ForumsForum GamesEpic Hero (RPG)

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215 posts

This is a turn by turn based RPG, there is leveling-up, upgrading & buying, killing & conquering. All you have to do is read the below information to understand the game, and enjoy.


All you fine Ladies & Gents get to "take control" of the greatest hero of all time. You shall destroy many a foe and conquer all the lands of Hysteria by the side of your fellow ArmorGamers. From groups of skeletons to giant man-eating flea bosses that shoot fire balls, maybe. But definitely boss battles, and with that, loot: gold, weapons, magic, anything useful / necessary for becoming this epic hero of awesomeness

The hero will also come in a variety of races. First off tho, a mere human, but only to unlock new races.

Your goal as the hero it to protect your town from invasion, grow in size and defense, then journey through Hysteria to kill Mad Man, the son of a gun who started all the bad things in which a hero was needed to solve and help with, yeah.

And at any time, later in the threads, I will introduce PvP, but that'll have to come with me working on this ALOT longer.

So here is what you need to know to start:

Name: "Hero of Awesomeness"
Race: Human
Lvl: 0
HP: 5 -------------- (HP = Hit Points)
MP: 5 -------------- (MP = Magic Points)
AP: 5 --------------- (AP = Action Points)
SP: 1 --------------- (SP = Special Points)

HP represents health, it will regenerate 1 every 4 turns.
MP is your mana pool, it will regenerate 1 every 4 turns
AP is how many swings, dodges, searches, lootings you can do. It will regenerate 1 every 3 turns
SP is how many charges you have of your Speical Ability, and as a human, that is an immediate upgrade to either HP, MP, or AP. This will raise it's value by 1. (i.e HP: 5 --> HP: 6) It is only received randomly in searches / lootings, or by leveling up! And When you level up you regain ALL HP, MP, and AP!

Inventory - Sack & Stick
- Shiv (+1 atk)
- Tunic (no def)
- Sandals (no def)
x1 Biscuit (+1 HP)
x1 Small Vial of Pure Water (+1 AP)

In your inventory will be your loot: weapons, armor, gold, treasure, foods, and accessories. You will start with a Sack & Stick which can only hold 5 items. You must find a better inventory item, loot one, or buy one at the Store. Equipped items are listed with a "-" in front. Unequipped items with a ">". Consumables with a "x1" or corresponding number to quantity.

Town is the first area of Hysteria, you will defend waves of enemies and have quite a but of items and villagers to play with and use to help defeat the hordes.

Town: Vanity Village
Villagers: 10

Maintaining a high number of villagers ensures growth, and income. This will also more frequently give Upgrade Points (or UPs).

Castle: 0/5 ------------- (Technology, Weaponry, Defense)
Wall: 0/5 ---------------- (Defense)
Town Hall: 0/5 -------- (Growth, Leveling)
Hospital:0/5 ----------- (Growth, Revives some lost Villagers)
Residence: 0/5 ------- (Growth, Income)
Farm: 0/5 --------------- (Growth, Consumables)
Lake: 0/5 --------------- (Growth, Magic, Consumables)
Mine: 0/5 --------------- (Income)

UPs: 0

Income- 0gp
Treasury: 0gp

Income is the amount of gold you will be raking in, and how much upkeep your upgrades and villagers are bringing on to you. Try to keep this in the positive to help get the goods. And the Treasury is the bank of your hero. You can take from here, or add here. Anyone has access to it, and if I feel like its not a ridiculous request, I'll sanctify it.

Okay, if you got through all that, I thank you, and you must be a little interested. So to join fill out this Hero Sheet:

(change only the name, and also please spend your SP point in either, HP, MP, or AP)

Hero Sheet 0.0:
Name: "Hero of Awesomeness"
Race: Human
Lvl: 0
HP: 5
MP: 5
AP: 5
SP: 1

Sack & Stick
- Shiv
- Tunic
- Sandals
x1 Biscuit
x1 Small Vial of Pure Water

Any questions, or ideas, please feel free to ask and tell away just make sure I know they are directed to me. And I may even need help in the future, so if you're trust worthy to pick up my slack (lol) I'll add you as a moderator of sorts in the threads.

