ForumsForum GamesHypersuits (mech RPG)

464 92495
2,419 posts

"Its time."
"Are you sure we're ready for this?"
"Of course we are. Nothing can stop us. The weapon will destroy all."
"If you say so."
"Initiating plan Zeta now."
"Its begun."
"Lets hope you're right about this."
Hello, and welcome to Hypersuits, a forum game about customizable mechs, tough tournaments, and destroying the hacker threat known as Zalenark. You will duel and fight in tourneys to earn cash, use cash to upgrade your mech, and use your mech to
fight the good fight. Here is the char sheet:

Name: (fill in)
Bio: (fill in)
Rank: N/A
Current mech: SMN00
Mechs in garage: Null
Parts CM (current mech):
Head: BMH23 (Low arm, med processing, med weight)
Head chips (1): Null
Generator: BMG12, (med output, low capacity, med weight)
Radar: BMR01, (low range, low cost)
Chest: BMC18, (Med arm, med wieght)
Chest chips (1): null
Arms: BMA06 (low arm, med stab, med wieght)
Arm chips (1): null
R weapon: (Right and left are interchangeable), (choose 1: AR01 [Assault Rifle], LMG01 [light machine gun], S01 [sniper], LZ [lazer])
R weapon chips (LMG 1, AR 2, S 3, LZ 3): null
L weapon: (Choose one: ESW01 (Eng sword), ESH01 (eng shield))
L weapon chips (1): null
R hanger weapon: P02 (Med weight, Low dmg, Med RoF, 8 clip size, Med acc)
R hanger weapon chips (0): null
L hanger weapon: P02
L hanger weapon chips (0): null
Legs: BML15 (low weight, med speed, two legged, med arm, Med support)
Leg chips (1): null
Feet (2): BMF01 (Med arm, Low trac, Med weight, High support)
Foot chips (1): null
Extra armor:
Total stats:
HP: 500/500
Shield: 50/50
Weight: 500/2000
Energy: 200/200 (+10)
Speed: 20
Parts damaged: null
Parts broken: null
Cash: $1000
Extra parts: (1 dmg, rng, RoF, or Acc chip), 1 armor chip, 1 shield chip, 1 anti grav chip.
Tourneys won: none (100%)
Partners: none
Sponsors: none
Hideouts found: none

Wow. Thats a lot of text. Everything in parenthesis has to go if you are told to do something. If its just a number or desc it stays. Please do not try to cheat me! I will check every char sheet! There is no shop currently, as I'm aching to get this out! I will handle questions, R2D21999 will do half of everything after. To start off, you may join a tourney or a duel. Story comes after you've learned the game. Combat is Real Time, not pokemon time. Your speed divided by your opponents speed=the amount of turns you get. If two people have the same speed, I flip a digital coin at

1. Do not say "I do this then that". Say "I do this then that if this works"
2. No customizing mid battle.
3. Do not tamper with your char sheet unless told you are able.
4. All IC posts must contain and be seperated from char sheet, as I post from mobile the majority of the time.
5. Do not complain or worry about spelling. I can make it out most of the time.
6. Do not be disrespectful.
7. Have fun!

I don't think I'm missing anything, so lets blow this popsicle stand!

  • 464 Replies
2,419 posts

Name: Prestige
Bio: "Prestige" is a name he uses for duels, tourneys and shopping. No other thing has been known about him.
Rank: N/A
Current mech: SMN00
Mechs in garage: Null
Parts CM (current mech):
Head: BMH23 (Low arm, med processing, med weight)
Head chips (1): Null
Generator: BMG12, (med output, low capacity, med weight)
Radar: BMR01, (low range, low cost)
Chest: BMC18, (Med arm, med wieght)
Chest chips (1): Armor chip
Arms: BMA06 (low arm, med stab, med wieght)
Arm chips (1): null
R weapon: S01
R weapon chips (3): Acc chip
L weapon: ESH01
L weapon chips (1): Shield chip
R hanger weapon: P02 (Med weight, Low dmg, Med RoF, 8 clip size, Med acc)
R hanger weapon chips (0): null
L hanger weapon: P02
L hanger weapon chips (0): null
Legs: BML15 (low weight, med speed, two legged, med arm, Med support)
Leg chips (1): Anti grav chip
Feet (2): BMF01 (Med arm, Low trac, Med weight, High support)
Foot chips (1): null
Extra armor:
Total stats:
HP: 245/500
Shield: 0/50
Weight: 500/2000
Energy: 200/200
Speed: 20
Parts damaged: null
Parts broken: null
Cash: $1750
Extra parts: N/A
Tourneys won: none (100%)
Partners: none
Sponsors: none
Hideouts found: none

You head to the gun shop. "How may I help you?"

