Alright finally, here is the game thread, The dice roller we will use is Rolz, For nickname either put your character name or your AG name, the room name is "GURPSAG" no quotes, all caps. The game uses 3d6 for most rolls, with your skills showing the number you have to get UNDER to succeed.
If you don't have a character GO TO CHARACTER CREATION THREAD! Otherwise post your sheet here to start.
â¢Determined: Make a single attack
at +4 to hit!
â¢Double: Make two attacks against
the same foe, if you have two ready
weapons or one weapon that does not
have to be readied after use. Attacks
with a second weapon held in the off
hand are at the usual -4 (see
Handedness, p. 14) unless you have
Ambidexterity (p. 39).
â¢Feint: Make one Feint (see above)
and then one attack against the same
foe. The Feint applies to this attack
instead of one you make on your next
⢠Strong: Make a single attack, at
normal skill. If you hit, you get +2 to
damage â" or +1 damage per die, if that
would be better. This only applies to
melee attacks doing ST-based thrust
or swing damage, not to weapons
such as force swords.