  • 56 Replies
1,795 posts

Name: CrickTheFurâ¨Race: Humanâ¨Lvl: 0â¨HP: 6â¨MP: 5â¨AP: 5â¨SP: 0
HERO INVENTORYâ¨Inventory - Sack & Stickâ¨- Shivâ¨- Tunicâ¨x1 Biscuitâ¨x1 Small Vial of Pure Water

I fight that fish with my bare hands

4,584 posts

HEROâ¨Name: Storm Keket Dragon
â¨Race: Human
â¨Lvl: 0
â¨HP: 6â¨
MP: 5â¨
AP: 5â¨
SP: 0
INVENTORYâ¨:Sack & Stick
- Shivâ¨> "Lady Death's Mystic Dagger" (?)â¨
- Tunicâ¨
- Sandalsâ¨
x1 Biscuit

I equip the dagger but plan to look for more. The entire time remembering the stories my mom had told me about her days as a thief. She had also taught me how to be one since I was the only child and a girl, as she had wanted. As memory serves the rest of my mom's thieving equipment should also be in the basement. I can't remember though where or what exactly was a part of it, other then a set of lock-picks and a cloak.

1,088 posts

Name: Ethanâ¨Race: Humanâ¨Lvl: 0â¨HP: 5â¨MP: 5â¨AP: 6â¨SP: 0â¨Inventory - Sack & Stickâ¨- Shivâ¨- Tunicâ¨- Sandalsâ¨x1 Biscuitâ¨x1 Small Vial of Pure Water

I will try my luck in the forest

215 posts

Sweet, I love the responses, especially:

I fight that fish with my bare hands

So I'm currently working on the new RPs, I just need to go over a couple of changes and additions I'd like to add to the hero sheet.

1) First off, you may have noticed that when I posted the first RPs, this happened to the hero sheet and inventory:

Name: Ethanâ¨Race: Humanâ¨Lvl: 0â¨HP: 5â¨MP: 5â¨AP: 6â¨SP: 0â¨Inventory - Sack & Stickâ¨- Shivâ¨- Tunicâ¨- Sandalsâ¨x1 Biscuitâ¨x1 Small Vial of Pure Water

This isn't what the hero sheet should look like, this is a mishap from me copy & pasting from text edit to ArmorGames. If this continues to happen, I would much appreciate it if you guys would meet me half way and always post your updated hero sheet like this:

Name: Storm Keket Dragon
â¨Race: Human
â¨Lvl: 0
â¨HP: 6â¨
MP: 5â¨
AP: 5â¨
SP: 0

Sack & Stick
- Shiv
â¨> "Lady Death's Mystic Dagger" (?)â¨
- Tunicâ¨
- Sandalsâ¨
x1 Biscuit

Thank you, StormDragon for doing so already, this will help me stay updated with your correct hero sheets.

2) I'm introducing exp. (obviously experience). To level up to level 1 you must acquire a total of 25 exp. I will post the leveling system soon after the next wave of RPs. Your exp. will be found right under your current level. If you die, you will lose exp., though you cannot lose leveling from dying, you can reach the equivalent to 0 exp. for that level. If you level up, all debuffs, or negative effects will be removed, unless it's a curse. You will also receive 1 to 3 SP points to spend on your stats. Your HP, MP, and AP will also be completely filled upon leveling. In short, level up, it's good for you.

3) Status Effects. I'm adding a couple of sections to the hero sheet (I apologize in advance if it's becoming too long), this section will hold all the passive effects on your person, or items. This will include poisons, buffs, and weapon enchantments. You get the gist.

4) To make this game feel more D&D like, I'm adding a turn section as well. This will help me see the activeness of heros, keep track of status effects and your passive regen rate.

HP represents health, it will regenerate 1 every 4 turns.
MP is your mana pool, it will regenerate 1 every 4 turns
AP is how many swings, dodges, searches, lootings you can do. It will regenerate 1 every 3 turns

Turns, and the current number of turns you are at, will be located at the top of your hero sheet.

So with all those new additions and enhancements, let's take a look at what your new hero sheet should look like:

Hero Sheet 0.1

Turn #: "x"

Name: "Epic Hero of Awesomeness"
Level: 0
Exp: 0/25
HP: 5/5
MP: 5/5
AP: 5/5
SP: 0

Sack & Stick
- Shiv
- Tunic
- Sandals
x1 Small Vial of Pure Water
x1 Biscuit


Remember, the above hero sheet is just the generic one, please update yours accordingly. If you are at all confused about how yours should look like, I will post yours for you. If you have any questions, please ask away.
215 posts

I equip the dagger but plan to look for more.  The entire time remembering the stories my mom had told me about her days as a thief.  She had also taught me how to be one since I was the only child and a girl, as she had wanted.  As memory serves the rest of my mom's thieving equipment should also be in the basement.  I can't remember though where or what exactly was a part of it, other then a set of lock-picks and a cloak.

