After F1 and J1 I finished endurance at y1, too
Again haunting, all traits maxed.
In the beginning, during manafarming, I had 7992 monsters permafrozen on my manafarm. This lagged a bit too much for me so I decided, after reaching g75 (32s64c) for mana- and killgem plus g76 amps (64c) for both to go in endurance. After that I threw all amps but one to the manashards and rose my mana by shard-harvesting... It's faster than manafarming but much less reliable - waiting for the next shard is much less meditative than permafreezing on a manafarm.
Due to this "underpowered" start in endurance I didn't reach as much xp as @J1 and I had to struggle with the last 1-2000 monsters for several hours.
This is the outcome:
Man, that's crazy. Being such a high level now, are you starting to think about trying some hatred stacks, or is that still pretty far out of the question?
my final killgem dealt xe65 damage so i think xe72 monsters should be killable with woe'ing but i like it the easy way and failing an endurance run due to hatred ... i dont take the risk (for now) on the other hand this run gave me only 700 WL and i dont think ill ever see me having a xe67 killgem.
Unfortunately the "skill distribution optimizer" ( [url=] ) stops working for me at around 181k SP and although i understand the sort of math behind this im unable to solve it for my needs.
My original program (a Mathematica notebook) has no problem computing skill distributions up to arbitrary numbers, so, some distributions for you and everyone else (round them to the integer/multiple of 3 as you see fit):
200k SP: tc -> 378.077, b -> 372.796, l -> 296.192, c -> 140.915, r -> 95.9674
250k SP: tc -> 421.939, b -> 416.592, l -> 331.525, c -> 158.939, r -> 108.676
300k SP: tc -> 461.575, b -> 456.179, l -> 363.469, c -> 175.262, r -> 120.192
Also note that skills help a ton getting more powerful gems, this jump alone between 200k and 250k (around WL 30k to around 36k) nets you a x25 in final killgem power (at the same farming time).
An additional x15 is granted by the jump to 300k SP (WL around 43k).
If you need another distribution for a different SP number just ask.
You are computing the managem specces up to 2048s.
I have no idea how you got this high, I left a server running the code for half of the Christmas holiday to get to 1024, you must have a very good machine (or a lot of time).
It will also take around 2 times the time you needed till now to get to 2048.
I have no idea if anyone will find it useful, but I like more data.
When it's done be sure to let me know, I'll replace the 'table_mgspec' I currently use (it goes up to 1042) that I suppose is the one you started with.
I'm also impressed you managed to make the builder programs work, the documentation on that part is nearly absent, good job!
If you have some comments on how much easy it was to set up and what could be added to the documentation please tell me.
One extra note, every iteration is saved on the table after being computed, so don't be afraid to close and reopen the program, as you'd just lose the current gem that's computing.
This also means that you have on your computer a valid table long 1586, you could start sharing that, so I can check everything went well (it's the 1st time someone manages to improve the tables).
Finally, thanks to a clever trick I can extract approximate killgem recipes from managem tables, meaning that you are also contributing to create the 2048s approx killgem.
Reading recent posts makes me feel so old and out of touch lol. I dont have the skill / knowledge to get into the depths of the games mechanics and write new code to explore it even further and push the boundaries. I just play gemcraft in all its great versions lol.
dont get me wrong......i am incredibly impressed and wish i could put everything you generate to better use for myself.........just dont see that happening lol.
@tom0815 : LFS, Gentoo, no wonder compiling gemforce was a piece of cake.
Yes, there are no problems accessing the table while it's computing, worst case an iteration will complete while you are accessing and the read/write operations will get queued somehow, nothing to be scared of.
If you want to keep using the builders I'd recommend compiling with -O3, I use it and works great, the auto setup has -O2 because I don't want to risk some strange optimization on the user's machine breaks the program.
The documentation about builders is nearly absent because nobody was supposed to use them, I revamped the README yesterday, look if you see something still missing.
i.e at the moment i have no clue where the "organge combine" -> "719405" comes from
no idea what you are talking about here, can you explain better?
Just tested the table, it seems perfectly working (thank you for using Linux and avoiding me the conversion from CRLF to LF).
If you wish to know more or discuss with me you may find me for a couple of hours on the IRC channel #gemcraft.
@tom0815 great, never thought it could be completed in a reasonable time.
I don't know why your previous post was removed, if AG does not want you to pass me the table here we may arrange another communication channel, e.g. using Github Issues.
You also had a question I didn't understand regarding an orange combine in your previous post.
So, this is nothing compared to all the other accomplishments in this thread, but I finally broke WL 10k (and then 11.5k), and beat my first endurance. The easiest possible, B4 - Looming, no Hatred. But I finally have a lavender dot on my map, so I'm happy. I'm no longer a Gemcraft n00b!
Have a looming endurance beaten. was doing a glaring run...and my system froze......with 1...........thats right one monster left..........and i was done. soooooo frustrating. Had to do a haunting run just so it was different, and only made it to about wave 850. Has me up to wl 11.5 k though.