ForumsForum Games[Inactive] The world of TOME! (RPG)

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Read kickstarter/signup thread, do stuff there, then I will start you off here.

Link to signup: The world of TOME signup thread
Link to quest board: The world of TOME quest board

  • 546 Replies
2,419 posts

Name:Storm K. Dragon
Special: Air blade
Moves:You have 0 points
Vampiric balde (short, med, life steal, 1)
Teleporting fury (long, low, confusion t1 5%, 5)
Hack n' slash (short, high, 2)
Holy shield (block, 1 sec charge, 3 sec duration)
Sword rush (short range, med dmg, 5)
Magical slice (Med range,med dmg, 1)
HP: 35/50
Exp: 4/10 lvl 1
Location: KC Lvl 1 sanctuary
inv: tattered robe eqq, tattered sandals eqq, aero blade eqq, portable healer, potion x2, key card lvl 1, status heal x3 , Ribbon eqq.

You gulp down the potion, restoring your health. He hits you with a backstab, stunning you and dealing 10 dmg. He then hits you with swift, dealing 5 dmg. You 35/50 Kirbopher 5/50

4,584 posts

Name:Storm K. Dragon
Special: Air blade
Moves:You have 0 points
Vampiric balde (short, med, life steal, 1)
Teleporting fury (long, low, confusion t1 5%, 5)
Hack n' slash (short, high, 2)
Holy shield (block, 1 sec charge, 3 sec duration)
Sword rush (short range, med dmg, 5)
Magical slice (Med range,med dmg, 1)
HP: 35/50
Exp: 4/10 lvl 1
Location: KC Lvl 1 sanctuary
inv: tattered robe eqq, tattered sandals eqq, aero blade eqq, portable healer, potion x2, key card lvl 1, status heal x3 , Ribbon eqq.

There goes my control. I think as the wolf part of my takes full control and I start fighting like an animal with none of my earlier intelligence showing. If I was a full blooded werewolf then this would be the time that I would be forced to take the form of a wolf or the bipedal form that most people think werewolves look like. Thanks, to me being only half no such change happens.

2,419 posts

Name:Storm K. Dragon
Special: Air blade
Moves:You have 0 points
Vampiric balde (short, med, life steal, 1)
Teleporting fury (long, low, confusion t1 5%, 5)
Hack n' slash (short, high, 2)
Holy shield (block, 1 sec charge, 3 sec duration)
Sword rush (short range, med dmg, 5)
Magical slice (Med range,med dmg, 1)
HP: 35/50
Exp: 4/10 lvl 1
Location: KC Lvl 1 sanctuary
inv: tattered robe eqq, tattered sandals eqq, aero blade eqq, portable healer, potion x2, key card lvl 1, status heal x3 , Ribbon eqq.

"You are NOT the chump i was expecting!" he says after you finish him off, earning you 5 xp. "Now go back to your dumb quest thingy and leave me alone!" he says.

4,584 posts

Name:Storm K. Dragon
Special: Air blade
Moves:You have 0 points
Vampiric balde (short, med, life steal, 1)
Teleporting fury (long, low, confusion t1 5%, 5)
Hack n' slash (short, high, 2)
Holy shield (block, 1 sec charge, 3 sec duration)
Sword rush (short range, med dmg, 5)
Magical slice (Med range,med dmg, 1)
HP: 35/50
Exp: 4/10 lvl 1
Location: KC Lvl 1 sanctuary
inv: tattered robe eqq, tattered sandals eqq, aero blade eqq, portable healer, potion x2, key card lvl 1, status heal x3 , Ribbon eqq.

At the end of the fight my wolf side let me back in control, so I ignored the comment about quest being dumb. I pick up any loot that has been dropped by the goblins and then use my portable healer. Once my portable healer is done healing me I will head back to Sanctuary and finish my quest.

2,419 posts

Name:Storm K. Dragon
Special: Air blade
Moves:You have 0 SP points, 1 Upgrade Point
Vampiric balde (short, med, life steal, 1) --> (short, high, life steal, 1)
Teleporting fury (long, low, confusion t1 5%, 5) --> (long, low, confusion t2 10%, 7)
Hack n' slash (short, high, 2) --> (med, high, 3)
Holy shield (block, 1 sec charge, 3 sec duration) --> (block, 1 sec, 5 sec)
Sword rush (short range, med dmg, 5) --> (short, med, 7)
Magical slice (Med range,med dmg, 1) --> (med, high, 1)
HP: 50/50
Exp: 2/20 lvl 2
gold: 100
Location: KC Lvl 1 sanctuary
inv: tattered robe eqq, tattered sandals eqq, aero blade +1 eqq, portable healer, potion x5, key card lvl 1, status heal x3 , Ribbon eqq.

