Alright finally, here is the game thread, The dice roller we will use is Rolz, For nickname either put your character name or your AG name, the room name is "GURPSAG" no quotes, all caps. The game uses 3d6 for most rolls, with your skills showing the number you have to get UNDER to succeed.
If you don't have a character GO TO CHARACTER CREATION THREAD! Otherwise post your sheet here to start.
Plus only five people could shoot at us, and when we got to them the rest of the archers couldn't attack, unless they were to fire through their allies.
... Hmmm I have an idea... What is the stairway laid out like? Is it enclosed?
it spirals from the inside of the walls, it's also connected to the top of the gate and the mechanism that releases it, though that's pretty useless now
Nivlac: The way battles worked was you'd have masses of troops duking it and if you were lucky to not get killed and just wounded, you'd limp your *** away and behind lines. Though you'd also have people pretending to be wounded so they didn't have to fight, and people escorting other wounded. Also you're not an officer so no one was following you. So you're behind the fighting just sorta standing there as wounded trickle away from the battle.