You roll a 20-sided dice. If you get a 20, the poster above you must change their Armatar!
NO = 18
POW = 5I hit you with the armatar-changing club.
ThisIsGettingMeNowhere = 7
Nowhere = 12You have reached your destination.
DestinationIsOldArmatar = 17
TerribleGPS = 1Setting destination to new armatar...
Chicago = 15Guessing that's because you live in Chicago right?
WellYeah = 6Doesn't everyone agree that everywhere is better than Los Angelas?
AndParis = 8
YouKeepChangingDespite = 15
not playing this game until now [continuation from the die label].
WhoIsThisNewOldGuy = 2
[roll 1d20 AVADAKADAVRA!]@Patrick2011 I'm sorry?
Letmedothisagain = 4
NoSymbolsInDiceLabels = 3I saw you with 3 different armatars today, including the one you have now.
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