"Thank you, thank you." the NPC says. "Take these potions and gold, you will need them to get some better eqqipment." You recieve 3 potions, 100 gold, 3 Exp.
Level up!
Gained 1 UP!
Gained 0 SP!
Gained sword upgrade!

4,584 posts

Name:Storm K. Dragon
Special: Air blade
Moves:You have 0 SP points, 0 Upgrade Points
Vampiric balde (short, high, life steal, 1)
Teleporting fury (long, low, confusion t1 5%, 5)
Hack n' slash (short, high, 2)
Holy shield (block, 1 sec charge, 3 sec duration)
Sword rush (short range, med dmg, 5)
Magical slice (Med range,med dmg, 1)
HP: 50/50
Exp: 2/20 lvl 2
gold: 100
Location: KC Lvl 1 sanctuary
inv: tattered robe eqq, tattered sandals eqq, aero blade +1 eqq, portable healer, potion x5, key card lvl 1, status heal x3 , Ribbon eqq.

I go to the nearest shop to see what they have.

2,419 posts

Name:Storm K. Dragon
Special: Air blade
Moves:You have 0 SP points, 0 Upgrade Points
Vampiric balde (short, high, life steal, 1)
Teleporting fury (long, low, confusion t1 5%, 5)
Hack n' slash (short, high, 2)
Holy shield (block, 1 sec charge, 3 sec duration)
Sword rush (short range, med dmg, 5)
Magical slice (Med range,med dmg, 1)
HP: 50/50
Exp: 2/20 lvl 2
gold: 100
Location: KC Lvl 1 sanctuary
inv: tattered robe eqq, tattered sandals eqq, aero blade +1 eqq, portable healer, potion x5, key card lvl 1, status heal x3 , Ribbon eqq.

"Here are my wares"
Status heal:20
Tempered sword of wind:200
Light armor:100
Heavy armor:100

4,584 posts

Name:Storm K. Dragon
Special: Air blade
Moves:You have 0 SP points, 0 Upgrade Points
Vampiric balde (short, high, life steal, 1)
Teleporting fury (long, low, confusion t1 5%, 5)
Hack n' slash (short, high, 2)
Holy shield (block, 1 sec charge, 3 sec duration)
Sword rush (short range, med dmg, 5)
Magical slice (Med range,med dmg, 1)
HP: 50/50
Exp: 2/20 lvl 2
gold: 100
Location: KC Lvl 1 sanctuary
inv: tattered robe eqq, tattered sandals eqq, aero blade +1 eqq, portable healer, potion x5, key card lvl 1, status heal x3 , Ribbon eqq.

I'll buy the light armor and equip it. If I have to unequip anything to equip the armor then I will try to sell what has to be unequipped.

2,419 posts

Name:Storm K. Dragon
Special: Air blade
Moves:You have 0 SP points, 0 Upgrade Points
Vampiric balde (short, high, life steal, 1)
Teleporting fury (long, low, confusion t1 5%, 5)
Hack n' slash (short, high, 2)
Holy shield (block, 1 sec charge, 3 sec duration)
Sword rush (short range, med dmg, 5)
Magical slice (Med range,med dmg, 1)
HP: 50/50
Exp: 2/20 lvl 2
gold: 0
Location: KC Lvl 1 sanctuary
inv: tattered robe eqq, tattered sandals eqq, Light armor (-1 dmg/hit) eqq, aero blade +1 eqq, portable healer, potion x5, key card lvl 1, status heal x3 , Ribbon eqq.

"Thank you for your busness. I also suggest you go see my brother in the next shop over, he teaches Libra-free techniqes."
When walking out of the shop you see a poster: "New Themed Tournament in 2 weeks!"
You also see some more NPCs pacing around.

4,584 posts

Name:Storm K. Dragon
Special: Air blade
Moves:You have 0 SP points, 0 Upgrade Points
Vampiric balde (short, high, life steal, 1)
Teleporting fury (long, low, confusion t1 5%, 5)
Hack n' slash (short, high, 2)
Holy shield (block, 1 sec charge, 3 sec duration)
Sword rush (short range, med dmg, 5)
Magical slice (Med range,med dmg, 1)
HP: 50/50
Exp: 2/20 lvl 2
gold: 0
Location: KC Lvl 1 sanctuary
inv: tattered robe eqq, tattered sandals eqq, Light armor (-1 dmg/hit) eqq, aero blade +1 eqq, portable healer, potion x5, key card lvl 1, status heal x3 , Ribbon eqq.

"You're welcome and I will be sure to do that." I say before leaving. I then go check out the shop that was recommended to me even though I don't have anymore gold to buy anything. It is nice to window shop from time to time. The tournament doesn't catch my interest cause I'm not a fan of pvp.

