ForumsGamesGemcraft CS: Crusade for a Grade 100 Gem

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641 posts

Hi, I am level 3142, and I am going to be the first to get a grade 100 gem.

How did I get specs obscenely high? Well, thanks to this dude over here...

One important thing to note is how to create dual gems. Adding two grade one's them spamming U is losing about 33% special power.

Optimal creation is a G1 of both, combine, make a G2 of each, add one pure to each dual, combine the G3s, duplicate, and repeat with pure G4s, duplicate the 6, etc.

here is the difference at g34:
Regular creation:

Special Mix:

Note that the hit count is the same, and the cost to duplicate is the same. This is a difference of 32.9%, and this difference keeps rising at higher levels. It's only a 16% difference at grade 6. It takes a decent amount of time, but it is worth it at ultimate grades (45+).

I now have huge specs. It takes me about 20-30 seconds real life time to get +1 grade. So a minute before +2(needed if want extra specs). I estimate my specs to be about 80% higher than normal, at least blood is.

PS- Level 46 amps got the spec treatment too, they are wicked.
  • 496 Replies
652 posts

its pretty hard to explain but it involves me combining my supergem with a pure orange supergem every grade to dilute the percentage slowly into almost nothing of the other 3 types

652 posts

attempt 2 has begun, goal is g90

27 posts

Thunders G50spec vs G26 super made me thinking so I did some other tests. Well I was right about supergemming always increase the gems specials by the same %, but what I wasnt aware is that the specced methods %increase isnt. The growth is better at the first levels, but its growth is continously decreasing to a point where pressing "u" twice is actually better. So the optimal upgrading is something like do the specced method until G12 then start supergemming.

The lategame upgarding plan:

After the early manafarm destroy your managem, make a black-orange supergem that has a manacost isnt greater than half of your mana, duplicate it then add a g2 blue-red to it. Put your cloned B-O gem into one of your amps. When you have mana equal to 4x your managem cost, duplicate 4x your clone gem and combine your managem with them. So the first combining will upgrade its rank, the other 3 combining is the supergem stuff. This way you dont increase the blue and the red part.

Focusing on orange only will punish the black part too much so its probably not optimal.

641 posts

Doesn't seem to ever make U better, because at G50 it's still 40% ahead.

27 posts

I was talking about growth, not upgrading it by U from G1/G2. Actually it wont be worse than pressing U, but it wont be better either after a certain grade. Just try this: Make a G48 specced B-O, duplicate it so you will have 2. Upgrade 1 of them by speccing, upgrade the other one by pressing U twice. You should get the same results.

7 posts

i feel i'm late to the game (pun) but what is the difference between super geming in older gemcraft games and this one?

also how would you mix a tri gem (red) into the optimal mix? a quad (poor choice) would be pick two lowest be not added back in and the pattern starts later.

641 posts

quad is the best.

Also welcome to Ag, I'm Takiza :P


Supergemming in GC1 GC0:

Add GemGrade of 2 grade lower + into a gem 2 grade higher than the gem it's going to eat(eg, grade 10 eats grade 8s) to increase specials(till caps), damage(no caps), range(caps in GC0 only), firing speed(cap GC0 only).

Also, a lesser known fact on supergemming in GC0- Adding a grade 9 into a grade 10 if both are for our example, prismatic(which has different caps on speed until G11 where it reaches the ultimate cap of 279 shots/min in tower), the G9 has a high chance of reducing damage(thus, do this before supergemming with G8s) BUT will have a decent chance to increase the speed past the normal cap and up to 279!

I've made grade 9s with 279 speed this way. Very nice when you want an early prismatic if you're more cautious.

Supergemming in GCL: Nonexistent. I have yet to find any combo of supergemming that doesn't lower specials.

Supergemming in GC2. Only possible really with eating gems a single grade lower(G36 eat G35) up to 4 times...past that and the value gets worse.

7 posts

ok it was TWO grades under then. i don't think supergeming in the past was for specials but raw pushing powers to limits. and yeah it was always shove lower into greater.
it did work in GCL (which is only one i tried in the past) but only for the literal damage and speed values, the specials barely changed and wasn't the point... although i was told to do it from the extreme beginning (ie grade g1 and g2).

didn't quite answer the question of tri combining xp. would it be pick one of the three to be a double for the startup duals? like if i wanted a red orange black -> red black dual g2 + orange black g2 > all three g3?

652 posts

well i wasnt too deep in my game, grade 78 equiv so far but i might lose the game to a storm here, hopefully not tho

641 posts

For a triple ROB, forcspec method add OB. R can be tiny. It also will never get squished nor grow bigger because you dupe the triple gem.

34 posts


Supergemming in GCL: Nonexistent. I have yet to find any combo of supergemming that doesn't lower specials.

In GCL, early on, some players (especially non-paying players) liked to add a little Armor tearing to their kill gem, before the weaving technique proved it could up damage enough to overwhelm armor.

Technically, Bloodbound could have done the job, but it was pathetically weak, so it wasn't part of the Endurance solution. The problem was that when you upgraded or combined a Bloodbound gem, it reset its kills to 0. (Reset to 0 was intended in GCL: in GC2 the Bloodbound gem retains hit count), and even if you did let it go long without upgrade, at higher skill level, you got more effect by just combining in another dual of the other effects. In GC2, the Poolbound and Bloodbound multipliers both easily recover the special effect reduction from going double to triple or quad, so it is wise to go beyond duals.

Dual gems (Chain+Crit and Chain+Mana) with high skill won GCL. There was never any need for anything else.
641 posts

Uh. Bloodbound in GCL was based on total kills not current grade level kills.

And triples with squished purple/other was the best(Y/L/P(P vanish at G11 if you dont add more than a G1) and O/L/X)

7 posts

so wait... the steps would be starting at that g3 tri color,
dupe to get a second,
get 4 (or 2 and dupe) g2 gems of orange and black and make them into duals,
follow the optimal combining method from then on this way?

would this next method be ok?
1) g1 red + g1 black and g1 orange + g1 black
2) g2 O + g2 RB and g2 B + g2 OB
3) g3 ORB + g3 OB
4) "done" as far as startup goes, follow typical pattern of normal optimal combining of orange and black into dupes of existing gem.
ie A) g4 O + base gem g4 and g4 B + duped base gem g4
B) combine and dupe then repeat.

34 posts

thunderrider, I assumed you knew that. Do I really have to be so pedantic that I have to provide every little detail like I'm patronizing everyone? If you read carefully, I referred to "kills" with reference to the GCL Bloodbound, and "hits" with reference to GC2. Do I need to post my L11546 load to demonstrate I know just about everything I needed to?

Never needed Purple. Seriously. It messed with the weave, anyway. Since Chain in Traps hit the same monster repeatedly, all you needed to do was make certain your min damage was above the Armor of the monster, which was trivial, really. The Farm killed the monsters, unlike in CS. No reason to get fiddly and let thousands of monsters on screen to grind your frame rate down. Just build the traps near the entrances and if they get past your traps, put up your kill gem until they're behind again. Think my best run had my final kill tower up at wave 18, though it might have been 14... long time ago now. It got longer after that, because I was working my way backwards to the beginning, so XP per monster was dropping.

Oh, right, forgot something. My final kill gem had a small Shock component to keep monsters off the battlefield, but that was only because my vid card was weak at the time.

641 posts

No you said "when you upgraded or combined a GCL bloodbound, it resets its kills to 0" or do I have seeing problems? Because I see those exact words in your post, in order. :/

Purple didn't mess with it, just start weaving from G11 onwards.

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