5,291 posts

Name: Prestige
Bio: "Prestige" is a name he uses for duels, tourneys and shopping. No other thing has been known about him.
Rank: N/A
Current mech: SMN00
Mechs in garage: Null
Parts CM (current mech):
Head: BMH23 (Low arm, med processing, med weight)
Head chips (1): Null
Generator: BMG12, (med output, low capacity, med weight)
Radar: BMR01, (low range, low cost)
Chest: BMC18, (Med arm, med wieght)
Chest chips (1): Armor chip
Arms: BMA06 (low arm, med stab, med wieght)
Arm chips (1): null
R weapon: S01
R weapon chips (3): Acc chip
L weapon: ESH01
L weapon chips (1): Shield chip
R hanger weapon: P02 (Med weight, Low dmg, Med RoF, 8 clip size, Med acc)
R hanger weapon chips (0): null
L hanger weapon: P02
L hanger weapon chips (0): null
Legs: BML15 (low weight, med speed, two legged, med arm, Med support)
Leg chips (1): Anti grav chip
Feet (2): BMF01 (Med arm, Low trac, Med weight, High support)
Foot chips (1): null
Extra armor:
Total stats:
HP: 245/500
Shield: 0/50
Weight: 500/2000
Energy: 200/200
Speed: 20
Parts damaged: null
Parts broken: null
Cash: $1750
Extra parts: N/A
Tourneys won: none (100%)
Partners: none
Sponsors: none
Hideouts found: none

"I want to see ARs and Pistols, please."
(Can't you make me say it, since i already said before)

9,363 posts

Pilot's name: Sean Deane
Mech's name: The Irish Greyhound
Bio: An army man as was his father before him, Sean learned the ply of a marksman even though he has the build of a mountain in the shape of a man. Standing at 6' 5'' and weighing 235 pounds Sean is a naturally a large man with very little body fat, and his muscular physique is completely natural. His golden irises are his most defining feature aside from his size. He is an impeccable shot and fights in two forms, from afar rifle in hand or up close breaking bones. He can seem cold to those he does not know but to those he does nobody is more loyal, trustworthy or honorable. His logic comes before his emotion in most situations. He has grown tired of living as his fathers son and wants to carve out his own mark on history.
Rank: 2
Mechs in garage: Null
Parts CM (current mech):
Head: BMH23 (Low arm, med processing, med weight)
Head chips (1): Null
Generator: BMG12, (med output, low capacity, med weight)
Radar: BMR01, (low range, low cost)
Chest: BMC18, (Med arm, med wieght)
Chest chips (1): armor chip +hp
Arms: BMA06 (low arm, med stab, med wieght)
Arm chips (1): null
R weapon: AS01 (high, long, med RoF, 10 CS, extreme acc)
R weapon chips (5): 2 accuracy chips
L weapon: null
L weapon chips: null
R hanger weapon: P02 (Med weight, Low dmg, Med RoF, 8 clip size, Med acc)
R hanger weapon chips (0): null
L hanger weapon: HTS01 (Short, med, med RoF, 10 CS, Med acc)
L hanger weapon chips (0): null
Legs: BML15 (low weight, med speed, two legged, med arm, Med support)
Leg chips (1): null
Feet (2): BMF01 (Med arm, Low trac, Med weight, High support)
Foot chips (1): anti-gravitation-chip (-weight)
Extra armor:
Total stats:
HP: 500/500
Shield: 0/50 (+0)
Weight: 480/2000
Energy: 200/200 (+10)
Speed: 20
Parts damaged: null
Parts broken: null
Cash: $9700
Extra parts: P02, broken shield, shield chip (+def), HSH05 (100 shield strength, med recharge, high weight, expandable, T3 chips usable, T2 head needed), AMH27 parts (med arm, high processing, high weight, T3 AI compatible, T2 AI installed. Broken.), BB06 X8 (med cost, high thrust, med weight, Low failure rate)
Tourneys won: 1 (100%)
Partners: none
Sponsors: none
Hideouts found: none

"Fine by me, just keep the AI intact. How long will everything else take?"

