Name:Storm Keket Race:Halfling (Lightfoot) Age:23 Bio:Storm comes Shadowdale. Her dad is a well known rouge there and her mom is a druid that is a part of the Harpers. She plans to follow in there footsteps when it comes to class. she also plans to join the Shadow Thieves. She has come to Neverwinter for adventure and to get away from those who have high exceptions of her. She travels with a pet dire wolf that her dad gave to her on her 21 birthday cause he knew that she wanted to have a wolf just like mommy's. Class:Rouge Prestige class: none Alignment:NG but will sometimes lean towards CG xp:0/ background: Strong soul (+1 to fortitude/ will saving throws,+1 vs. death magic ---------------------------------------------- Inv:dagger(x2), sling(x2), bullets(x40), health potions(x10) money:200 Spellbook:none Armor:Studded Leather Abilities: Good aim (+1 attack roll for thrown weapons and slings), Fearless (+2 vs fear), Skill affinity (+2 to listen, +2 move silently), Sneak Attack (allows sneak attacks), lucky (+1 to all die rolls) Companions:Balto(a pet dire wolf), Bevil Starling, Amie Fern Str:15 Dex:16 Int:13 Wis:10 Con:11 Cha:10
Ok, so you see the room box, type NWN2, and above that in name, it is your username of character's name. Then when you' re in hte room, put a / before you type to chat, and a d, then number, and modifier to roll a die. It you want to roll multiple dice, put a number before the d. For example, 4d100 + 8 would roll 4 100-sided dice, then add 8.
Races are : Human (I hope you know what that is) Dwarf: a stout tough people, masters of combat. Elf: a small people, elusive and mysterious Halfling: also called a Hobbit, these are small, human like creatures Gnome: small built, fast, good at music Palentouched: Half- human, half demon or half angel, these people are feared and respected Half-Elf: Half Human and Half Elf, these combine the good of both races Half-Orc: Gruff, tall, fierce warriors, Half-Orcs are one of the strongest races in Faerun
Name: Zenil the 8th Race: Palentouched (Tiefling) Age: 14 Bio: An assassin for hire. He kills who he's paid to and whomever he wishes. People who have gotten on his bad side learnt the hard way: Death. He will always do the thing for the side of good, but if there is more money on the other side, that's where he is. His mother was killed early into his life, so he swore to do what she would wish. His father, as the only voice of reason in his life, helped him into becoming what he is today, an assassin for hire. Class: Rouge Prestige class: none Alignment: xp: ---------------------------------------------- Inv: money: Spellbook: Armor: Abilities: Companions: Str: Dex: Int: Wis: Con: Cha: