You roll a 20-sided dice. If you get a 20, the poster above you must change their Armatar!
SeeTextForTheAnswer = 14You're supposed to change the die type to "20 Sides". The default is d6.
Blah = 11I see fire. I see thunder. I see you potentially losing that armatar.
Iknowmaniforgot = 7
HiGuy5768909876 = 3
So many armatars... lost.... Im gonna cry.(Totally not playing, go ahead and skip me xD)
Asplode = 20Since evil didn't roll, this is for nivlac.
Roll = 2
UnluckyVictim = 15Will you become one of them?
HopingToBe = 8
ImGettingMyBodyBack = 3no matter what it takes.
ThisIsYourChance = 10
ToBeFairImGoingThrough = 8all of the armatars before I get back to mine.
HeresHoping = 18
Someone20MeAlready = 11
Getwrecked = 10
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