2,419 posts

Name: Prestige
Bio: "Prestige" is a name he uses for duels, tourneys and shopping. No other thing has been known about him.
Rank: N/A
Current mech: SMN00
Mechs in garage: Null
Parts CM (current mech):
Head: BMH23 (Low arm, med processing, med weight)
Head chips (1): Null
Generator: BMG12, (med output, low capacity, med weight)
Radar: BMR01, (low range, low cost)
Chest: BMC18, (Med arm, med wieght)
Chest chips (1): Armor chip
Arms: BMA06 (low arm, med stab, med wieght)
Arm chips (1): null
R weapon: S01
R weapon chips (3): Acc chip
L weapon: ESH01
L weapon chips (1): Shield chip
R hanger weapon: P02 (Med weight, Low dmg, Med RoF, 8 clip size, Med acc)
R hanger weapon chips (0): null
L hanger weapon: P02
L hanger weapon chips (0): null
Legs: BML15 (low weight, med speed, two legged, med arm, Med support)
Leg chips (1): Anti grav chip
Feet (2): BMF01 (Med arm, Low trac, Med weight, High support)
Foot chips (1): null
Extra armor:
Total stats:
HP: 245/500
Shield: 0/50
Weight: 500/2000
Energy: 200/200
Speed: 20
Parts damaged: null
Parts broken: null
Cash: $1750
Extra parts: N/A
Tourneys won: none (100%)
Partners: none
Sponsors: none
Hideouts found: none

I can't list off several different kinds of items in a shop. I don't have that kind of time.

"Which one first?"

2,419 posts

Name: Prestige
Bio: "Prestige" is a name he uses for duels, tourneys and shopping. No other thing has been known about him.
Rank: N/A
Current mech: SMN00
Mechs in garage: Null
Parts CM (current mech):
Head: BMH23 (Low arm, med processing, med weight)
Head chips (1): Null
Generator: BMG12, (med output, low capacity, med weight)
Radar: BMR01, (low range, low cost)
Chest: BMC18, (Med arm, med wieght)
Chest chips (1): Armor chip
Arms: BMA06 (low arm, med stab, med wieght)
Arm chips (1): null
R weapon: S01
R weapon chips (3): Acc chip
L weapon: ESH01
L weapon chips (1): Shield chip
R hanger weapon: P02 (Med weight, Low dmg, Med RoF, 8 clip size, Med acc)
R hanger weapon chips (0): null
L hanger weapon: P02
L hanger weapon chips (0): null
Legs: BML15 (low weight, med speed, two legged, med arm, Med support)
Leg chips (1): Anti grav chip
Feet (2): BMF01 (Med arm, Low trac, Med weight, High support)
Foot chips (1): null
Extra armor:
Total stats:
HP: 245/500
Shield: 0/50
Weight: 500/2000
Energy: 200/200
Speed: 20
Parts damaged: null
Parts broken: null
Cash: $1750
Extra parts: N/A
Tourneys won: none (100%)
Partners: none
Sponsors: none
Hideouts found: none

"In total... Until about 2:00 PM tomorrow. I would suggest contacting sponsors or dueling until then. By the way, only custom items require an advance, so you can inspect the work yourself before you pay for repairs and fusions."

5,291 posts

Name: Prestige
Bio: "Prestige" is a name he uses for duels, tourneys and shopping. No other thing has been known about him.
Rank: N/A
Current mech: SMN00
Mechs in garage: Null
Parts CM (current mech):
Head: BMH23 (Low arm, med processing, med weight)
Head chips (1): Null
Generator: BMG12, (med output, low capacity, med weight)
Radar: BMR01, (low range, low cost)
Chest: BMC18, (Med arm, med wieght)
Chest chips (1): Armor chip
Arms: BMA06 (low arm, med stab, med wieght)
Arm chips (1): null
R weapon: S01
R weapon chips (3): Acc chip
L weapon: ESH01
L weapon chips (1): Shield chip
R hanger weapon: P02 (Med weight, Low dmg, Med RoF, 8 clip size, Med acc)
R hanger weapon chips (0): null
L hanger weapon: P02
L hanger weapon chips (0): null
Legs: BML15 (low weight, med speed, two legged, med arm, Med support)
Leg chips (1): Anti grav chip
Feet (2): BMF01 (Med arm, Low trac, Med weight, High support)
Foot chips (1): null
Extra armor:
Total stats:
HP: 245/500
Shield: 0/50
Weight: 500/2000
Energy: 200/200
Speed: 20
Parts damaged: null
Parts broken: null
Cash: $1750
Extra parts: N/A
Tourneys won: none (100%)
Partners: none
Sponsors: none
Hideouts found: none

ARs then.

(And lol at wrong sheet)

9,363 posts

Pilot's name: Sean Deane
Mech's name: The Irish Greyhound
Bio: An army man as was his father before him, Sean learned the ply of a marksman even though he has the build of a mountain in the shape of a man. Standing at 6' 5'' and weighing 235 pounds Sean is a naturally a large man with very little body fat, and his muscular physique is completely natural. His golden irises are his most defining feature aside from his size. He is an impeccable shot and fights in two forms, from afar rifle in hand or up close breaking bones. He can seem cold to those he does not know but to those he does nobody is more loyal, trustworthy or honorable. His logic comes before his emotion in most situations. He has grown tired of living as his fathers son and wants to carve out his own mark on history.
Rank: 2
Mechs in garage: Null
Parts CM (current mech):
Head: BMH23 (Low arm, med processing, med weight)
Head chips (1): Null
Generator: BMG12, (med output, low capacity, med weight)
Radar: BMR01, (low range, low cost)
Chest: BMC18, (Med arm, med wieght)
Chest chips (1): armor chip +hp
Arms: BMA06 (low arm, med stab, med wieght)
Arm chips (1): null
R weapon: AS01 (high, long, med RoF, 10 CS, extreme acc)
R weapon chips (5): 2 accuracy chips
L weapon: null
L weapon chips: null
R hanger weapon: P02 (Med weight, Low dmg, Med RoF, 8 clip size, Med acc)
R hanger weapon chips (0): null
L hanger weapon: HTS01 (Short, med, med RoF, 10 CS, Med acc)
L hanger weapon chips (0): null
Legs: BML15 (low weight, med speed, two legged, med arm, Med support)
Leg chips (1): null
Feet (2): BMF01 (Med arm, Low trac, Med weight, High support)
Foot chips (1): anti-gravitation-chip (-weight)
Extra armor:
Total stats:
HP: 500/500
Shield: 0/50 (+0)
Weight: 480/2000
Energy: 200/200 (+10)
Speed: 20
Parts damaged: null
Parts broken: null
Cash: $9700
Extra parts: P02, broken shield, shield chip (+def), HSH05 (100 shield strength, med recharge, high weight, expandable, T3 chips usable, T2 head needed), AMH27 parts (med arm, high processing, high weight, T3 AI compatible, T2 AI installed. Broken.), BB06 X8 (med cost, high thrust, med weight, Low failure rate)
Tourneys won: 1 (100%)
Partners: none
Sponsors: none
Hideouts found: none

"See you tomorrow." I say as I leave the store. Seeing that its getting dark I head to my accommodation.

5,291 posts


2,419 posts

I'm very sorry for the wait. Time hasn't been something I've had a lot of recently.

Name: Prestige
Bio: "Prestige" is a name he uses for duels, tourneys and shopping. No other thing has been known about him.
Rank: N/A
Current mech: SMN00
Mechs in garage: Null
Parts CM (current mech):
Head: BMH23 (Low arm, med processing, med weight)
Head chips (1): Null
Generator: BMG12, (med output, low capacity, med weight)
Radar: BMR01, (low range, low cost)
Chest: BMC18, (Med arm, med wieght)
Chest chips (1): Armor chip
Arms: BMA06 (low arm, med stab, med wieght)
Arm chips (1): null
R weapon: S01
R weapon chips (3): Acc chip
L weapon: ESH01
L weapon chips (1): Shield chip
R hanger weapon: P02 (Med weight, Low dmg, Med RoF, 8 clip size, Med acc)
R hanger weapon chips (0): null
L hanger weapon: P02
L hanger weapon chips (0): null
Legs: BML15 (low weight, med speed, two legged, med arm, Med support)
Leg chips (1): Anti grav chip
Feet (2): BMF01 (Med arm, Low trac, Med weight, High support)
Foot chips (1): null
Extra armor:
Total stats:
HP: 245/500
Shield: 0/50
Weight: 500/2000
Energy: 200/200
Speed: 20
Parts damaged: null
Parts broken: null
Cash: $1750
Extra parts: N/A
Tourneys won: none (100%)
Partners: none
Sponsors: none
Hideouts found: none

"Here's what we have:"

AR08 (med RoF, high dmg, 20 CS, med reload, low weight, low recoil.) 600
AR47 (High RoF, med dmg, 30 CS, slow reload, med weight, med recoil) 750
AR60 (Extreme RoF, low dmg, 50 CS, very slow reload, med weight, high recoil) 1000

AAR17 (High RoF, med dmg, 40 CS, med reload, med weight, low recoil) 2250

Pilot's name: Sean Deane
Mech's name: The Irish Greyhound
Bio: An army man as was his father before him, Sean learned the ply of a marksman even though he has the build of a mountain in the shape of a man. Standing at 6' 5'' and weighing 235 pounds Sean is a naturally a large man with very little body fat, and his muscular physique is completely natural. His golden irises are his most defining feature aside from his size. He is an impeccable shot and fights in two forms, from afar rifle in hand or up close breaking bones. He can seem cold to those he does not know but to those he does nobody is more loyal, trustworthy or honorable. His logic comes before his emotion in most situations. He has grown tired of living as his fathers son and wants to carve out his own mark on history.
Rank: 2
Mechs in garage: Null
Parts CM (current mech):
Head: BMH23 (Low arm, med processing, med weight)
Head chips (1): Null
Generator: BMG12, (med output, low capacity, med weight)
Radar: BMR01, (low range, low cost)
Chest: BMC18, (Med arm, med wieght)
Chest chips (1): armor chip +hp
Arms: BMA06 (low arm, med stab, med wieght)
Arm chips (1): null
R weapon: AS01 (high, long, med RoF, 10 CS, extreme acc)
R weapon chips (5): 2 accuracy chips
L weapon: null
L weapon chips: null
R hanger weapon: P02 (Med weight, Low dmg, Med RoF, 8 clip size, Med acc)
R hanger weapon chips (0): null
L hanger weapon: HTS01 (Short, med, med RoF, 10 CS, Med acc)
L hanger weapon chips (0): null
Legs: BML15 (low weight, med speed, two legged, med arm, Med support)
Leg chips (1): null
Feet (2): BMF01 (Med arm, Low trac, Med weight, High support)
Foot chips (1): anti-gravitation-chip (-weight)
Extra armor:
Total stats:
HP: 500/500
Shield: 0/50 (+0)
Weight: 480/2000
Energy: 200/200 (+10)
Speed: 20
Parts damaged: null
Parts broken: null
Cash: $9700
Extra parts: P02, broken shield, shield chip (+def), HSH05 (100 shield strength, med recharge, high weight, expandable, T3 chips usable, T2 head needed), AMH27 parts (med arm, high processing, high weight, T3 AI compatible, T2 AI installed. Broken.), BB06 X8 (med cost, high thrust, med weight, Low failure rate)
Tourneys won: 1 (100%)
Partners: none
Sponsors: none
Hideouts found: none

You head to your house and notice, along with a full mailbox, two packages. One of them comes up to your knees, the other is the size of your hand. Letters are attached to both of them.

9,363 posts

Pilot's name: Sean Deane
Mech's name: The Irish Greyhound
Bio: An army man as was his father before him, Sean learned the ply of a marksman even though he has the build of a mountain in the shape of a man. Standing at 6' 5'' and weighing 235 pounds Sean is a naturally a large man with very little body fat, and his muscular physique is completely natural. His golden irises are his most defining feature aside from his size. He is an impeccable shot and fights in two forms, from afar rifle in hand or up close breaking bones. He can seem cold to those he does not know but to those he does nobody is more loyal, trustworthy or honorable. His logic comes before his emotion in most situations. He has grown tired of living as his fathers son and wants to carve out his own mark on history.
Rank: 2
Mechs in garage: Null
Parts CM (current mech):
Head: BMH23 (Low arm, med processing, med weight)
Head chips (1): Null
Generator: BMG12, (med output, low capacity, med weight)
Radar: BMR01, (low range, low cost)
Chest: BMC18, (Med arm, med wieght)
Chest chips (1): armor chip +hp
Arms: BMA06 (low arm, med stab, med wieght)
Arm chips (1): null
R weapon: AS01 (high, long, med RoF, 10 CS, extreme acc)
R weapon chips (5): 2 accuracy chips
L weapon: null
L weapon chips: null
R hanger weapon: P02 (Med weight, Low dmg, Med RoF, 8 clip size, Med acc)
R hanger weapon chips (0): null
L hanger weapon: HTS01 (Short, med, med RoF, 10 CS, Med acc)
L hanger weapon chips (0): null
Legs: BML15 (low weight, med speed, two legged, med arm, Med support)
Leg chips (1): null
Feet (2): BMF01 (Med arm, Low trac, Med weight, High support)
Foot chips (1): anti-gravitation-chip (-weight)
Extra armor:
Total stats:
HP: 500/500
Shield: 0/50 (+0)
Weight: 480/2000
Energy: 200/200 (+10)
Speed: 20
Parts damaged: null
Parts broken: null
Cash: $9700
Extra parts: P02, broken shield, shield chip (+def), HSH05 (100 shield strength, med recharge, high weight, expandable, T3 chips usable, T2 head needed), AMH27 parts (med arm, high processing, high weight, T3 AI compatible, T2 AI installed. Broken.), BB06 X8 (med cost, high thrust, med weight, Low failure rate)
Tourneys won: 1 (100%)
Partners: none
Sponsors: none
Hideouts found: none

I take everything inside with me and lock the front door. I take the packages to the kitchen and start opening it methodically, the letters first.

5,291 posts

Name: Prestige
Bio: "Prestige" is a name he uses for duels, tourneys and shopping. No other thing has been known about him.
Rank: N/A
Current mech: SMN00
Mechs in garage: Null
Parts CM (current mech):
Head: BMH23 (Low arm, med processing, med weight)
Head chips (1): Null
Generator: BMG12, (med output, low capacity, med weight)
Radar: BMR01, (low range, low cost)
Chest: BMC18, (Med arm, med wieght)
Chest chips (1): Armor chip
Arms: BMA06 (low arm, med stab, med wieght)
Arm chips (1): null
R weapon: S01
R weapon chips (3): Acc chip
L weapon: ESH01
L weapon chips (1): Shield chip
R hanger weapon: P02 (Med weight, Low dmg, Med RoF, 8 clip size, Med acc)
R hanger weapon chips (0): null
L hanger weapon: P02
L hanger weapon chips (0): null
Legs: BML15 (low weight, med speed, two legged, med arm, Med support)
Leg chips (1): Anti grav chip
Feet (2): BMF01 (Med arm, Low trac, Med weight, High support)
Foot chips (1): null
Extra armor:
Total stats:
HP: 245/500
Shield: 0/50
Weight: 500/2000
Energy: 200/200
Speed: 20
Parts damaged: null
Parts broken: null
Cash: $1750
Extra parts: N/A
Tourneys won: none (100%)
Partners: none
Sponsors: none
Hideouts found: none

I feel the need of more $$$, so i entered a tourney.

2,419 posts

Pilot's name: Sean Deane
Mech's name: The Irish Greyhound
Bio: An army man as was his father before him, Sean learned the ply of a marksman even though he has the build of a mountain in the shape of a man. Standing at 6' 5'' and weighing 235 pounds Sean is a naturally a large man with very little body fat, and his muscular physique is completely natural. His golden irises are his most defining feature aside from his size. He is an impeccable shot and fights in two forms, from afar rifle in hand or up close breaking bones. He can seem cold to those he does not know but to those he does nobody is more loyal, trustworthy or honorable. His logic comes before his emotion in most situations. He has grown tired of living as his fathers son and wants to carve out his own mark on history.
Rank: 2
Mechs in garage: Null
Parts CM (current mech):
Head: BMH23 (Low arm, med processing, med weight)
Head chips (1): Null
Generator: BMG12, (med output, low capacity, med weight)
Radar: BMR01, (low range, low cost)
Chest: BMC18, (Med arm, med wieght)
Chest chips (1): armor chip +hp
Arms: BMA06 (low arm, med stab, med wieght)
Arm chips (1): null
R weapon: AS01 (high, long, med RoF, 10 CS, extreme acc)
R weapon chips (5): 2 accuracy chips
L weapon: null
L weapon chips: null
R hanger weapon: P02 (Med weight, Low dmg, Med RoF, 8 clip size, Med acc)
R hanger weapon chips (0): null
L hanger weapon: HTS01 (Short, med, med RoF, 10 CS, Med acc)
L hanger weapon chips (0): null
Legs: BML15 (low weight, med speed, two legged, med arm, Med support)
Leg chips (1): null
Feet (2): BMF01 (Med arm, Low trac, Med weight, High support)
Foot chips (1): anti-gravitation-chip (-weight)
Extra armor:
Total stats:
HP: 500/500
Shield: 0/50 (+0)
Weight: 480/2000
Energy: 200/200 (+10)
Speed: 20
Parts damaged: null
Parts broken: null
Cash: $9700
Extra parts: P02, broken shield, shield chip (+def), HSH05 (100 shield strength, med recharge, high weight, expandable, T3 chips usable, T2 head needed), AMH27 parts (med arm, high processing, high weight, T3 AI compatible, T2 AI installed. Broken.), BB06 X8 (med cost, high thrust, med weight, Low failure rate)
Tourneys won: 1 (100%)
Partners: none
Sponsors: none
Hideouts found: none

You decide to open the larger one first. The letter looks like its from a minor partsmith not too far from you. The letter briefly states that you two should work together. He'll provide parts on a regular basis and you provide 1/10 of your tourney winnings. You open the box and find what looks to be a heavily modified T3 shotgun. You'll have to examine it later to get the specs. The seconed letter, and package, contains no return address. Meet us at the garage if you want your father to live. The package contains an encoded flash drive.