The Story of StormDragon

Equipping the dagger you feel a strange hymn enter your body. Thinking you have enough time to delve a little deeper in your cluttered mess of a basement to look for trusty old goods left behind by your mother, you continue your searching. You can hear the static of the elementalists above, seeming to get closer. Frantically you search on. You push aside a couple of junk items from a strange black box, covered in markings and hieroglyphics. This makes a loud noise as well though, possibly alerting your enemies to your whereabouts. Knowing you have little time now you rip open the black box and find a Magician's Bag -- a sack big enough to hold 6 items (one more than your Sack & Stick) --, your mom's old Thieves Cowl, and a book titled: "The Art of Nature". With this find though, the elementalists are now coming down the basement stairs. With no escape, you're cornered and have to fight your way out. What do you grab, if anything, and how do you wish to fight the elementalists, straight on or the way of a thief? What do you do?

- Magician's Bag replaces Sack & Stick
- Searching: - 1 AP


TURNSâ¨Turn #: 1
HEROâ¨Name: Storm Keket Dragon
Race: Humanâ¨Level: 0â¨Exp: 0/25â¨HP: 5/5â¨MP: 5/5â¨AP: 4/5â¨SP: 0

INVENTORYâ¨Magician's Bag
- Lady Death's Mystic Daggerâ¨> Shivâ¨- Tunicâ¨- Sandalsâ¨x1 Biscuit
STATUS EFFECTSâ¨- Lady Death's Mystic Dagger Enchantment: +1 def, and +1 dmg against the undead. Increase the passive regen rate of AP by 1. (Regen AP 1 every 2 turns.) Turn 1/2

Things you should know:

Lady Death's Mystic Dagger deals 2 dmg. You have only 1 free space in your inventory and 2 new items to pick up. Do you grab only one, or drop your shiv and grab both?
I will try my luck in the forest

The Story of Arveniraider24

You may have chosen wisely for you have no immediate source of light. You turn your back to the dark cave, and weave aimlessly through the massive Yarigo trees. After what feels like hours of endless walking you hear a distinct splashing noise, the sounds made from Yorg when he moved about. Filled with a new found energy and hope you rush towards the noise. You burst out of the trees and into a massive field. You've never been here before, so at least giving you the tip that you're no where near Vanity Village. You were right about one thing though, the noise you heard was from the exact creatures as Yorg, Blobs. There's a group of 3 that realize your presence, they seem agitated and defensive. They slowly creep towards your position. Do you retreat back into the cover of the forest, or fight your way through the Blobs and into the field? What do you do?

- All the searching has made you tired, -2 AP

TURNSâ¨Turn #: 1
HEROâ¨Name: Ethan
Race: Humanâ¨Level: 0â¨Exp: 0/25â¨HP: 5/5â¨MP: 5/5â¨AP: 3/5â¨SP: 0

INVENTORYâ¨Sack & Stickâ¨- Shivâ¨- Tunicâ¨- Sandalsâ¨x1 Small Vial of Pure Waterâ¨x1 Biscuit


Things you should know:


"I fight that fish with my bare hands."

The Story of Crickster

With a quick thought you decide to use your skills as a master fisherman, you swiftly grab hold of the fishing rod stick out of it's mouth, with a twist and a front summersault kick, you rip out the hook from the fish's mouth. Slightly hurting the fish, and successfully angering it. Landing a top of the fish you pull out your gutting knife and pierce it in between it's eyes. This, badly injures the Splashfish, but doesn't immediately kill it. The fish reacts by releasing a couple of poisoned barbs from it's back, shooting them into the air, directed towards you. You dodge them for the most part but one grazes your arm, inevitably poisoning you. You take 1 dmg, but this will continue every 3 turns. You must find an antidote, you could have some supplies at the house or head to town. In retaliation, you remove the knife from it's head, and throw it into it's mouth. You kill the Spiky Splashfish. Receiving 10 exp. You can heed my warnings about the poison and act, or gather your belongings / loot the fish. What do you do?

