Pilot's name: Sean Deane
Mech's name: The Irish Greyhound
Bio: An army man as was his father before him, Sean learned the ply of a marksman even though he has the build of a mountain in the shape of a man. Standing at 6' 5'' and weighing 235 pounds Sean is a naturally a large man with very little body fat, and his muscular physique is completely natural. His golden irises are his most defining feature aside from his size. He is an impeccable shot and fights in two forms, from afar rifle in hand or up close breaking bones. He can seem cold to those he does not know but to those he does nobody is more loyal, trustworthy or honorable. His logic comes before his emotion in most situations. He has grown tired of living as his fathers son and wants to carve out his own mark on history.
Rank: 2
Mechs in garage: Null
Parts CM (current mech):
Head: BMH23 (Low arm, med processing, med weight)
Head chips (1): Null
Generator: BMG12, (med output, low capacity, med weight)
Radar: BMR01, (low range, low cost)
Chest: BMC18, (Med arm, med wieght)
Chest chips (1): armor chip +hp
Arms: BMA06 (low arm, med stab, med wieght)
Arm chips (1): null
R weapon: AS01 (high, long, med RoF, 10 CS, extreme acc)
R weapon chips (5): 2 accuracy chips
L weapon: null
L weapon chips: null
R hanger weapon: P02 (Med weight, Low dmg, Med RoF, 8 clip size, Med acc)
R hanger weapon chips (0): null
L hanger weapon: HTS01 (Short, med, med RoF, 10 CS, Med acc)
L hanger weapon chips (0): null
Legs: BML15 (low weight, med speed, two legged, med arm, Med support)
Leg chips (1): null
Feet (2): BMF01 (Med arm, Low trac, Med weight, High support)
Foot chips (1): anti-gravitation-chip (-weight)
Extra armor:
Total stats:
HP: 500/500
Shield: 0/50 (+0)
Weight: 480/2000
Energy: 200/200 (+10)
Speed: 20
Parts damaged: null
Parts broken: null
Cash: $9700
Extra parts: P02, broken shield, shield chip (+def), HSH05 (100 shield strength, med recharge, high weight, expandable, T3 chips usable, T2 head needed), AMH27 parts (med arm, high processing, high weight, T3 AI compatible, T2 AI installed. Broken.), BB06 X8 (med cost, high thrust, med weight, Low failure rate)
Tourneys won: 1 (100%)
Partners: none
Sponsors: none
Hideouts found: none
"I'm perfectly fine son. They haven't hurt me." He winks to get your attention, then blinks in morse code:I have a concealed pistol. I need you to stall while I fish it, and my knife, out. "I'm sorry, but that's why we're here. We want your service or your mech, either one will do, but you have to choose one. You've already gotten on my nerves, the way you tried to shoot out the lights and use your practically photographic memory and hearing to stealthily kill us. We've studied you. Don't think you can outsmart us."
Name: Prestige
Bio: "Prestige" is a nickname he uses for duels, tourneys and shopping.
Rank: N/A
Current mech: SMN00
Mechs in garage: Null
Parts CM (current mech):
Head: BMH23 (Low arm, med processing, med weight)
Head chips (1): Null
Generator: BMG12, (med output, low capacity, med weight)
Radar: BMR01, (low range, low cost)
Chest: BMC18, (Med arm, med wieght)
Chest chips (1): Armor chip
Arms: BMA06 (low arm, med stab, med wieght)
Arm chips (1): null
R weapon: S01
R weapon chips (3): Acc chip
L weapon: ESH01
L weapon chips (1): Shield chip
R hanger weapon: P02 (Med weight, Low dmg, Med RoF, 8 clip size, Med acc)
R hanger weapon chips (0): null
L hanger weapon: P02
L hanger weapon chips (0): null
Legs: BML15 (low weight, med speed, two legged, med arm, Med support)
Leg chips (1): Anti grav chip
Feet (2): BMF01 (Med arm, Low trac, Med weight, High support)
Foot chips (1): null
Extra armor:
Total stats:
HP: 245/500
Shield: 0/50
Weight: 500/2000
Energy: 200/200
Speed: 20
Parts damaged: null
Parts broken: null
Cash: $1750
Extra parts: N/A
Tourneys won: none (100%)
Partners: none
Sponsors: none
Hideouts found: none
"You can, but we take priority. For the info, we need your date of birth, your records, and real name. Your mech will be examined over the night. Do you want to bring it here or us to examine it at the garage?"