Name: Prestige
Bio: "Prestige" is a name he uses for duels, tourneys and shopping. No other thing has been known about him.
Rank: N/A
Current mech: SMN00
Mechs in garage: Null
Parts CM (current mech):
Head: BMH23 (Low arm, med processing, med weight)
Head chips (1): Null
Generator: BMG12, (med output, low capacity, med weight)
Radar: BMR01, (low range, low cost)
Chest: BMC18, (Med arm, med wieght)
Chest chips (1): Armor chip
Arms: BMA06 (low arm, med stab, med wieght)
Arm chips (1): null
R weapon: S01
R weapon chips (3): Acc chip
L weapon: ESH01
L weapon chips (1): Shield chip
R hanger weapon: P02 (Med weight, Low dmg, Med RoF, 8 clip size, Med acc)
R hanger weapon chips (0): null
L hanger weapon: P02
L hanger weapon chips (0): null
Legs: BML15 (low weight, med speed, two legged, med arm, Med support)
Leg chips (1): Anti grav chip
Feet (2): BMF01 (Med arm, Low trac, Med weight, High support)
Foot chips (1): null
Extra armor:
Total stats:
HP: 245/500
Shield: 0/50
Weight: 500/2000
Energy: 200/200
Speed: 20
Parts damaged: null
Parts broken: null
Cash: $1750
Extra parts: N/A
Tourneys won: none (100%)
Partners: none
Sponsors: none
Hideouts found: none

You get outside and notice that its dark. You must've been in the gun shop longer then you thought. You know that any tourneys held will be the illegal kind, and most likely not anywhere near the city.

9,363 posts

Pilot's name: Sean Deane
Mech's name: The Irish Greyhound
Bio: An army man as was his father before him, Sean learned the ply of a marksman even though he has the build of a mountain in the shape of a man. Standing at 6' 5'' and weighing 235 pounds Sean is a naturally a large man with very little body fat, and his muscular physique is completely natural. His golden irises are his most defining feature aside from his size. He is an impeccable shot and fights in two forms, from afar rifle in hand or up close breaking bones. He can seem cold to those he does not know but to those he does nobody is more loyal, trustworthy or honorable. His logic comes before his emotion in most situations. He has grown tired of living as his fathers son and wants to carve out his own mark on history.
Rank: 2
Mechs in garage: Null
Parts CM (current mech):
Head: BMH23 (Low arm, med processing, med weight)
Head chips (1): Null
Generator: BMG12, (med output, low capacity, med weight)
Radar: BMR01, (low range, low cost)
Chest: BMC18, (Med arm, med wieght)
Chest chips (1): armor chip +hp
Arms: BMA06 (low arm, med stab, med wieght)
Arm chips (1): null
R weapon: AS01 (high, long, med RoF, 10 CS, extreme acc)
R weapon chips (5): 2 accuracy chips
L weapon: null
L weapon chips: null
R hanger weapon: P02 (Med weight, Low dmg, Med RoF, 8 clip size, Med acc)
R hanger weapon chips (0): null
L hanger weapon: HTS01 (Short, med, med RoF, 10 CS, Med acc)
L hanger weapon chips (0): null
Legs: BML15 (low weight, med speed, two legged, med arm, Med support)
Leg chips (1): null
Feet (2): BMF01 (Med arm, Low trac, Med weight, High support)
Foot chips (1): anti-gravitation-chip (-weight)
Extra armor:
Total stats:
HP: 500/500
Shield: 0/50 (+0)
Weight: 480/2000
Energy: 200/200 (+10)
Speed: 20
Parts damaged: null
Parts broken: null
Cash: $9700
Extra parts: P02, broken shield, shield chip (+def), HSH05 (100 shield strength, med recharge, high weight, expandable, T3 chips usable, T2 head needed), AMH27 parts (med arm, high processing, high weight, T3 AI compatible, T2 AI installed. Broken.), BB06 X8 (med cost, high thrust, med weight, Low failure rate)
Tourneys won: 1 (100%)
Partners: none
Sponsors: none
Hideouts found: none

I put the shotgun to one-side when I see the letter about my father. Reading it through twice to ensure that I read it correctly I grab the flash drive and jam it into my older laptop, booting it up quickly. As I wait for it to turn on I re-read the letter again. I then give the shotgun a look over. Noticing the screen flare into existence. I quickly open the file to see what it contains.