- HP: -1
- AP: -2
- Light Poison effect added
- 10 exp. added
- Shiv removed

TURNSâ¨Turn #: 1
HEROâ¨Name: CruckTheFur
Race: Humanâ¨Level: 0â¨Exp: 10/25â¨HP: 4/5â¨MP: 5/5â¨AP: 3/5â¨SP: 0
INVENTORYâ¨Sack & Stickâ¨- Tunicâ¨x1 Small Vial of Pure Waterâ¨x1 Biscuit
STATUS EFFECTSâ¨Light Poison - Inflict 1 dmg every 3 turns (turn 1/3)

Things you should know:

The Splashfish still has your weapon inside of it, your rod is laying on the ground near by, your home is across the lake.

That's Turn 2 baby. Hope you guys enjoy and I can't wait to see what you'll do next! Any questions, please ask away!
2,463 posts

Turn #: "x"

Name: Shadow
Race: Human
Lvl: 0
HP: 5/5
MP: 5/5
AP: 6/6
SP: 0

Sack & Stick
- Shiv
- Tunic
- Sandals
x1 Biscuit
x1 Small Vial of Pure Water


I don't know if your still accepting players but here is my sheet.

215 posts

It's not too late at all, you're in. I'll get started on your RP immediately. Check back here and it should be up at the latest tomorrow.

215 posts

The Story of shadowgun453

Homeless since being a teen you know how to survive, and best of all steal. For having no income source of your own, you've relied on your quick hands and shady nature to sweep the helpless at night and rob them of any good or foods they might have. Best of all, none of your crimes have caught up to you, nobody knows your identity, all they know is that you're nicknamed the Highway Henchman. Your favorite place to be was the homely Vanity Village, you've found an abandoned well, long since dry of water, a small cavern big enough to call home. Living just outside of town, near the edge of the Mystic Forest, you reside in the well waiting for traders and adventurers to pass close by. Using your favorite finds and treasure, the"Midnight Mail", pitch-black armor that makes little sound while moving, and the "Golden Gluttony", a weapon that is believed to bring the holder good luck and fortune, to stick up these unwary walkers for what they own. And per usual, at dusk, you leave your shelter and assume vigilance. While stalking about you bare witness to something peculiar. In the woods a little ways you see a faint glow, a bluish color, but very bright. You step into the woods a foot, and you think you can make out a couple of black robed men, in a semi-circle with glow all aloft. The ground starts to shake beneath your feet, the moon seems to dim, fog spreads down from the mountain. That's when the earth started to give way in patches revealing skeletons, grasping at the air and the dirt around them and climbing out of the ground. Quickly surrounded you must act now. You can fight the horde of skeletons, try to evade them and head home, try to reach Vanity Village, or high-tail it towards those robed freaks. What do you do?


- Shiv replaced with "Golden Gluttony"
- Tunic replaced with "Midnight Mail"


TURNSâ¨Turn #: 1
HEROâ¨Name: Shadowâ¨Race: Humanâ¨Lvl: 0â¨HP: 5/5â¨MP: 5/5â¨AP: 6/6â¨SP: 0
INVENTORYâ¨Sack & Stickâ¨- "Golden Gluttony"â¨- "Midnight Mail"â¨- Sandalsâ¨x1 Biscuitâ¨x1 Small Vial of Pure Water
STATUS EFFECTSâ¨- "Golden Gluttony" deals 1 dmg, 2 dmg to the unsuspecting, increases your luck and finds.
- "Midnight Mail" is 1 def, more fighting scenarios start with the act of surprise.

Things you should know:

Your ability to evade, retreat, and find have been slightly increased. So expect things to go more towards your favor. You may also rename either "Golden Gluttony" or "Midnight Mail".

215 posts

Sorry, StormDragon, Arveniraider24, and Crickster you all are on turn 2, not turn 1. My apologies.

2,463 posts

Turn #: 1

Name: Shadow, A,k,a. the Highway Henchman
Race: Human
Lvl: 0
HP: 5/5
MP: 5/5
AP: 6/6
SP: 0

Sack & Stick
- Golden Shadow Strike
- Midnight Mail
- Sandals
x1 Biscuit
x1 Small Vial of Pure Water

-Golden Shadow Strike deals 1 dmg, 2 dmg to the unsuspecting, increases your luck and finds.
- "Midnight Mail" is 1 def, more fighting scenarios start with the act of surprise.

I retreat into the shadows and try to figure out what in all the mystic lands is going on, one thing is for sure, if I go back to try and steal what those necro-magi have, I'll wined up dead and most-likely a slave to there will, but it is no use going home yet, so I head for town.