2,419 posts

Name:Storm K. Dragon
Special: Air blade
Moves:You have 0 SP points, 0 Upgrade Points
Vampiric balde (short, high, life steal, 1)
Teleporting fury (long, low, confusion t1 5%, 5)
Hack n' slash (short, high, 2)
Holy shield (block, 1 sec charge, 3 sec duration)
Sword rush (short range, med dmg, 5)
Magical slice (Med range,med dmg, 1)
HP: 50/50
Exp: 2/20 lvl 2
gold: 0
Location: KC Lvl 1 sanctuary, libra shop
inv: tattered robe eqq, tattered sandals eqq, Light armor (-1 dmg/hit) eqq, aero blade +1 eqq, portable healer, potion x5, key card lvl 1, status heal x3 , Ribbon eqq.

Could've sworn i updated this earlier.

"Hello, I sell Libra-point free techniques for gold, let me list them off to you."
Swift (long, low, 1) 500
Backstab (med, med, immobile t1, 1) 1000
Flame slash (short, med, ignite t1 [10%], 1) 3000
Ice blade (short, med, freeze t1 [10%], 1) 3000
thunder slice (long, med, shock t1 [10%], 1) 3000
Hell's fury (long, high, 10) 10000

4,584 posts

Name:Storm K. Dragon
Special: Air blade
Moves:You have 0 SP points, 0 Upgrade Points
Vampiric balde (short, high, life steal, 1)
Teleporting fury (long, low, confusion t1 5%, 5)
Hack n' slash (short, high, 2)
Holy shield (block, 1 sec charge, 3 sec duration)
Sword rush (short range, med dmg, 5)
Magical slice (Med range,med dmg, 1)
HP: 50/50
Exp: 2/20 lvl 2
gold: 0
Location: KC Lvl 1 sanctuary, libra shop
inv: tattered robe eqq, tattered sandals eqq, Light armor (-1 dmg/hit) eqq, aero blade +1 eqq, portable healer, potion x5, key card lvl 1, status heal x3 , Ribbon eqq.

I thank him for the list and tell him that I currently don't have money but will keep him mind when I do. I also tell him about his brother who recommended him.

2,419 posts

Name:Storm K. Dragon
Special: Air blade
Moves:You have 0 SP points, 0 Upgrade Points
Vampiric balde (short, high, life steal, 1)
Teleporting fury (long, low, confusion t1 5%, 5)
Hack n' slash (short, high, 2)
Holy shield (block, 1 sec charge, 3 sec duration)
Sword rush (short range, med dmg, 5)
Magical slice (Med range,med dmg, 1)
HP: 50/50
Exp: 2/20 lvl 2
gold: 0
Location: KC Lvl 1 sanctuary
inv: tattered robe eqq, tattered sandals eqq, Light armor (-1 dmg/hit) eqq, aero blade +1 eqq, portable healer, potion x5, key card lvl 1, status heal x3 , Ribbon eqq.

This game is sort of open world, where do you want to go?

4,584 posts

Name:Storm K. Dragon
Special: Air blade
Moves:You have 0 SP points, 0 Upgrade Points
Vampiric balde (short, high, life steal, 1)
Teleporting fury (long, low, confusion t1 5%, 5)
Hack n' slash (short, high, 2)
Holy shield (block, 1 sec charge, 3 sec duration)
Sword rush (short range, med dmg, 5)
Magical slice (Med range,med dmg, 1)
HP: 50/50
Exp: 2/20 lvl 2
gold: 0
Location: KC Lvl 1 sanctuary
inv: tattered robe eqq, tattered sandals eqq, Light armor (-1 dmg/hit) eqq, aero blade +1 eqq, portable healer, potion x5, key card lvl 1, status heal x3 , Ribbon eqq.

I look around for a NPC with a quest. If I can't find one then I will explore the wilderness around Sanctuary.

2,419 posts

Name:Storm K. Dragon
Special: Air blade
Moves:You have 0 SP points, 0 Upgrade Points
Vampiric balde (short, high, life steal, 1)
Teleporting fury (long, low, confusion t1 5%, 5)
Hack n' slash (short, high, 2)
Holy shield (block, 1 sec charge, 3 sec duration)
Sword rush (short range, med dmg, 5)
Magical slice (Med range,med dmg, 1)
HP: 50/50
Exp: 2/20 lvl 2
gold: 0
Location: KC Lvl 1 sanctuary
inv: tattered robe eqq, tattered sandals eqq, Light armor (-1 dmg/hit) eqq, aero blade +1 eqq, portable healer, potion x5, key card lvl 1, status heal x3 , Ribbon eqq.

Most troublesome battles occur in mechcity and lavendera. Thats why its called sanctuary.

"Great hero, there is a hacker terrorizing mechcity! Please go stop him!"

Showing 31-45 of 546