2,419 posts

Pilot's name: Sean Deane
Mech's name: The Irish Greyhound
Bio: An army man as was his father before him, Sean learned the ply of a marksman even though he has the build of a mountain in the shape of a man. Standing at 6' 5'' and weighing 235 pounds Sean is a naturally a large man with very little body fat, and his muscular physique is completely natural. His golden irises are his most defining feature aside from his size. He is an impeccable shot and fights in two forms, from afar rifle in hand or up close breaking bones. He can seem cold to those he does not know but to those he does nobody is more loyal, trustworthy or honorable. His logic comes before his emotion in most situations. He has grown tired of living as his fathers son and wants to carve out his own mark on history.
Rank: 2
Mechs in garage: Null
Parts CM (current mech):
Head: BMH23 (Low arm, med processing, med weight)
Head chips (1): Null
Generator: BMG12, (med output, low capacity, med weight)
Radar: BMR01, (low range, low cost)
Chest: BMC18, (Med arm, med wieght)
Chest chips (1): armor chip +hp
Arms: BMA06 (low arm, med stab, med wieght)
Arm chips (1): null
R weapon: AS01 (high, long, med RoF, 10 CS, extreme acc)
R weapon chips (5): 2 accuracy chips
L weapon: null
L weapon chips: null
R hanger weapon: P02 (Med weight, Low dmg, Med RoF, 8 clip size, Med acc)
R hanger weapon chips (0): null
L hanger weapon: HTS01 (Short, med, med RoF, 10 CS, Med acc)
L hanger weapon chips (0): null
Legs: BML15 (low weight, med speed, two legged, med arm, Med support)
Leg chips (1): null
Feet (2): BMF01 (Med arm, Low trac, Med weight, High support)
Foot chips (1): anti-gravitation-chip (-weight)
Extra armor:
Total stats:
HP: 500/500
Shield: 0/50 (+0)
Weight: 480/2000
Energy: 200/200 (+10)
Speed: 20
Parts damaged: null
Parts broken: null
Cash: $9700
Extra parts: P02, broken shield, shield chip (+def), HSH05 (100 shield strength, med recharge, high weight, expandable, T3 chips usable, T2 head needed), AMH27 parts (med arm, high processing, high weight, T3 AI compatible, T2 AI installed. Broken.), BB06 X8 (med cost, high thrust, med weight, Low failure rate)
Tourneys won: 1 (100%)
Partners: none
Sponsors: none
Hideouts found: none

You notice the shotgun is modified to be able to take explosive rounds, to be able to hold 12 bullets, and to fire fairly quickly for a shotgun. You open the file and decode it using a very basic, no download program. Midnight. Bring no one else or he dies. Call the cops and you will die as well as your father. We wish only business. You look at the clock. Its 10:30.

9,363 posts

Pilot's name: Sean Deane
Mech's name: The Irish Greyhound
Bio: An army man as was his father before him, Sean learned the ply of a marksman even though he has the build of a mountain in the shape of a man. Standing at 6' 5'' and weighing 235 pounds Sean is a naturally a large man with very little body fat, and his muscular physique is completely natural. His golden irises are his most defining feature aside from his size. He is an impeccable shot and fights in two forms, from afar rifle in hand or up close breaking bones. He can seem cold to those he does not know but to those he does nobody is more loyal, trustworthy or honorable. His logic comes before his emotion in most situations. He has grown tired of living as his fathers son and wants to carve out his own mark on history.
Rank: 2
Mechs in garage: Null
Parts CM (current mech):
Head: BMH23 (Low arm, med processing, med weight)
Head chips (1): Null
Generator: BMG12, (med output, low capacity, med weight)
Radar: BMR01, (low range, low cost)
Chest: BMC18, (Med arm, med wieght)
Chest chips (1): armor chip +hp
Arms: BMA06 (low arm, med stab, med wieght)
Arm chips (1): null
R weapon: AS01 (high, long, med RoF, 10 CS, extreme acc)
R weapon chips (5): 2 accuracy chips
L weapon: null
L weapon chips: null
R hanger weapon: P02 (Med weight, Low dmg, Med RoF, 8 clip size, Med acc)
R hanger weapon chips (0): null
L hanger weapon: HTS01 (Short, med, med RoF, 10 CS, Med acc)
L hanger weapon chips (0): null
Legs: BML15 (low weight, med speed, two legged, med arm, Med support)
Leg chips (1): null
Feet (2): BMF01 (Med arm, Low trac, Med weight, High support)
Foot chips (1): anti-gravitation-chip (-weight)
Extra armor:
Total stats:
HP: 500/500
Shield: 0/50 (+0)
Weight: 480/2000
Energy: 200/200 (+10)
Speed: 20
Parts damaged: null
Parts broken: null
Cash: $9700
Extra parts: P02, broken shield, shield chip (+def), HSH05 (100 shield strength, med recharge, high weight, expandable, T3 chips usable, T2 head needed), AMH27 parts (med arm, high processing, high weight, T3 AI compatible, T2 AI installed. Broken.), BB06 X8 (med cost, high thrust, med weight, Low failure rate)
Tourneys won: 1 (100%)
Partners: none
Sponsors: none
Hideouts found: none

I shut down the computer and grab the shotgun, slinging it over my shoulder I sprint to the mech workshop. Attaching the shotgun as soon as possible I ride it to the location mentioned.

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