Name: Zenil the 8th Race: Palentouched (Tiefling) Age: 14 Bio: An assassin for hire. He kills who he's paid to and whomever he wishes. People who have gotten on his bad side learnt the hard way: Death. He will always do the thing for the side of good, but if there is more money on the other side, that's where he is. His mother was killed early into his life, so he swore to do what she would wish. His father, as the only voice of reason in his life, helped him into becoming what he is today, an assassin for hire. Class: Rouge Prestige class: none Alignment: xp: ---------------------------------------------- Inv: money: Spellbook: Armor: Abilities: Companions: Str: Dex: Int: Wis: Con: Cha:
alignment: good, neutral, or evil, plus neutral, chaotic, or lawful
Name: Zenil the 8th Race: Palentouched (Tiefling) Age: 14 Bio: An assassin for hire. He kills who he's paid to and whomever he wishes. People who have gotten on his bad side learnt the hard way: Death. He will always do the thing for the side of good, but if there is more money on the other side, that's where he is. His mother was killed early into his life, so he swore to do what she would wish. His father, as the only voice of reason in his life, helped him into becoming what he is today, an assassin for hire. Class: Rouge Prestige class: none Alignment: Chaotic neutral xp: ---------------------------------------------- Inv: money: Spellbook: Armor: Abilities: Companions: Str: Dex: Int: Wis: Con: Cha:
Name: Zenil the 8th
Race: Palentouched (Tiefling)
Age: 14
Bio: An assassin for hire. He kills who he's paid to and whomever he wishes. People who have gotten on his bad side learnt the hard way: Death. He will always do the thing for the side of good, but if there is more money on the other side, that's where he is. His mother was killed early into his life, so he swore to do what she would wish. His father, as the only voice of reason in his life, helped him into becoming what he is today, an assassin for hire.
Class: Rouge
Prestige class: none
Alignment: Chaotic neutral
assign 20 points to ability scores, your class wants high dexterity or Dex.
Name: Zenil the 8th Race: Palentouched (Tiefling) Age: 14 Bio: An assassin for hire. He kills who he's paid to and whomever he wishes. People who have gotten on his bad side learnt the hard way: Death. He will always do the thing for the side of good, but if there is more money on the other side, that's where he is. His mother was killed early into his life, so he swore to do what she would wish. His father, as the only voice of reason in his life, helped him into becoming what he is today, an assassin for hire. Class: Rouge Prestige class: none Alignment: Chaotic neutral xp: ---------------------------------------------- Inv: money: Spellbook: Armor: Abilities: Companions: Str: 4 Dex: 6 Int: 2 Wis: 4 Con: 2 Cha: 2
Name: Zenil the 8th Race: Palentouched (Tiefling) Age: 14 Bio: An assassin for hire. He kills who he's paid to and whomever he wishes. People who have gotten on his bad side learnt the hard way: Death. He will always do the thing for the side of good, but if there is more money on the other side, that's where he is. His mother was killed early into his life, so he swore to do what she would wish. His father, as the only voice of reason in his life, helped him into becoming what he is today, an assassin for hire. Class: Rouge Prestige class: none Alignment: Chaotic neutral xp: 0/100 Hp: 30/30 ---------------------------------------------- Inv: money: Spellbook: Armor: Abilities: Companions: Str: 14 Dex: 16 Int: 12 Wis: 14 Con: 12 Cha: 12
Name: Zenil the 8th Race: Palentouched (Tiefling) Age: 14 Bio: An assassin for hire. He kills who he's paid to and whomever he wishes. People who have gotten on his bad side learnt the hard way: Death. He will always do the thing for the side of good, but if there is more money on the other side, that's where he is. His mother was killed early into his life, so he swore to do what she would wish. His father, as the only voice of reason in his life, helped him into becoming what he is today, an assassin for hire. Class: Rouge Prestige class: none Alignment: Chaotic neutral xp: 0/100 Hp: 30/30 ---------------------------------------------- Inv: Throwing daggers (5), knife, navy blue cloak. money: Spellbook: Armor: Abilities: Companions: Str: 14 Dex: 16 Int: 12 Wis: 14 Con: 12 Cha: 12
Name: Zenil the 8th Race: Palentouched (Tiefling) Age: 14 Bio: An assassin for hire. He kills who he's paid to and whomever he wishes. People who have gotten on his bad side learnt the hard way: Death. He will always do the thing for the side of good, but if there is more money on the other side, that's where he is. His mother was killed early into his life, so he swore to do what she would wish. His father, as the only voice of reason in his life, helped him into becoming what he is today, an assassin for hire. Class: Rouge Prestige class: none Alignment: Chaotic neutral xp: 0/100 Hp: 30/30 ---------------------------------------------- Inv: Throwing daggers (5), knife, money: 25gp Spellbook: n/a Armor: navy blue cloak, Abilities: Companions: Str: 14 Dex: 16 Int: 12 Wis: 14 Con: 12 Cha: 12
Name: Zenil the 8th Race: Palentouched (Tiefling) Age: 14 Bio: An assassin for hire. He kills who he's paid to and whomever he wishes. People who have gotten on his bad side learnt the hard way: Death. He will always do the thing for the side of good, but if there is more money on the other side, that's where he is. His mother was killed early into his life, so he swore to do what she would wish. His father, as the only voice of reason in his life, helped him into becoming what he is today, an assassin for hire. Class: Rouge Prestige class: none Alignment: Chaotic neutral xp: 0/100 Hp: 30/30 ---------------------------------------------- Inv: Throwing daggers (5), knife, money: 25gp Spellbook: n/a Armor: navy blue cloak, light leather navy blue armor, Navy blue leather gripping boots. Abilities: Companions: Str: 14 Dex: 16 Int: 12 Wis: 14 Con: 12 Cha: 12