ForumsForum Games[Inactive] The world of TOME! (RPG)

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Read kickstarter/signup thread, do stuff there, then I will start you off here.

Link to signup: The world of TOME signup thread
Link to quest board: The world of TOME quest board

  • 546 Replies
2,419 posts

Name:Storm K. Dragon
Special: Air blade
Moves:You have 0 SP points, 0 Upgrade Points
Vampiric balde (short, high, life steal, 1)
Teleporting fury (long, low, confusion t1 5%, 5)
Hack n' slash (short, high, 2)
Holy shield (block, 1 sec charge, 3 sec duration)
Sword rush (short range, med dmg, 5)
Magical slice (Med range,med dmg, 1)
HP: 50/50
Exp: 2/20 lvl 2
gold: 0
Location: KC Lvl 1 Mechcity, questing
inv: tattered robe eqq, tattered sandals eqq, Light armor (-1 dmg/hit) eqq, aero blade +1 eqq, portable healer, potion x4, key card lvl 1, status heal x3 , Ribbon eqq.

"NO! You cannot beat me!" He says, as he heals himself, then you hit him with your combo, dealing 50 dmg. You: 50/50, Rackoon: 150/200

4,584 posts

Name:Storm K. Dragon
Special: Air blade
Moves:You have 0 SP points, 0 Upgrade Points
Vampiric balde (short, high, life steal, 1)
Teleporting fury (long, low, confusion t1 5%, 5)
Hack n' slash (short, high, 2)
Holy shield (block, 1 sec charge, 3 sec duration)
Sword rush (short range, med dmg, 5)
Magical slice (Med range,med dmg, 1)
HP: 50/50
Exp: 2/20 lvl 2
gold: 0
Location: KC Lvl 1 Mechcity, questing
inv: tattered robe eqq, tattered sandals eqq, Light armor (-1 dmg/hit) eqq, aero blade +1 eqq, portable healer, potion x4, key card lvl 1, status heal x3 , Ribbon eqq.

If he has been confused then I will risk moving in for another hack and slash. If not then I will continue my combo and hopes it confuses him before I have to put a new shield up.

2,419 posts

Name:Storm K. Dragon
Special: Air blade
Moves:You have 0 SP points, 0 Upgrade Points
Vampiric balde (short, high, life steal, 1)
Teleporting fury (long, low, confusion t1 5%, 5)
Hack n' slash (short, high, 2)
Holy shield (block, 1 sec charge, 3 sec duration)
Sword rush (short range, med dmg, 5)
Magical slice (Med range,med dmg, 1)
HP: 30/50
Exp: 2/20 lvl 2
gold: 0
Location: KC Lvl 1 Mechcity, questing
inv: tattered robe eqq, tattered sandals eqq, Light armor (-1 dmg/hit) eqq, aero blade +1 eqq, portable healer, potion x4, key card lvl 1, status heal x3 , Ribbon eqq.

If he's confused i will put that status debuff next to his name. Example:
Rackoon (conf): 150/200

You continue with your combo. "You're too predictable! XPLODE!" he says as he throws a bomb right where you teleported to, dealing 20 dmg. You: 30/50 Rackoon: 150/200

4,584 posts

Name:Storm K. Dragon
Special: Air blade
Moves:You have 0 SP points, 0 Upgrade Points
Vampiric balde (short, high, life steal, 1)
Teleporting fury (long, low, confusion t1 5%, 5)
Hack n' slash (short, high, 2)
Holy shield (block, 1 sec charge, 3 sec duration)
Sword rush (short range, med dmg, 5)
Magical slice (Med range,med dmg, 1)
HP: 30/50
Exp: 2/20 lvl 2
gold: 0
Location: KC Lvl 1 Mechcity, questing
inv: tattered robe eqq, tattered sandals eqq, Light armor (-1 dmg/hit) eqq, aero blade +1 eqq, portable healer, potion x4, key card lvl 1, status heal x3 , Ribbon eqq.

After putting another shield up I teleport to the spot right in front of him and use vampiric blade.

4,584 posts

*After I try putting up another shield I try to teleport to the spot right in front of him and use vampiric blade.

