As I do not want to spend some weeks on endurance runs till 1.1 anymore, I've revisited the old F-hextile only slot...
Amazing, how far I can get... At the moment, I have reached WL 107, and I am pretty sure, I will add some more WL...
Greetings from the shire
Sorry for new post - I did not find the old thread...
I didn't mean myself. I just started 3 days ago. I meant you with the one having started before 1.1, and 719 as the one with too much time xD
btt: Since I see it right now, I'm only at wl 153, but already have 104 achievements
If not difficult, tell us what are your achievements in the fields F2,3,5,6? I'm not doing them, so I do not see a way of getting out a lot of experience, not more than 5-10 million (
I don't really play them seriously. But out of curiosity I played F6 right after I got wl 202. Result was 1.4m, and I really pushed. So, if at all, F6 would be the only of the non-mana fields, where you can make some good xp (because it has poison and suppression). The other ones don't give valuable results.
suppression? Why do you need it? poison and critical hit are needed)
F1 - 259 200 386. More than 300 million with this field does not collect, I'm sure 99%)
I was talking about field f6. It has poison and suppression, but no mana, which is much better than, for example, field f3, with poison and crit, but no mana.
The reason is simple, you need to upgrade crit to level 16-17, before you can rely on it (16 -> 72%, 17 -> 80%), while supression scales very good. Even with a G5 you are already far ahead, and can easily cope with even 10m healing (that happens around w100). Since you don't need to invest so much mana, you can longer enrage, and therefore make more xp on f6 than on f3.
So again, the best fields are f1 and f4, but that was not your question, and I repeat, from f2,3,5,6 f6 is the only field that is worth to give it a try, if at all!
I somehow hit a wall at WL 594 - I played f4 twice, both times I got around 15x000000 xp... Are you able to enrage with more than 40-60 gems during killing in endurance? I get about 100millon xp until the monsters start to get through and another 50 millions from beacons after that point (target structure, 100g1 per wave, send all)... Skills (Mana, Fusion and Trap) are maxed, chain about 20-30
Next run I try to slow the monsters on manatrap by gembombing,,,
"Next run I try to slow the monsters on manatrap by gembombing,,,"
Awesome Idea! A slowing gem replacement that is cheap enough to be tried at such a high mana level. I'll try that, too.
I communicate through a translator, so poorly understood what it was about, but I think I know how to help you)
I collect mana before endurance mode, without orblets, do monsters 2000 with a minimum speed (0.87), and then they run around in a circle of manafarm gems) I begin with endurance manafarm gems for 45 billion mana) And then the fact that as I understand you have described)
I thought about slowing down monsters with bombs, but it is so slows the game and gives a weak result, so was not engaged.