After F1 and J1 I finished endurance at y1, too
Again haunting, all traits maxed.
In the beginning, during manafarming, I had 7992 monsters permafrozen on my manafarm. This lagged a bit too much for me so I decided, after reaching g75 (32s64c) for mana- and killgem plus g76 amps (64c) for both to go in endurance. After that I threw all amps but one to the manashards and rose my mana by shard-harvesting... It's faster than manafarming but much less reliable - waiting for the next shard is much less meditative than permafreezing on a manafarm.
Due to this "underpowered" start in endurance I didn't reach as much xp as @J1 and I had to struggle with the last 1-2000 monsters for several hours.
This is the outcome:
On above post: 8 combine is ((g+g)+g+g+g+g+(g+g)) where g is your gem. For killgems, Ieee says "a very good kg combine for its size is 11c (((((2k+k)+k)+k)+2k)+3k). If you want a smaller one 6c is your best bet: (((2k+k)+k)+2k)." (k is your gem, 2k is that u-button, 3k is u-button twice and also use for your yellow amps.)
On the game page thread flier hp were brought up. I started playing with 1.0.19, don't think anyone's ever looked at too much (other than perma-freezing and WoE-ing for days to finish endurance). All I can say in 1.1+, with fullish (say 60x and higher) settings, creeps are the much bigger problem.
It's probably better to just catalog the well-behaved fields anyway. With hatred in the mix, there's piles of maps that even this gem from the most exploitable patch ever (1.1.0) won't even get close to the end:
I'll leave it as an exercise to the reader how many billion waves of farming it will take to get that much mana.
This is the table I made by going through every field on haunting and checking the difference between 1st and 2nd wave. As you can see, B4 and I5 have the lowest and they have the best potential for endurance (I did an I5 run to check and last giant wave had e62 hp). I know that endurance has difference hp progression but so far it has been correct for me.
You also need to take into account that endurance adds an extra HP multiplier on top of all the others: +4.2%/wave.
So a field that has more non-endurance waves will have an advantage all other things being equal.
This effect is not very big, though, because even 200 waves of difference will give you:
1.042^200=3750 times more HP
that is not much compared to the numbers we are talking about.
Great work I must say, I wanted to do something like this, but is is a fast way I did not think of.
I'd be interested in your table, there is any chance you could share the document?
Based on the above table, F3 has the absolute worst HP progression out of all available fields. With maximum hatred, these monsters end up with HP well in excess of a googol. Observe:
Starting HP 3,330,333
85 waves at 1.192192 + 0.07 (hatred) = 1.262192 progression
monster HP at wave 86: 3330333 * (1.262192)^85 = 907,370,788
913 waves at 1.192192 + 0.07 (hatred) + 0.042 (endurance) = 1.304192 progression
monster HP at wave 999: 907,370,788 * (1.304192)^913 = 1.839e114
Also, if you wanted to get max XP off of the map you would have to anger that wave up another few e's, so the absolute highest damage you would need to consider the game complete forever would be something like e120...
Now, what grade gem would be able to kill monsters with that much HP? Freeze and WoE only get you so far...
You don't need a couple more factors of 10 to anger to 1000, i.e. 5 x g86 gets 1000 monsters at about 800x hp. As far as killing that, even an optimized e50 mana cost gem will be hard pressed to get to e90 damage (about g160)...and I'm sure I've posted on how laughable it is to farm e50 mana in 9000 waves let alone 900
Many thanks, no problem about the delay.
It would have been better to compare against the 3rd wave (that is still guaranteed to be reavers), to be less affected from HP rounding to integers, but this is still an awesome work.
Just a quick thank you @SugarBaby756 for your effort and publishing the table. Since I follow it, playing on the best scaling fields first, I could improve my xp outcome to almost double the amount!