2,419 posts

Name:Storm K. Dragon
Special: Air blade
Moves:You have 0 SP points, 0 Upgrade Points
Vampiric balde (short, high, Wound t1, life steal, 1)
Teleporting fury (long, low, confusion t1 5%, 5)
Hack n' slash (short, high, 2)
Holy shield (block, 1 sec charge, 3 sec duration)
Sword rush (short range, med dmg, 5)
Magical slice (Med range,med dmg, 1)
HP: 25/50
Exp: 2/20 lvl 2
gold: 0
Location: KC Lvl 1 Mechcity, questing
inv: tattered robe eqq, tattered sandals eqq, Light armor (-1 dmg/hit) eqq, aero blade +1 eqq, portable healer, potion x4, key card lvl 1, status heal x3 , Ribbon eqq.

"Thats not fair! XPLODE!!!" He says after you hit him, dealing 15 damage, healing you for 15. He then hits you with another bomb, dealing 20 dmg. Rackoon takes 5 bleed damage. New effect discovered! Your Vampiric blade has a chance of wounding the target, causing bleed damage! You: 25/50 Rackoon (wounded t1): 130/200

4,584 posts

Name:Storm K. Dragon
Special: Air blade
Moves:You have 0 SP points, 0 Upgrade Points
Vampiric balde (short, high, Wound t1, life steal, 1)
Teleporting fury (long, low, confusion t1 5%, 5)
Hack n' slash (short, high, 2)
Holy shield (block, 1 sec charge, 3 sec duration)
Sword rush (short range, med dmg, 5)
Magical slice (Med range,med dmg, 1)
HP: 25/50
Exp: 2/20 lvl 2
gold: 0
Location: KC Lvl 1 Mechcity, questing
inv: tattered robe eqq, tattered sandals eqq, Light armor (-1 dmg/hit) eqq, aero blade +1 eqq, portable healer, potion x4, key card lvl 1, status heal x3 , Ribbon eqq.

"Nether are your bombs." I say with a smile as I try to put up a holy shield. Once the shield is up I'll drink a potion and then use hack n slash.

2,419 posts

Name:Storm K. Dragon
Special: Air blade
Moves:You have 0 SP points, 0 Upgrade Points
Vampiric balde (short, high, Wound t1, life steal, 1)
Teleporting fury (long, low, confusion t1 5%, 5)
Hack n' slash (short, high, 2)
Holy shield (block, 1 sec charge, 3 sec duration)
Sword rush (short range, med dmg, 5)
Magical slice (Med range,med dmg, 1)
HP: 50/50
Exp: 2/20 lvl 2
gold: 0
Location: KC Lvl 1 Mechcity, questing
inv: tattered robe eqq, tattered sandals eqq, Light armor (-1 dmg/hit) eqq, aero blade +1 eqq, portable healer, potion x3, key card lvl 1, status heal x3 , Ribbon eqq.

You put up your shield and drink a potion, when he says "Your supposed to be the one who dies you mother-scratcher! X-fricking-PLODE!" he says, throwing 50 bombs at you, which deal a whopping 0 damage as you have your shield up. You then hit him with you hack n' slash, dealing 30 dmg. Rackoon takes 6 bleed damage. You: 50/50 Rackoon, wounded: 94/200

2,419 posts

Name: scourge728
description: very tall enderman with an enderdragon tail, wings, jaw strength, and teeth also has long sharp claws and one red eye.
Class: Animalistic
Special: Ender flurry
teleport ( long, none, 0)
teleporting slashes (med, med, confusion t1, 3)
Ender spirit (long, high, 1)
ender one-two (short, med, confusion t1, 2)
Regenerative beam (long, 3 sec charge, heal t1 [25 hp], 1)
Ender-shot (long, low, 1)
Location: Sanctuary, KC lvl 1
Gold: 0
Inv: N/A

Welcome to TOME!

4,584 posts

Name:Storm K. Dragon
Special: Air blade
Moves:You have 0 SP points, 0 Upgrade Points
Vampiric balde (short, high, Wound t1, life steal, 1)
Teleporting fury (long, low, confusion t1 5%, 5)
Hack n' slash (short, high, 2)
Holy shield (block, 1 sec charge, 3 sec duration)
Sword rush (short range, med dmg, 5)
Magical slice (Med range,med dmg, 1)
HP: 50/50
Exp: 2/20 lvl 2
gold: 0
Location: KC Lvl 1 Mechcity, questing
inv: tattered robe eqq, tattered sandals eqq, Light armor (-1 dmg/hit) eqq, aero blade +1 eqq, portable healer, potion x3, key card lvl 1, status heal x3 , Ribbon eqq.

