Hello this is my first post in the video game thread and I thought might start t out with my favorite game, Pokemon! So this is pretty much any pokemon talk about the games! (I don't think theres a thread about this buts correct me if I'm wrong.) Il start it off with roaming legendaries! Do you like them? Why or why not? I personally hate the Idea of roaming legendaries, I mean running from route to route until there there. And than you have to specially train a pokemon with mean look so they don't instantly flee! I mean how is that fun?
I have Omega Ruby, however I still haven't opened it since I got it for Christmas. Shame me all you want.
I'd say the worst kind of roaming legendaries was the Kami trio from Gen 5. They only appear when its raining and you can't use sweet scent to lure em lol.
Really? Gen 5 had the easiest roaming legendary to catch in my opinion. All you had to do was go into one of those rest areas at the end of a route, look at the electronic board and it told you about severe thunderstorms in a certain route.
Y`all ready cause youngster joey`s bringing the heat.
I recently saw the old indigo league pokemon shows on Netflix and decided to watch a few. I then realized I had already seen them all as a kid. Anyway, I've played the recent pokemon games and am kind of surprised at how deep the story is getting. Just recently in X/Y, they dealt with a guy killing a ton of Pokemon and made the bad guys quest to kill most of the world so that only the strongest will survive. Way different then the lighthearted gotta catch 'em all games I remember playing as a child. Also, according to Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, apparently all the pokemon games take place in a different universe. Pokemon just got a lot more complicated.
I personally hated the water one of the elite four in X/Y (forgot his name).He kept using dragon dance then literally demolishedmy team.
Pokemon just got a lot more complicated.
It was already REALLY complicated.the first generation had 150 pokemon,wich is ALOT for a newbie to pokemon.It's also been harder and harder to fill up the 'dex with all the new pokemon.There will be pokemon in the THOUSANDS soon.
I don't like any single new pokemon (X/Y). Mega Evolution is NOT so cool in my opinion. Not even aesthetically. No Mega is better in design than its regular counterpart.
Design is a major thing to consider in Pokemon. So in my humble opinion, in terms of good and bad pokemon, the list of generations goes like this (top: best, bottom: worst)
1. Gen 1 (Absolutely the best, I believe there is no doubt here)
2. Gens 3 & 4 (3 has many good pokemon, 4 has the 2 best: Garchomp and Lucario)
3. Gen 2 (Things are beginning to look bad. Aside from a couple of legendaries, scizor and heracross, this generation really has nothing to offer in terms of well drawn pokemon)
4. Gen 5 (Going from bad to worse. I admit Haxorus, Zekrom, the kyurems and a some more were pretty good, but, given the sheer number of new pokemon here, the result is disappointing)
6. Gen 6 (The absolute worst!. Not even 1 well drawn pokemon! Just 1!)
It isn't,really.In reality,youv'e got the design thing BACKWARDS.I mean,just LOOK at the gen 1 mew.
@danwar123 you got me wrong. I didn't mean the way they were in the games, I meant how they really were. The only reason I used the generations was as a reference about every group of pokemon as a whole. Gen 1 is the first 151 pokemon. Gen 2 is the next 100. Gen 3 is Hoenn (despite gen 3 including FR/LG) and so on...
So gen 1 mew is just mew (just like any other pokemon). And Mewtwo is just amazing...
They all have well designed and not well designed pokemon. Sure, maybe making a garbage wasn't their best move, but friendly reminder that geodude was just a rock with a face and arms. They all have goods and bads. If you were to base them all purely on design and take away the nostalgia, gen 1 has some weaker designed mons than other gens. Fire horse, pile of slime, purple snake, purple rat, ex. It's understandable why they have weak designs though given how they came out years ago far before graphics became what they were, and I'm not bashing gen 1 for it. Just saying that design wise, it is as flawed as other gens, if not a bit more.
I still love gen 1 tho.
@pickpocket I don't think it is the nostalgia. It just has the biggest amount of well drawn pokemon: Charizard, Blastoise, Mewtwo, Ninetails, Vulpix, Abra, Alakazam and Scyther are some of the best!
Other well drawn pokemon are Kadabra, Mew, Dragonair, Cloyster, Ghost types, Beedrill, Arbok (amazing belly pattern!) and almost every other.
Though it does have its flaws like Weepinbell, Slowpoke and Slowbro, geodude and graveller and most importantly, Muk!
Compare this with gen 5: Haxorus, Kyurems, Zekrom, uuhhh...oh chandelure maybe?
Given that gen 5 are about, what, 190 pokemon the results are disappointing.
However, it may be the nostalgia (I am not ruling that out just yet)