at january the 1st of 2004 in the midnight, the fireworks show just began. but you turned around and saw something green. you went over to see what it was. it was a zombie! hoards of them!
you go to the flower shop again and grab another pot. you throw it at the zombie. zombies left: 1.6/10. you find 1 broken pot shards. the flower shop owner takes all pots inside, locks the door, and calls 911. 911 will arrive in 3 more turns. zombie will attack in 2 more turns.
i'll make 10 years ago REMASTERD after you beat the RP, and there will be some extra content over here (and an easter egg?) well, you'll have to sit and see.
before i get up there, a zombie kills me. (the reason for that is that i cannot keep track of the four different things i have going on(including this) so i have to quit one of them. sorry!)
What below?
Anyway,I decide to grab a diffrently-shaped pot,hold it above my head,and toss it at a zombie.I then use a English shortsword to slice n' dice zombies.