ForumsGamesGemcraft CS: Crusade for a Grade 100 Gem

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641 posts

Hi, I am level 3142, and I am going to be the first to get a grade 100 gem.

How did I get specs obscenely high? Well, thanks to this dude over here...

One important thing to note is how to create dual gems. Adding two grade one's them spamming U is losing about 33% special power.

Optimal creation is a G1 of both, combine, make a G2 of each, add one pure to each dual, combine the G3s, duplicate, and repeat with pure G4s, duplicate the 6, etc.

here is the difference at g34:
Regular creation:

Special Mix:

Note that the hit count is the same, and the cost to duplicate is the same. This is a difference of 32.9%, and this difference keeps rising at higher levels. It's only a 16% difference at grade 6. It takes a decent amount of time, but it is worth it at ultimate grades (45+).

I now have huge specs. It takes me about 20-30 seconds real life time to get +1 grade. So a minute before +2(needed if want extra specs). I estimate my specs to be about 80% higher than normal, at least blood is.

PS- Level 46 amps got the spec treatment too, they are wicked.
  • 496 Replies
41 posts

I must be doing something wrong then. I left the game on overnight - about 6 hours - and only got enough mana to go from 85 to 86 plus a little left over to get all 82 amps.

Do you have a ton more monsters than I do on your farm (I only have 10k), or are you using some method to make your gem significantly more powerful?

447 posts

He's probably got way more powerful PC.

155 posts

So I attempted a mana farm today...and managed to get a grade 15 gem. Still going strong with no monsters getting very far past the mana gem. Still getting quite a bit of mana from it, even though my killgem is reaching a tad bit too far...though I can live with it. Here are the stats of the two gems.

Killing gem:

Mana farming gem:

Perhaps I can reach Grade 16 before the monsters overwhelm me...

652 posts

i have...

7k monsters on the field

4ish frames per second, about 1/6th real speed i believe

a 82.25 gem with 430quad mana per hit

82.25 -> 84.56 main gem will take around 25 waves, and by around wave 130-140 ill have my total summation of gem cost to be grade 86

635 posts

Note to self: Never enrage waves whose monsters spawn beacons.

If you have a red/x trap betwixt shield beacons and killgems, it'll help. considerably.

Also, depending on layout, you can force the beacons to spawn in a nice, out-of-the-way place for your killgem to attack whenever it is out of monsters to target.
108 posts

@sean... I see three probable reasons

(a) a more powerful PC might play in, but not too much
(b) Connor mixes 1:3 (or even 1:4 in the meantime?) instead of 1:2. Apparently not only for the amps, but for the managem, too (G82,25). Combining more smaller gems into the bigger one increases the 'supergem'-advantage. I didn't do thorough tests if that advantage ever ends. I don't know why Connor makes a mystery about it as everyone else shares their knowledge (at least I do), and everybody here builds upon knowledge partly accumulated by others.
(c) I think that the gap between your managem and your ampgems might be too big. I have never done thorough calculations about economical efficiency. The gap shouldn't certainly be bigger than G2, though.
(c) Probably Connor adopted my strategy of at least doubling (even tripling) the managem? I had forgotten to explain why I was doing that: I began doing it when I realized that you can reach like the double amount of hits per frame (10k monsters > 20k hits; didn't check how much that affects the lag, though). You can easily figure out that by 'step per frame' and noting the change of the hitcount. After that you know the relation of hitcounts between the three possible traps. You can then calculate (or just experiment) whether it makes sense to have (at least) 8 amplifiers, too.
Even if you don't use more amplifiers: As the process of upgrading the maingem anyway involves duplicating it and the ampgems are there and paid for anyway, In my eyes Its quite a big loss not to follow this method/strategy.

641 posts

So basically almost everyone is using a macro to spam freeze, right? Well, I'm disappointed in you guys. What's the point of an achievement that you don't complete yourself? Using a mouse recorder to spam freeze = outside help.

652 posts

im not using a thing personally, gonna get the grade record legitimately just like every other version of gemcraft

ive also shared all my knowledge so far, you might just have to pick thru my posts to find it all in the last few pages

and cronos as far as mana per frame goes by doubling the gem, sure youll get mroe mana per frame but i find i get more mana per actual minute by doing single gem as the game runs enough faster with 1 gem that the real mana per second is greater for me

short summary of what im doing is 1:3 supergem and rather than directuly upgrading to my supergem before eating the 3 smaller ones, i combine an identically made pure orange one in order to dilute the blac/red/blue further

87 posts

ConnerC if you &quothase out" red how do you still have a good mana/frame? it sometimes happens when red is not shown in my gem stats but then i also have a lot less mana per frame.

Also: what amps do you use?

i tried in my lasts runs a lots of black, one orange and one red gem and amp it with pure orange supergems. it worked but i dont know how well

87 posts

just a trick: when adding lvl 7 gems to a lvl 8 you shoul add more then 2 or 3. some between 5 or 7 is good. lvl 7 gems have a lot more specials then lvl 6 form the skills

641 posts

Dont think hes phasing out red...

See, he first duplicates the quad gem, thus, red black blue specs gain higher dominance. Then, he upgrades with pure orange, making them recede. But, he combines with the duped ones, thus making their strength level the same again. Quite ingenious...

Conner forgot to ask What's your highest gem grade in GCL? I know a guy on youtube who got 55.

108 posts

Have to disappoint your disappointment, too, as I played without makro.
I just had more monsters freezed when I wanted the game to run but not care too much. As the freezing time sums up to hilarious numbers, you can easily get to a point where you don't have to freeze again for more than a day. It gets more an exercise in zen than what you would call 'lay a game' though.

About the duplicated gem you might be right, as I didn't really test it out. What stunnes me extremely though, is that you put pure orange in your managem. I've been doing different tests on that (I had posted pics on the topic, too). Adding pure orange supergems, in which way ever, weakened the gem extremely. I had tried to combine/upgrade with B/O-supergems too (to decrease R): amazingly enough I got the result of a weaker managem. I had a look on reddit as I wanted to understand what didn't seem to be logic but still don't have any idea.
Have you really tested that? Do I miss some special thing?

87 posts

i tried that with pure orange this morning. but at some point i decided to add a pure black. mana doublet at once. think when the black gem you add has twice as high black power as the un-amped gem the result is better then just adding orange.

104 posts


Nafferty had a 55 tower/50 amps. Keep in mind that this was done before the monster render limit was put in place.

104 posts

Meant to address that last bit to anyone wondering why it took so long
...aaaaaand I just discovered you can edit more than once. /facepalm

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