Name:Storm K. Dragon
Special: Air blade
Moves:You have 0 SP points, 0 Upgrade Points
Swift (long, low, 1)
Vampiric balde (short, high, Wound t1, life steal, 1)
Teleporting fury (long, low, confusion t1 5%, 5)
Hack n' slash (Short, high, 3)
Holy shield (block, 1 sec charge, 3 sec duration)
Sword rush (short range, med dmg, 5)
Magical slice (Med range,med dmg, 1)
HP: 60/60
Exp: 0/30 lvl 3
gold: 0
Location: KC t2, sanctuary
inv: tattered robe eqq, tattered sandals eqq, Heavy dragon armor (-4dmg/hit, +1 to all dmg) eqq, tempered aero blade (+2 dmg/hit) eqq, portable healer, potion x7, KC2, status heal x3 , Ribbon eqq.
"Hello. I have received reports of a corrupted boss running around in Lavandera, can you halp me and go stop him?"
Name: scourge728
description: very tall enderman with an enderdragon tail, wings, jaw strength, and teeth also has long sharp claws and one red eye.
Class: Animalistic
Special: Ender flurry
teleport ( long, none, 0)
teleporting slashes (med, med, confusion t1, 3)
Ender spirit (long, high, 1)
ender one-two (short, med, confusion t1, 2)
Regenerative beam (long, 3 sec charge, heal t1 [25 hp], 1)
Ender-shot (long, low, 1)
Health: 33/50
EXP: 5/10 lvl 1
Area: Sanctuary
Gold: 250
Inv: KC lvl 1, potion x3, portable healer
"Hello, and welcome to my shop. Here i sell libra-free skill. Unfortunately for you, this isn't gold free. Here are the techniques i teach."
Summon spider (summon t1, short, low, 1) 500 gold
Summon creeper (summon type 1 (summons monster), short, high, 1) 750 gold.
Summon zombie (summon t1, short, med, 2) 750 gold
Summon skeleton (summon t1, long, low, 5) 750 gold
Summon silverfish army (summon t1, short, low, 10) 1000 gold
Summon mite army (Summon t1, short, med, 7) 1000 gold
Ender tail whip (med, med, 1) 1000 gold