You hit him for a total of 34 dmg. Your dog starts running back behind you with the staff. The swordsman jumps back and helps the fighter up. The fighter then throws a regen potion at the swordsman. He regens for 10. You: 61/70 swordsman, regen t1 (2): 11/50 fighter: 50/50
You do so. Your dog walks around and smiles at the enemies, making them lose thier turn. Out of nowhere a tornado comes in and deals 8 dmg to each of them. "Name's Alpha, but no time to talk. Need help?" He asks you. The warrior heals for 15. You: 61/75 Swordsman, rgent t1 (1): 18/50 Fighter: 42/50
You do so, chopping him into too many pieces. Alpha uses Zeus' thunder on the fighter, hitting him for 22 dmg and shocking him. Your dog tackles him for 6. You: 61/75 Alpha: 75/75 Fighter: 14/50
You finish him off and heal for 10. "Well, I'm sorry we couldn't be properly introduced. I'm Alpha, a fighter specializing in mythological powers. You are?" asks Alpha.
"So you're Storm K. Dragon. From what I've heard you're amoung the top 25 swordsmen in the game! Nice to meet you, but How did you run into these guys here? I've seen them before but never with a staff like that."
"Cool. I was coming back from a battle woth one of my friends when I saw you fighting these people. 1v2 is hardly a fair fight. You may know my friend, he said something about-" "Will all citizens of TOME please come to sanctuary for an important announcement." You hear from the sky. "Well, I'll tell you later, looks like we have to go." Alpha says as he heads over there.
You get there just as its starting. "Welcome, citizens of TOME, to our special presentation! Today, we have a new piece of technology to help us determine what we need to fix and to help you know when something's amiss: The code braclet. It starts off white, but the closer you get to corrupted code, the darker it gets. This should help you determine when hakers are nearby. So everyone, come and pick one up!"