Name:Storm K. Dragon
Special: Air blade
Moves:You have 0 SP points, 0 Upgrade Points
Swift (long, low, 1)
Vampiric balde (short, high, Wound t1, life steal, 1)
Teleporting fury (long, low, confusion t1 5%, 5)
Hack n' slash (Short, high, 3)
Holy shield (block, 1 sec charge, 3 sec duration)
Sword rush (short range, med dmg, 5)
Magical slice (Med range,med dmg, 1)
HP: 60/60
Exp: 0/30 lvl 3
gold: 0
Location: KC t1, lavendera, questing
inv: tattered robe eqq, tattered sandals eqq, Heavy dragon armor (-4dmg/hit, +1 to all dmg) eqq, tempered aero blade (+2 dmg/hit) eqq, portable healer, potion x7, KC2, status heal x3 , Ribbon eqq.
You're walking over when you see some smoke in the distance.
Name: scourge728
description: very tall enderman with an enderdragon tail, wings, jaw strength, and teeth also has long sharp claws and one red eye.
Class: Animalistic
Special: Ender flurry
teleport ( long, none, 0)
teleporting slashes (med, med, confusion t1, 3)
Ender spirit (long, high, 1)
ender one-two (short, med, confusion t1, 2)
Regenerative beam (long, 3 sec charge, heal t1 [25 hp], 1)
Ender-shot (long, low, 1)
Health: 33/50
EXP: 5/10 lvl 1
Area: Sanctuary
Gold: 250
Inv: KC lvl 1, potion x3, portable healer
"Here are my wares."
Potion 50
Status heal 75
Full heal 100
Wooden armor (1/3 chance of -1 dmg/hit) 200
Leather armor (1/2 chance of -1 dmg/hit) 250
Iron armor (-1 dmg/hit) 300
Diamond armor(-2 dmg/hit) 350
Gold armor (Electric)(-2 dmg/hit) 400
Lapis armor (Water)(-2 dmg/hit) 400
Redstone armor (fire)(-2 dmg/hit) 400