While the shield is still up I will try to use another hack n slash.

2,419 posts

Name:Storm K. Dragon
Special: Air blade
Moves:You have 0 SP points, 0 Upgrade Points
Vampiric balde (short, high, Wound t1, life steal, 1)
Teleporting fury (long, low, confusion t1 5%, 5)
Hack n' slash (short, high, 2)
Holy shield (block, 1 sec charge, 3 sec duration)
Sword rush (short range, med dmg, 5)
Magical slice (Med range,med dmg, 1)
HP: 50/50
Exp: 2/20 lvl 2
gold: 0
Location: KC Lvl 1 Mechcity, questing
inv: tattered robe eqq, tattered sandals eqq, Light armor (-1 dmg/hit) eqq, aero blade +1 eqq, portable healer, potion x3, key card lvl 1, status heal x3 , Ribbon eqq.

You hit him with your hack n' slash, dealing 5 dmg/hit. "Stop!" he says, stunning you, "Now XPLODE!". He hits you with one of his bombs, dealing 19 dmg. Rackoon takes 7 bleed dmg. You: 31/50 Rackoon wounded: 87/200

4,584 posts

Name:Storm K. Dragon
Special: Air blade
Moves:You have 0 SP points, 0 Upgrade Points
Vampiric balde (short, high, Wound t1, life steal, 1)
Teleporting fury (long, low, confusion t1 5%, 5)
Hack n' slash (short, high, 2)
Holy shield (block, 1 sec charge, 3 sec duration)
Sword rush (short range, med dmg, 5)
Magical slice (Med range,med dmg, 1)
HP: 31/50
Exp: 2/20 lvl 2
gold: 0
Location: KC Lvl 1 Mechcity, questing
inv: tattered robe eqq, tattered sandals eqq, Light armor (-1 dmg/hit) eqq, aero blade +1 eqq, portable healer, potion x3, key card lvl 1, status heal x3 , Ribbon eqq.

Okay, my plan is to use teleporting furry to get away so I can put a shield up. After that my hp and weather or not the teleporting furry confuses him will decide if I drink a potion or just go back on the attack.

2,419 posts

Name:Storm K. Dragon
Special: Air blade
Moves:You have 0 SP points, 0 Upgrade Points
Vampiric balde (short, high, Wound t1, life steal, 1)
Teleporting fury (long, low, confusion t1 5%, 5)
Hack n' slash (short, high, 2)
Holy shield (block, 1 sec charge, 3 sec duration)
Sword rush (short range, med dmg, 5)
Magical slice (Med range,med dmg, 1)
HP: 50/50
Exp: 2/20 lvl 2
gold: 0
Location: KC Lvl 1 Mechcity, questing
inv: tattered robe eqq, tattered sandals eqq, Light armor (-1 dmg/hit) eqq, aero blade +1 eqq, portable healer, potion x2, key card lvl 1, status heal x3 , Ribbon eqq.

"Wait! We don't have to fight!" Rackoon says to you after you do all that. Rackoon takes 8 bleed dmg. You: 50/50 Rackoon, wounded: 88/200

665 posts

Name: scourge728
description: very tall enderman with an enderdragon tail, wings, jaw strength, and teeth also has long sharp claws and one red eye.
Class: Animalistic
Special: Ender flurry
teleport ( long, none, 0)
teleporting slashes (med, med, confusion t1, 3)
Ender spirit (long, high, 1)
ender one-two (short, med, confusion t1, 2)
Regenerative beam (long, 3 sec charge, heal t1 [25 hp], 1)
Ender-shot (long, low, 1)
Gold: 0
Inv: N/A
I look around (what do I see)

2,419 posts

Name: scourge728
description: very tall enderman with an enderdragon tail, wings, jaw strength, and teeth also has long sharp claws and one red eye.
Class: Animalistic
Special: Ender flurry
teleport ( long, none, 0)
teleporting slashes (med, med, confusion t1, 3)
Ender spirit (long, high, 1)
ender one-two (short, med, confusion t1, 2)
Regenerative beam (long, 3 sec charge, heal t1 [25 hp], 1)
Ender-shot (long, low, 1)
Gold: 0
Inv: N/A

Please separate your post from your char sheet.

You see some NPCs and shops around you.

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