215 posts

I retreat into the shadows and try to figure out what in all the mystic lands is going on, one thing is for sure, if I go back to try and steal what those necro-magi have, I'll wined up dead and most-likely a slave to there will, but it is no use going home yet, so I head for town.

The Story of shadowgun453

You easy evade the weary boned foes, and hit the road towards town, skeletons are everywhere though and some coupled spot you if they simply turn around. Scaringly close you manage to slip by many of them, until you run into one. Dark as the night with horns and red glowing eyes, this skeleton is menacing. It looks at you and then yells something in a long forgotten language, you and it are instantly enveloped in a wall of purple glow. He's put you in an arena spell, you must kill it for the spell to dissipate. Good news, no other skeletons are in the arena, just you and the King Skeleton. He starts to run at you, time seems to slow down, adrenaline is pumping through your veins. Do you attempt to dodge the attack, parry the attack, or counter the attack? What do you do?
- Duelist's Curse added
- Intense fight - 1 AP


Turn #: 2

HEROâ¨Name: Shadow, A.k.a. the Highway Henchmanâ¨Race: Humanâ¨Lvl: 0â¨HP: 5/5â¨MP: 5/5â¨AP: 5/6â¨SP: 0
INVENTORYâ¨Sack & Stickâ¨- Golden Shadow Strikeâ¨- Midnight Mailâ¨- Sandalsâ¨x1 Biscuitâ¨x1 Small Vial of Pure Water
STATUS EFFECTSâ¨-Golden Shadow Strike deals 1 dmg, 2 dmg to the unsuspecting, increases your luck and finds.â¨- "Midnight Mail" is 1 def, more fighting scenarios start with the act of surprise.
- Duelist's Curse surrounds the caster and a target in impenetrable walls of magic. This curse will only end when the caster ceases on demand or is killed during casting.

I appreciate your efforts on changing and upkeeping your hero sheet and keeping it the way it should look, thank you.
2,463 posts

Turn #: 2
Name: Shadow, A,k,a. the Highway Henchman
Race: Human
Lvl: 0
HP: 5/5
MP: 5/5
AP: 6/6
SP: 0

Sack & Stick
- Golden Shadow Strike
- Midnight Mail
- Sandals
x1 Biscuit
x1 Small Vial of Pure Water

-Golden Shadow Strike deals 1 dmg, 2 dmg to the unsuspecting, increases your luck and finds.
- "Midnight Mail" is 1 def, more fighting scenarios start with the act of surprise.
-- Duelist's Curse surrounds the caster and a target in impenetrable walls of magic. This curse will only end when the caster ceases on demand or is killed during casting.

OOC: Thanks. IC: I try to dodge the attack, and counter with a quick slash to the right femur.

2,463 posts


Turn #: 2
Name: Shadow, A,k,a. the Highway Henchman
Race: Human
Lvl: 0
HP: 5/5
MP: 5/5
AP: 6/6
SP: 0

Sack & Stick
- Golden Shadow Strike
- Midnight Mail
- Sandals
x1 Biscuit
x1 Small Vial of Pure Water

-Golden Shadow Strike deals 1 dmg, 2 dmg to the unsuspecting, increases your luck and finds.
- "Midnight Mail" is 1 def, more fighting scenarios start with the act of surprise.
-- Duelist's Curse surrounds the caster and a target in impenetrable walls of magic. This curse will only end when the caster ceases on demand or is killed during casting.

OOC: Thanks. IC: I try to dodge the attack, and then I counter with a quick slash to the right femur.


Please use this one.

1,795 posts

TURNSâ¨Turn #: 2
HEROâ¨Name: CruckTheFur
Race: Humanâ¨
Level: 0
â¨Exp: 10/25
â¨HP: 4/5
â¨MP: 5/5
â¨AP: 3/5â¨
SP: 0
Sack & Stickâ¨-
Small Vial of Pure Waterâ¨x1
â¨Light Poison - Inflict 1 dmg every 3 turns (turn 1/3)

I head to the town to look for a way to cure the poison

1,088 posts

TURNSâ¨Turn #: 2
HEROâ¨Name: Ethan
Race: Humanâ¨Level: 0â¨Exp: 0/25â¨HP: 5/5â¨MP: 5/5â¨AP: 3/5â¨SP: 0

INVENTORYâ¨Sack & Stickâ¨- Shivâ¨- Tunicâ¨- Sandalsâ¨x1 Small Vial of Pure Waterâ¨x1 Biscuit


I draw my shiv and slowly retreat towards the forest.

Showing 16-30 of 56