As I do not want to spend some weeks on endurance runs till 1.1 anymore, I've revisited the old F-hextile only slot...
Amazing, how far I can get... At the moment, I have reached WL 107, and I am pretty sure, I will add some more WL...
Greetings from the shire
Sorry for new post - I did not find the old thread...
Thanks . Right now, I miss 5.800 xp till WL 118 But I see the end is coming...
Back when we did the "competition " on this i think we were high 60s low 70s at best
Yepp - My slot slept at WL 71 and it was a little bit tricky to get the train running again.
Might have to try this again. Been avoiding the game waiting for 1.1 to come out.
The announcement of 1.1 indeed was a real showstopper... That's why I've lost interest in long endurance runs and I have tried to do the opposite, like low-level-no-mp-run and this F-hextile-thing
Next run: F3
Well here's the shortcut to getting somewhere on F quickly:
- Open everything up, get the hardeners and traps.
- F4, last as long as you can, should be able to get to 30k xp (amps and slow traps plus wall up a long path).
- Double that up on F1 by smashing the lower starting hp.
That should be close to level 40. Doing better gets tricky, and I feel it's too luck/grind for core and talisman after that to find it fun.
Have you considered shorter endurance victories (although xp sucks)? You can finish maps near the starting hex in 3 hours provided mana shards are spread out enough to capitalize on, can probably do it without perma-freeze if the game lags a lot less for you than it does for me
Well at least I find that fun because the luck element is smaller.
I have considered - but I do not have any free mp save slot and the saved games in these are of a certain value to me...
...close to level 40. Doing better gets tricky, and I feel it's too luck/grind for core and talisman after that to find it fun
Sure - but getting some cores is real fast. As you just have to start f1 for 6 cores, 56 cores are collected in almost no time. The talisman is another thing, I can still improve a little. The most valuable thing IMHO is +x% xp gained - my f-hextile talisman gives me +60% :O
And: I like the repetetive character... Gemcraft meditation, you know
F4 is IMHO indeed the key, but due to the manatraps and the amount of traps before endurance starts... the map you thought of is F5, I guess.
Some more stats:
My XP per map:
1. F4 - 2.309.854
2. F5 - 1.622.878
3. F6 - 1.219.943
4. F2 - 1.158.508
5. F1 - 1.123.967 (will get better)
6. F3 - 759.687 (has! to be improved)
Achievements: 130, some still reachable, I guess.
Highest Gem Grade: 15
Most waves beaten: 114 (I really can't believe and did not pay attention, but the journey notes say so)
Ithurts.....part of this is not having access to things like amps. Its how far you can get just on the F hextile. so i believe the only additional skill to get is traps, the rest is what you start with.
The biggest "hardship" to me is the lack of cores. A little brain numbing to just keep doing F1 over and over to grind cores ( that one seems the best as its quick and doing endurance doesnt seem to add more). I get 4 or 5 plus a talisman about every 3 times through.
Yah, I prefer the I want to win right meow methods
Whichever map has the amps, do that for xp first because that's much less grindy than milking poison for all it's worth. Then hit F1 and hope a shrine drops in some friendly place, then you're good for 40-50.
I've always had trouble mana farming on the wiz castle map. Didn't have enough mana to invest in mana traps and still be able to anger AND kill things, it's a tricky balancing act.
Outside some extremely lucky random draw, I don't see getting that much more out of those maps. There's just too few waves to work with before the endurance creep hp/armor growth gets ridiculous for what you can do. At level 100 on my non-MP game, 1 million is about what you can ask for on a non-hideously laid out map without white, and that's with 70-90 waves to work with and spells and skills.
Maybe I can look at my level 50odd F-only game and see what there is to do with it
Waves beaten: 140, Highest Gem: G18
When someone had told me a month ago, that is possible @F only, I would not have believed...
WL: 129
Achievements: 138
think I'm done for - at least - a while...
The 'final' stats:
F1: 2.223.314
F2: 1.666.912
F3: 1.217.801
F4: 4.328.408
F5: 1.622.878
F6: 1.219.943
total 12.279.256 XP - WL 136
Still 138 Achievements and highest gem grade: G18
Remarkably, on red-blue maps (F2, F5) I gained more XP than on red-yellow/green. The 2e6 on F1 are due to manatraps and on F4, I got a proper killgem with 50 crit, also due to 'manafarming'
Count me as very impressed. Any suggestions on how you got that high? i started the day i first posted on this thread and am currently at 65, which is better than i did in the original competition. I am struggling with figuring out my optimum enraging process.
Sure, no secrets!
- Get as many achievements as possible - every skillpoint counts! Look at the list and look what might be in range, some are pretty easy but no one thinks on throwing 48 bombs on beacons...
- Chain should be the base gem - I almost always used 3red:1other (mana, slow, crit)
- Use trap skill only if you need it - F4 and F1
- Enrage to the max:
-- Switch early to higher grade enraging, around wave 5 or 6 g2 gems, wave 12 g3... don't bother using a calculator if a higher grade is worth it
-- Look for armor not higher than min. damage
-- Don't have too many monsters, even now I can not handle more than 150-180 monsters per wave, guess you should be happy with 100 atm.
- Talisman: I collected all taliman-frags with +x% xp gain, I have no frag for reaver/giants/swarmlings
- Spawning beacons give xp, keep your path clear but let some spawn and destroy them.
- Keymap is F4, you should use a dozen manatraps at the start of the path. At your WL, you should aim for 400k-500k@F4.
- Redo, redo, redo and redo - deep gemcraft meditation...
I think this "New GC2 Age" needs a different strategy -> For one, you get xp enraging only via extra monsters. That changes things.
Now, Most XP per Mana = G1 gems.
G1 gems = most beacons(most xp) and most armor(killgems are not viable).
Therefore, back to the old Poison Trails...I had a string of 4/5 the path on F1 of Grade 9 255:1 Green:Red gems. 1,738 poison! >
75% xp from beacons...I like this. F1 is probably best for xp now simply because Wave 17 still has only 11 base hp, meaning more bombing capabilities and more beacons as a result. Also, more monsters.
Even F3 reaches mid-50 hp I think by wave 25, its final non-endurance wave.
I'll join you somewhere in future - I'm pretty curious, how far I can get it by now, after getting 94 WL for free! I guess, I will not start the whole thing all over, those 136 old levels were a lot of work!