi War hound)
Weapons: 2 daggers, bow
Armor: Leather boots, leather gloves, leather chest armor

Wardens and wardens in training. Lyali thanks but waits for Alister to speak cause he is the senor warden.

605 posts

"We are Grey Wardens and this is our Tower. We've come to reclaim what is rightfully ours." Alistair says trying to be tough but the lady just laughs more "The wilds have obviously claimed this desecrated corpse and how does one steal from dead men?" she asks coyly in which Alistair replies "Very easily it would seem." and this is when Balgrin barges in front shouting "Give us back the bloody scolls!" he says angrily and the woman seems un-phased "I am not threatened. I cannot return your property for it was not I that stole them." she says then looks over at Lyali and Kiviord noticing Tiashi in his hand "Might I know your names, young elves?" she says looking directly at the two of you.

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